That’s why they can’t vote here

| May 21, 2008

I like Canada – I lived right next to that place for years, first in Vermont and then in New York. Socially, Canadians are great people to hang out with. But politically, they’re not Americans. For example, take a look at this from Darcy at the Canadian blog Dust My Broom (which generally leans right);

Wow – U.S. Republican John McCain’s name gets a mention in the Canadian media:

Barack ObamaDemocrat Barack Obama would crush Republican John McCain in the U.S. presidential race by an almost four-to-one margin — 56 per cent to 15 — if it were up to Canadians.

That’s the conclusion of a new Canadian Press-Harris-Decima poll that, for the first time, gauges Canadian opinion on a head-to-head contest between the Republican candidate and the presumptive Democratic nominee. […]

While some of that antipathy toward the incumbent Republican could explain Canadians’ overwhelming support for the presumed Democratic nominee, Mr. Anderson says Canadians like Mr. Obama for other reasons.

He says the candidate’s three main promises are in lock-step with Canadian public opinion. His public declarations that he would renegotiate NAFTA appear, so far, to have ruffled few Canadian feathers.

See? That’s why we only let Americans vote in our elections. I know foreign journalists ask these questions to influence the whatever-philes in the US to vote the way they want us to vote just so everyone in the world will like us, but it only influences the majority of us to vote the other way. We’re not Canadian, we’re not Brits or French or Germans or Kenyans…that’s why we have our own country.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Politics

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509th Bob

Yes. That is why we have our Constitution. Freedom of Speech, an all that. But if you look at websites like Smalldeadanimals, FiveFeetofFury, EzraLevant, etc., you will discover that Political Correctness, a.k.a. Orwellian Thought Police, is in the process of destroying Canada. It won’t be too far off that we have to begin defending our Northern Border from Canadians trying to flee to the “Land of the Free.” Like England, Canada is in the midst of surrendering to Dhimmitude. We need to start defending our Constitutional Rights to be disputatious and obnoxious Americans, because the front-runners of the P.C. police are already here. Take, for example, the TIZY Islamic school assault on the media. They are under investigation for mandating Islamic prayer in their supposed-“public” school. “They” get away with it everywhere else in the world, why shouldn’t they get away with here? Check out Mark Steyn, or FreeMarkSteyn, or SteynOnLine. Study the history of the battle of Vienna. Do you want to know why Americans are so enraptured by the desire to surrender? Its embedded in their genes, and their Marxist ideology. I don’t “buy” into the Huckabee “End Times” weirdo-theology garbage, but our time (as bastion of Western thought) to fight is coming. American “Liberals” (or Leftists, or Democrats, or whatever you want to call them) have already decided that our culture MUST surrender, even though they are too stupid to realize that “their” sorry-asses will be the First to Go (from both sides). I’ve *picked* my side.


In Canada a typical right-winger is about as far right as Bill Clinton. My comment on that article reflected the fact that hardly anyone up here knows who the hell John McCain is because our media only seems to focus on lefty candidates.

I lived in America for a good five years and you guys are fun to hang out with as well.