Did Baradar Just Experience a Good Old Fashioned Bush Rendition?

| February 16, 2010

All the buzz today is about the joint CIA-Pakistan operation that netted Mullah Omar’s a very good event.

Even some character called mcjoan at Daily Kos highlights the significance of the Messiah’s mad war-making skilz.

This really could be a major turning point–having as important a prisoner as Baradar in custody and treating him according to the Geneva Conventions is critical to this administration showing the world that it has broken from the lawless Bush administration’s past. The success of capturing the most powerful Taliban leader ever caught in this war already sets this administration apart.

But maybe we didn’t get the whole story? Now before I write this I will say openly that I think that these goat porkers are a vile lot of liars, thieves and murderers so I am not convinced on the veracity of this story. Having said that, the Taliban is offering a slightly different take on the capture of Baradar. Naturally Roggio has the details. (This guy rocks, if you have a few extra coins, toss him a couple.)

Today Taliban commanders Abdul Qayum and Akhtar Mohammad confirmed that Baradar has been arrested, but denied he was captured in Karachi.

Baradar “was captured by foreign troops on Sunday, along with some of his bodyguards, during the operation in Marja,” Qayum told Bloomberg, referring to the ongoing operation to oust the Taliban from its stronghold in Helmand province.

Qayum may be none other than Mullah Abdul Qayum Zakir, the Taliban’s “surge commander” who is directing operations in southern Afghanistan, although this cannot be confirmed. Zakir was released by the US in December 2007 and sent to Afghanistan, where he was subsequently released by the Afghan government.

Zakir quickly rejoined the Taliban and took over operations in the strategic South.

Akhtar Mohammad also told Bloomberg that Baradar was captured by US forces during the operation in Helmand.

Captured by US forces in Helmand?

Is it possible that this particular POS was in fact captured in Helmand and then whisked away via Gryphon Air to Kurachi, Pakistan? Why would he be taken there?

Because of Pakistan’s amazing record on prisoner rights?

Or is it possible that this piece of scum is being water boarded with his balls in an electric vice as we speak?

Of course that would be impossible since Obama made such a huge issue of not being Bush. But then again, as Victor Hanson Davis wrote:

On the one hand, we had a two-year campaign (2007–08) of damning the Bush protocols, from renditions and military tribunals to Guantanamo and Predator strikes. Then, the Obama administration unleashed Eric Holder and John Brennan, who in highly partisan fashion attacked the anti-terrorism policies implemented from 2001–08 and reflected the themes voiced by Obama himself in his al-Arabiya interview and Cairo speech, many of which were reified by the Mirandizing of the Christmas Day bomber and the announced civilian trial of KSM in New York.

But all that said, Obama never shut down Guantanamo; has not tried KSM in New York; has kept the wiretaps, intercepts, renditions, and tribunals he once castigated; has escalated the war in Afghanistan; and has kept the status-of-forces agreements that Bush negotiated with the Iraqis — and Joe Biden now claims that Bush’s Iraq agreements were Obama’s greatest success!

Interesting times indeed.

Category: Politics

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