Foot-shooting Democrats

| May 21, 2008

Ed Morrisey at Hot Air and Jim Geraghty at National Review Online have noticed a trend in recent Democrat strategies. They think they can attack John McCain’s military service to pump up their candidate and downplay McCain’s experience. From Geraghty;

One: * * *

Two: * * *

Three: * * *

From Morrisey;

If the Obama campaign wants to continue its denigration of military service, let them. It’s going to be difficult to sell McCain as a man who got a free ride through a distinguished naval career and attempt to turn a real war hero into a dilettante. That effort will reveal the anti-military animus that surrounds Team Obama and its supporters on the hard Left better than any ad the Republicans can produce.

Redstate‘s Erick asks;

When will Barack Obama publicly say attacks on John McCain’s war record are off limits?

They missed Wesley ‘Little Mac’ Clark‘s attacks (although Clark was a Hillary supporter at the time – who knows who he supports today).

Since he thinks he havsthe moral high ground on this issue, Obama won’t put McCain’s service off limits. After all, this campaign is about things candidates ARE and not about what they’ve DONE. Just like Al Gore, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama thinks he deserves the presidency just because he’s running. He’s put every negative aspect of his life off limits and left everything about his opponents open for derision, but it’s going to blow up in his face.

John McCain hasn’t made his whole campaign about his time as a POW – sure it’s come up from time-to-time, but his whole campaign doesn’t revolve around it – like John Kerry’s did. And all of the wrong people are sent out to attack him – Jay Rockefeller, who never served, Tom Harkin who famously lied about his service. These are the only people they’ve got. They can’t send John Kerry out, because we’ll just ask for him to sign his Form 180. AGAIN.

If they keep trotting out their critics of McCain’s service it is only going to end up reminding voters how the Democrat Party is populated with America-haters and troop-bashers.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, John McCain/Sarah Palin, Politics

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Richard Wheeler

I’d say Jim Webb’s service was exemplary.Repubs will hear more from him.