The Soon To Be Famous Indiana Circular Firing Squad of 2010 is Getting Even More Interesting

| February 16, 2010

Evan Bayh’s sudden decision to not seek re-election has created a major crisis in the Indiana Democrat machine.

While it remains unclear if a complete political neophyte’s attempt to get on the ballot will be successful, the Democrat leadership is doing all it can to prevent it.

Restaurant owner Tamyra d’Ippolito (D) has enough signatures to make the ballot in the race to replace Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN), she told Hotline OnCall in a brief interview, but an official in a key district says she has failed to reach the threshold.

An official in Marion Co. (IN) tells Hotline OnCall d’Ippolito turned in just 3 signatures in the 7th CD, the district with the highest percentage of Dem voters.

The noon deadline has passed, meaning d’Ippolito failed to meet the requirements to get on the ballot. She would have been required to submit 4,500 signatures, including at least 500 from each of the state’s 9 districts.

Reached at her home, d’Ippolito said she was on her way out the door to drop off more signatures at the county clerk’s office. “To my knowledge, yes we do.

There’s people putting in signatures as we speak,” d’Ippolito said when asked if she has the signatures necessary to qualify for the ballot. “The answer is yes.”

Seeing the gymnastics that the Indiana Democrats are going through to prevent this woman from landing on the ballot, one has to wonder; Why?

So, I decided to do a little research into her Democrat bona fides.

From her campaign website we learn:

Complete “make shit up” fabricated hyperbole: “…over one third of Indianans are below the poverty line…”

Hey, she’s a victim: She describes the Indiana Democrat leadership as “Sexist with a big S”.

So far, it sounds like a standard Democrat to me.

With no real political past, I decided to look into her business dealings.

She owns a trendy café in Bloomington called “Ragazzi Arte Café”

Doesn’t sound like you could find very good fried chicken or barbeque in the joint but I decided to check it out anyway.

I found some interesting reviews of her little café on trip advisor. Does this shine any light on whether or not she is a good Democrat?

“Service is terrible and very slow! We got our wine even after dinner! Food is very small and not genuine at all! And everyone seems like get an attitude, and greedy for tips.”

Sounds like a union shop to me. Check good Democrat.

My dinners at home are often those Weight Watcher’s frozen meals and, I swear, the spaghetti I get in them is better, at $1.87, than what I got in this restaurant. Avoid this place like the [–] plague. They don’t deserve your patronage.

Ten times the cost at ten percent of the value. Check good Democrat.

We just came back from Ragazzi. Considering together the atmosphere, location, so-so service, and okay food, our small dinner for two was just too bad for $82 we paid. Was that Italian food? Sorry, not quite sure…Very cheap half-done “Italian-style” bread, that was served with olive oil, salt, and pepper, was obviously bought in Kroger, put in microwave, and brought to our table heavily smelling w?th sour bread preservative.

Nicely packaged and expensive but total crap on the inside. Check good Democrat.

Main courses were unsatisfactory, absolutely nothing to remember. I swear, I can cook you the same meal in my small and unequipped kitchen. While the restaurant evaluates itself as a moderately priced eatery, I would say it is an unreasonably expensive place to eat.

Sounds like a poster style Democrat project to me.

While food is not as good as they charge for it, the restaurant is fully involved in community service, which was nice to know. Unfortunately, this fact will not change our minds not to come there again.

And on top of all that; Community Service!

I’m thinking perfect Democrat.

Category: Politics

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“We care about the community!(just not enough to do our job well)”


$82.00 for a second-rate meal, with third-rate service? I can do much better at Friday’s or Logan’s or Outback, and feed four instead of two. With better food and great service.
But, for a “perfect democrat”, she hits all of the points.


Wonder what Pelosi’s resturants are like.


I know a guy registering for the Indiana elections tomorrow that will be voting for her.

Although, it may kill me if I have to register as a Dem.