Valerie Jarrett ruined my lunch

| January 26, 2010

So, here’s the love missive I got from the Obama White House at lunch today:

Tomorrow evening, President Obama will stand before a joint session of Congress and deliver his first State of the Union address outlining where we are and where we’re going as a Nation. In preparation for this annual address, he asked his Cabinet to take a moment to prepare a similar report for the American people.

In short videos, members of the President’s Cabinet report back to you on their progress this first year and outline what lies ahead for their departments and agencies to keep America moving forward. Secretary Sebelius talks about the Department of Health and Human Services’ successes helping to prevent the spread of the H1N1 virus; Department of Energy Secretary Chu highlights the thousands of green jobs they’ve created using Recovery Act dollars; and Secretary Clinton details the Department of State’s efforts to restore global partnerships.

There is so much fodder here it just makes me swoon. So far my favorite is this one. Just watch it, and then lose your mind in the comments.

This one is an even bigger crock:

Category: Politics

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Old Tanker

She looked like a freakin’ bobblehead……

I have a game…during the, as Day by Day calls it, STFU speech every time the President says “I”, “back from the brink”, or “inherited” (or any derivation thereof)have a pull on your favorite adult beverage and we’ll see who’s standing at the end.

Actually, I have a hockey game at that time so I’ll just hit someone extra hard….and then drink a beer or three in the locker room.


Not much to add. She did a fine job with that little missive. That’s all I’ve got.


Ok, on the Holder one; I have a little more to add. There is an old, old saying that goes “he’s so full of shit his eyes are brown”. That applies here.

Army Sergeant

Is it going to be online? If so, is there going to be liveblogging?

Old Tanker

liveblogging a drinking game based on the SOTU…..I Like it!


OT do you want to have a bunch of us die from alcohol poisoning?
Its funny that neither one of them mention reining in all of those “right wing extremeists.” If Napalintano would have concentrated as much on real threats as she did on us conspiring veterans maybe we wouldn’t have had something like the burnt junk bomber.
It would aslo be nice if Holder would go after the corruption that caused the economy to crash. It would be nice if he would get a probe going on with the AIG, Bernanke, Geithner, Paulson connection…or even scarier the Barney Frank, fanny and freddy deals (that sounded really gay). Okay now I am going to go take my blood pressure medicine and get ready for school.

Old Tanker

Dude, you said Barney Franky fanny…….

Alcohol poisoning? naw, I just figured it would knock us out before the speech did……

Casey J Porter

In reply to the videos: (cough)bullshit(cough)


OT I just realized that I used the word ‘probe’ earlier in that same sentence…

AW1 Tim

I was going to watch the SOTU speech, but then I remembered that I needed to take a dump about then, and maybe mop the kitchen floor. Clean out the fridge. Do some laundry. Things, you know, that were actually important.

Old Tanker

OT I just realized that I used the word ‘probe’ earlier in that same sentence…

…..insert Beavis and Butthead laugh here….


I actually got to the 13 second mark of Bruno Napolitano’s speechifyin’. Holder, not so much.
Jason, Bawney Fwank, and Fannie? LMAO. And, I coughed the same way Casey did.
As Tim said, I’m going to find something important to do, like tune my air guitar. Although the drinking game, based on 0’s glorification of 0, sounds like a good second option.
NBC just reported that, according to their poll, 54% of the country thinks we’re headed in the wrong direction. Well, duh! As John McLane said in Die Hard, “welcome to the party, pal”. And they think 0 has concentrated too much on health care. Really?


Holder left out restoring clueless idiocy.

Oooopps. No, wait a minute… he HAS done that.


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