Bringing Sgt Richard E. Owen home.

| February 18, 2010


Told you I was a bit PMSy today, so bear with me as well.

What’s the opposite of Stolen Valor? I mean, we know how many liars and frauds out there seek glory and honor through word and not deed, but what of a man whose heroism is unknown, and who can’t defend himself. For my part, it kills me a little inside each time that one of these guys lies, and I find joy in tearing them down. Judging from the number of comments we get on this, so do you. Well, I have a new task for y’all. Let’s honor a man who deserves it.

First, watch this video, and then almost immediately wipe it from your mind. I’m not going to take this opportunity to bash the media, but that story had some serious problems, not the least of which is that the historian repeatedly used the name “Robert Owen” when the guys actual name is Richard Owen.

For those who can’t see the video, or anything else, this is the story. A Salvation Army Captain in upstate NY the other day was going through a box of donations when he found a purple heart citation and framed picture of Richard E. Owen. (see above) I want to find Mr. Owen’s family and get them the citation and plaque. And if they are the ones that threw this stuff away, I am going to find a home for it. Whether it be this guy’s home townhall, or a museum or something.

Richard Owen was a SGT who served in Easy company, 2/506th PIR, the famed Band of Brothers. He died in the plane crash at St Mere Eglise on June 6, 1944.

Find me his family if you can. I’ve tried contacting the 506th alumni, and none of the email addys worked. Anyone have any ideas other than wait for the records to come in from NPRC?

Category: Politics

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brown neck gaitor

He, the other 16 Currahees and the 5 members of the crew of the plane were brought back in ’52 and buried in a mass grave @ Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, MO.

Casey J Porter

I wouldn’t know where to start on something like this. But I hope you find him.

Frankly Opinionated

I am a 506th Assn member and will e-mail Jonn with an e-address or two.


TSO- Be sure to update us on this story, please!

Frankly Opinionated

Hope that works, and thanks for thinking of another Vet brother. And, as for the “Dirty Leg”; the 506th PIR as well as the 506th ABG have always been tolerant of those lesser than us. LOL. We thank you for attending to our brothers situation.

“Never Forget that Military Correctness allowed Islam to kill 14 people at Ft. Hood Texas 11/5/09!”


Isn’t there some military records center in St. Louis, MO? Also, has anyone thought of trying the 101st at Ft. Campbell for suggestions?


40 directions? Isn’t that typical US Army?




Hi, read with interest your desire to restore Sgt. Owen’s certificate and photo to a place of honor. I’d suggest trying You might also try enlisting the support of Mark Bando, a man whose whole life is devoted to WWII soldiers. His circle of contacts is second to none. I’m hoping you succeed. I know how busy life can be, but if you’re successful in making the link-up, would you let me know? I plan to use my website to aid in the search as well. Famed military movie advisor Dale Dye could also put you in touch with the considerable resources of Tom Hanks/Steven Spielberg, the original Band of Brothers producers. If all this fails, please email me and I’ll put you in touch with Larry Alexander, who wrote Richard Winters’ first authorized biography. God bless you. (P.S. I’m a workplace chaplain, not military. While active-duty soldiers and their families comprise one large subset of my overall reader base, I didn’t want you to think I was pretending to be a military chaplain.)


[…] over at This Ain’t Hell is also searching for Owen’s family.  Please read his posts here and […]


working the Library of Virginia…. I am going off that SGT Owne was from Winchester, VA.

Has any considered the 29th ID Association? They may have information despite the transfer.