Tuesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| March 25, 2025 | 26 Comments

His Honor brings some heat to this B

If the military doesn’t stage a coup, he’ll activate the Gravy SEALs


Well I think tampons in the 4th grade boys room is fucking weird

Here’s the bill she thinks people didn’t read: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/121A.212

He’s the paragon of masculinity. LOL

Take that back. Kinzinger is more manly

This is normal


Even CNN drags Newsom

Yes please

To be fair, Minneapolis is a safe haven for all criminals

He did what now?

Lefties flee to Canada? Oh no. Well anyway

Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok

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Ok, am I the only one that figures the dude in the first video, as soon as he turns the camera off, yells…


Damn, came across as pic, not video.. ok, yells “Mom, more hot pockets!”

Skivvy Stacker

Hard to take someone seriously when he has a Prison Pussy.

RGR 4-78

Count Tampon Timmy the Terrible continues to be a joke.

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal

Do you mean “No Ballz Walz”?

RGR 4-78

Count Tampon Timmy the Terrible” is Walz professional wrestler name.


That guy dug shit out of his ass. And they want to be taken seriously.


Why did Commissar come to mind while watching that Tesla video?


Well, left/libtard debate:
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Not really different than what the lefties in congress do on a daily basis.

Lurker Curt

Goddam fat fingers, that was meant to be a thumbs UP


I remember.

Skivvy Stacker

To the Mayor of Minneapolis;
First of all, get a fucking haircut.
Second, it’s your policies that are the reason I don’t go to Minneapolis anymore.


Stupid does all over the land…

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Yep, politician-grade stupidity still abounds, the liberal idiots need to realize that ALL Tesla cars have 360 degree cameras as well as a sentry mode, but there again, liberal moonbats will always do all they can to prove they’re mindless idiots and liberalism is a mental disorder.

Green Thumb

Mayor Clark for the Senate!


Leftists gonna leftist…
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The second guy: looks like that mouth banned teeth from it! He’s “not going to say what it is”— I’ll just bet that it ain’t using a toothbrush!

Tim Walz’s daughter thinks others are weird? The is a big difference in a man SHARING a bathroom with the women of the house and having to share a public bathroom with someone that is pretending to be something that they are not!

Then there is Tampon Tim, himself with the staged “man-stuff” behind him🤦

I don’t remember Trump acting like a victim, even when he was being victimized by the left and corrupt DOJ.

Scrapping income tax? Please!!!!!

If you are the type of American citizen that wants to claim asylum in Canada, please go ahead and go now. We will all be better off.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well Mr. Walz has had some delusions of grandeur for a while now…surprising people with his inability to read a room or speak without being a self named “knucklehead” maybe, but scaring them with masculinity? Not so much.


I read somewhere that Caitlyn Jenner said that she’s more masculine than Tim Walz.

RGR 4-78

Isn’t she the one that is the former male triathlete Olympic champion?

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO Liberace was more masculine than “Tampon Tim” Walz!


It’s obvious that most, if not all of us this site think the people in these videos are batshit crazy (except for the badass Mayor of Newcastle, WA who called out the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ Nazi screwball), but I gotta wonder about the Dems who have a shred of common sense and what they think when they see these videos and realize that these goobers are the face of their party. Ball-less Walz, the toothless, commie coward, shit-smelling breath dorkmunder who wants the military to take out Orangeman Bad, Walz’s goofball daughter, the wackjob who smeared his own dung on a Tesla and then walked away with shit on his hand and probably went to a Starbucks for a coffee without washing his hand…these people are the Democratic party. When is the last time you saw Republicans or Conservatives doing this shit? Demonrats, I ask you, what is wrong with you people?

Commissioner Wretched

To the guy advocating for the people to “do what they have to” if the military won’t … the people already DID what they had to do. They elected Donald Trump to clean house.


I’ve come to conclusion that the true purpose of the existence of Timmy, Gavin and Adam is to normalize incels. Isn’t there some tinhat conspiracy that talks about ending the human race? Normalizing incels, i.e., those least likely to procreate, or if they do, they pass on weak genes and raise the next generation in weakness, accomplishes that goal.

Part of being an incel is the complete conviction they are “nice guys”, and they represent “true masculinity”. They hate women as a result of a lifetime of being rejected because women don’t know a “nice guy” or an example of “true masculinity”. Hence, tampons in boys’ bathrooms and boys in girls’ sports.

Incels are angry, weak, failed males. But they are dangerous due to their absolute conviction they are right and justified in anything they do. Because they know best. Afterall, they’re “nice guys” and genuine examples of “true masculinity”.