This is as good as Obama gets

| May 23, 2008


Shamelessly lifted from An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings

Now that he thinks Hillary is out of the way, I guess Obama figures he can be himself again. DrewM at Ace of Spades recounts his speech today trying to whip up some Latino ire in south Florida;

“A certain segment has basically been feeding a kind of xenophobia.There’s a reason why hate crimes against Hispanic people doubled last year,” Obama said. “If you have people like Lou [Dobbs] and Rush Limbaugh ginning things up, it’s not surprising that would happen.”

Way to unite America, Obama. What’s “ginning things up” is the flood of illegal aliens who come here and then fly Mexican flags in their protests against the folks who built the economy they’re enjoying well enough to take a day off from work and protest. I must be one of those xenophobes – with my legal immigrant wife and my brown children.

Gateway Pundit has the actual crime statistics, by the way and it’s hardly “doubled”;

Obama obviously knows something the rest of us don’t.
The 2007 hate crime statistics have not been released yet.

The 2006 hate crime statistics were released in late November 2007:

Anti-Hispanic Incidents in 2005 – 522
Anti-Hispanic Incidents in 2006 – 576

This showed a 10% increase.

If you want to find a way to unite Latins in south Florida, try doing the way that guy you refer to as a divider did yesterday as recounted by Val Prieto at Babalu Blog;

There wasnt a dry eye in the place. Some of us began crying before even the first note was played. I felt it build up as President Bush began his introduction. And the moment Chirino stepped up on that stage – right there in the East Wing of the White House – everything hit me all at once. The whole DC-White House trip and its purpose smacked me dead on in the face and turned me into a weeping basketcase.

Yeah, try that instead of trying the way Liberty Pundit‘s Private Pigg reports;

Obama wants to push towards “normalization” (which will make for some good propaganda – see, we are a normal, legitimate country!) and allow American cash to flow into the island (which will strengthen the regime by giving it money).

The Illinois senator called for direct diplomacy with the communist island and, without saying whom he would meet with, pledged to lead that charge as president.

“It is time to pursue direct diplomacy, with friend and foe alike, without preconditions. There will be careful preparation. We will set a clear agenda,” he said. “I would be willing to lead that diplomacy at a time and place of my choosing, but only when we have an opportunity to advance the interests of the United States.”

Obama said he would maintain the Cuban embargo but would offer to start normalizing relations with the communist country if it released all political prisoners…

Now didn’t we think of that?

But Obama wasn’t done alienating Floridians yet – from Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs;

Obama is spinning ………… how desperate are the Jews to believe? Apparently there is resistance: Obama’s Support Lags With Jewish Voters

Obama Makes His Pitch

Jennifer Rubin, Commentary

Barack Obama went to a Florida synagogue and made his pitch for Jewish support. He faced a skeptical crowd that did not exactly give him a hero’s welcome. But what was most striking were comments like this that are breathtaking in their audacity:

“Don’t judge me because I have a funny name. Don’t judge me because I am an African American. People are concerned about memories of the past. … That is exactly what I am fighting in the African American community when I hear anti-Semitic statements. We are bigger than that.”

First, the insinuation, which he has made more than once, that Jews oppose him because of his name or his race (or because another African American made anti-Semitic remarks) is insulting and condescending. He should drop it from his repertoire and address the real concerns Jewish voters have expressed.

“Why Me” at An Inconvenient Document tracks down one of the reasons Americans mistrust Obama – and it has nothing to race or color or names or snotty attitudes. It has to do with people who say things like this for the New York Times;

Mr. [William] Ayers, who in 1970 was said to have summed up the Weatherman philosophy as: ”Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at,” is today distinguished professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

While Don Surber reports on the confusion of whether Obama would meet with Ahmadinejad or not, my favorite Luo-American, Baldilocks, reminds us that this remains on the Obama website;

Direct diplomacy without preconditions. How do you put more direct pressure than we do already? Pointless blather.

Someone emailed me today that he is unsure about support for John McCain and to bolster his stance he sent a post from John Hawkins of Right Wing News who announced he would no longer support John McCain. I agree with DavidL at Bits Blog on this point-given the alternative, how could they not?

This is as good as Obama gets – this how he goes to the right to attract center-right voters to his campaign for the November election. This is Obama the uniter.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Politics

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These people have made their “deal with the devil”. You and I both know that communism isn’t the answer. Obama’s supporter apparently haven’t gotten the clue yet.

I have a good buddy of mine whose family lost their ass in Cuba because of Castro, his communist revolutionaries and the sheeple that backe him up. Hard working Cuban people had everything they owned confiscated by the revolucion. My buddy’s family had to flee the country, but they had to leave him behind because Castro decreed that babies under 2 years old were not allowed to leave the country. How cold is that! My friend was raised by relatives who stayed behind in Cuba, before his Mom and Dad could spirit him off to freedom.


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