Carl Webb news

| February 18, 2010

He probably enjoys this kind of publicity, but I’m going to do my best to continue to remind IVAW why they booted Carl Webb last year. Their membership punishments tend to be brief. So here’s some screen shots of a conversation Webb had with some veterans somewhere that someone sent to me just to hold IVAW’s collective feet to the fire;



And for comic relief, Carl Webb, the chicken-chested coward of Central Texas declares that he stands for everything that doesn’t require effort, commitment or personal sacrifice.

I love how he says his country was going to make kill people in another country – he was a generator mechanic or something equally distant from the sound of the guns.

If you haven’t destroyed your screen here’s his darling girlfriend who personifies the Shakespeare phrase about “a tale told by an idiot” (Yeah, I know Willy was talking about Life, but I’m sure he had this bonehead in mind). Don’t ask me what she’s talking about.

Hey, Carl, I’m still waiting for proof that you served after 9-11-2001.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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Dude is the gift that won’t shut the fuck up.


the only thing that could possibly make this more funny is if he has gotten back into IVAW.


I still wonder why he wasn’t swallowed…


Well that’s 3:14 minutes of my life I’ll never get back…

Junior AG

Gaak, he’s pokin’ that neck-less Pillsbury Dough-girl Monica?? Gimmie some brain-bleach so’s I can scrub the mental imagery away…

Should we take up a collection so’s he can get a vasectomy? The thought of Webb spawning with Orca is fearsome…

Junior AG

M’kay karl-marx Webb, you’re done “standin'” ‘gainst a war you weren’t going to anyways (1992 discharge), now get your ass back on the deep fat fryer, laddie!

Casey J Porter

I posted this on my personal blog as well. That flick as just too damn funny. But I love it when he says he stands for Democracy, being a Marxist-Leninist.

Army Sergeant

Every day you can say “Carl Webb is not in IVAW anymore” is a good day.

Casey J Porter

Yeah, it just took a battle to get it done. lol


Carl; do you love being a walking contradiction, also? That’s where you lose your credibility and become a joke, attention, or not. That you still advocate for violence against soldiers must endear you to all the troops and Vets out there, also. Actually; doesn’t such advocation constitute subversion against the US government? Hey, I think I’m on to something! Never mind, Carl, you keep yapping and we’ll keep putting it down, then we may be able to find a gung-ho DA, that is looking to make some political points, to charge you with promoting violence and subversion against the government.

That would be so cool!!! I think it would be awesome having you in that kickin orange jumpsuit being marched into court!! Just think of all the little commie chicks that would be wetting their diapers over the romantic notion of the “man of the workers” fightin the big, bad, evil government?? You would be up to your armpits in hairy hippy-chick armpits!!! Well, once you got out of the jug, anyhow.


Yeah, OldTrooper, but first Karl would be up to his armpits in being some guy’s bitch before he got near the hairy hippy chicks.


UpNorth: That’s true, but it would give him some serious cred to brag about “that he was a political prisoner” and the hairy hippy chicks would just wet themselves.


Of course she likes Carl. Carl’s just like her son; a loser.

Casey J Porter

Carl is one of those kids we all knew in school that would do whatever it took to get attention, even if it meant he had to make crazy shit up to do it, and it led to him getting beat up. He’d still come back the next day thinking he was so cool and the people that beat him up where just making him look cooler.


OldTrooper, you paint a picture that will require a whole bunch of good Canadian whiskey to get out of my mind. Besides, the hairy hippie chicks wet themselves on a regular basis, I’ve heard. That’s part of the draw for Karl.


You all really take the cake, you know that? You’re nothing more that overgrown, teenage cyberbullies!

You just have the time of your pitiful lives attacking others. First Carl Webb, next “his darling girlfriend,” and then her son.

It is quite evident some of you know Webb, but do any of you know his girlfriend? Something tells me you don’t, otherwise you wouldn’t be saying, “Don’t ask me what she’s talking about.” And, if you don’t know her, you sure don’t know her child.

If you’re going to pick on someone, stick to someone in your own league.

@YatYas: Do not assume facts not yet in evidence. Knowing a mother’s opinion doesn’t mean you know the child’s. Leave an unknown out of your “fight” with Webb.

@Casey J Porter:
I commend you for your films, and serving in a combat zone. However, we obviously do not see eye-to-eye, and I doubt you will ever be willing to have an honest discussion about about our views, to find a way to get to what we both want: bring the troops home.. sooner, than later.

It ~is~ possible to be a Marxist-Leninist-Trotskyist (you left one out), and still stand for democracy. There is “Marxist Social Democracy.”
@Junior AG:

You are just downright rude, crude, and socially unacceptable. You love to be mean. Did someone not love you as a child?


Carl, bud, dude–simple instructions, man.
1–Insert grenade in mouth.
2–Pull pin.
Nothing to it.


Ya see, Carl, that’s where we diverge. I personally don’t care about your advocacy against the war. I don’ care that you’re a communist. In this country everyone has the right to speak their mind. I have no problem with that and I, belive it or not, support your right to speak out. However, that support ends when you encourage violence against those that make it possible for you to have freedom of speech.

You’re against war, yet you advocate violence. You’re for democracy, yet follow the ideologies of dictatorship. You’re against classes, yet you support a system that has 2 classes; the rulers and the ruled. That’s what I mean when I call you a walking contradiction. You do a video where the backdrop is pictures of those that you advocate violence against. You say that you are a wanted man, yet go on a military base wearing a sweatshirt that draws attention to you knowing that where you are, at that time, is a place where those that you advocate violence against are stationed.

Those are the things that destroy any credibility you thought you ever had. Those are the things that make you a joke and a punchline for jokes. You talk real tough when on the net, however, I doubt you would find the courage to stand in front of a group of returning warriors from Iraq and A-stan and say the same things. That would be courage, not calling someone a baby killer on the internet, but right to their face without a camera or police to protect you. Tell them that you promote violence against them, at the same time. That would be courage, not the fake Cindy Sheehag or 60’s radicals definition of courage.

Hell, I would love to see you say it to Selena’s face, because I think she could take you in 2 minutes or less.

I wouldn’t put you up against Casey, though, because that would just be cruel and unusual punishment for you.

Casey J Porter

@TruthBTold: First, I did not make fun of Carl’s girlfriend. Just a cheap shot I’m not willing to take. First, I don’t mind talking with people who disagree with me. The funny thing is though, they are as closed minded as the opposition they claim to be more progressive than.

When I spoke out against the very real problems with the ISOs taking over over the anti-war movement, but did not blast Socialists as evil or bad people, it didn’t matter. My “friends” dropped me like a hot rock. They didn’t even say a word to me, even when I ran into them face to face after the fact. If you have a problem with me, come up to me with some respect, and we can talk things out. It really is that simple. I’m not going to call you names or fly off the handle.

Then come the ridiculous accusations of being a racist and a xenophobe. I despise Carl, that’s clear, but his race has nothing to do with it. I’m not going come out and say “I’m color blind!” because that’s just stupid. I clearly understand that he looks different than me. But that has nothing to do with how I feel about him.

As soon as I spoke out against the war, I lost friends and was called “traitor”, “coward”, “liberal”, amongst many other things. When I spoke out against the problems in the anti-war movement I was called “racist”, “conservative”, “coward” etc etc. See where I am going with this?

If you want to have a real honest talk with me then we can. Of course, I have no idea who you are, not that I couldn’t take a guess or two. But if you don’t want to give up your real name here, then just contact through one of my sites, i.e. Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, and we can start from there.

Casey J Porter

Carl Webb’s Facebook account got shut down. Ahhh, I feel so bad about that.


So who do owe the beers to?

Casey J Porter

He spend hours and hours befriending everyone he can. Facebook shuts you down for this because they think you might be spamming. To add the number of friends that he does, takes a long time. Looks like all the hard work went to waste. lol



You have a point about her son, maybe he wanted to serve, but it was a valid medical discharge that put him out. Now as far as his mother, Carl and you; go pound sand. The left has ranted and raved against our government and the military about Iraq and Afghanistan, so toughen up or don’t comment.

Casey J Porter

I’m not going to give TruthBTold a hard time. If she wants to contact me, she can and we can civil and with respect.