UN to investigate US racism

| May 17, 2008

Yeah, we need to keep funding this POS organization (REUTERS Link);

A special U.N. human rights investigator will visit the United States this month to probe racism, an issue that has forced its way into the race to secure the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination.

Visit? From where? New York City isn’t in the US?

“The special rapporteur will…gather first-hand information on issues related to racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance,” a U.N. statement said on Friday.

His three-week visit, at U.S. government invitation, will cover eight cities — Washington D.C., New York, Chicago, Omaha, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Miami and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Race has become a central issue in the U.S. election cycle because Sen. Barack Obama, the frontrunner in the battle for the Democratic nomination battle, stands to become the country’s first African American president.

There isn’t somewhere else in the world where there’s a little more racism to investigate? Like Africa where tribes murder each other by hundreds of thousands. How about Thailand – almost every week there’s a story about the ROP beheading some priest or monk there. But no, this “special rapporteur” has already made a name for himself;

In a report last year he said Islamophobia had grown worldwide since the September 11 2001 attacks on the United States, carried out by al-Qaeda militants.

I wonder if there was an uptick in Islamophobia after the Madrid bombings, the London bombings, the Bali bombings….

Little Green Footballs knows him, too;

Doudou Diène was last seen at LGF when he was denouncing Denmark for racism—for publishing the dreaded cartoons of Mohammed: UN on Wrong Side of Cartoon Jihad.

So, I wonder how this investigation will turn out (No, not really).

Category: Foreign Policy, Politics, United Nations

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509th Bob

In 1977, I used to drive past a sign (posted in the middle of no-where Georgia) that said “US out of the UN.” I laughed. Now, I think that the sign was absolutely correct, and that they (the UN) should re-locate to Geneva, Switzerland, or some other totally useless place. As the female US UN Ambassador said at the time, we will wave at you as your ship sails away.


I’d settle for the UN being out of the US. With great disappointment but I WOULD settle for it. I’d rather have both them out of the US and US out of that damned club.

Let them move to Zimbabwe or Beirut or ANYWHERE. Someplace more to their liking than here ????


We know this ia BS mission perpetrated by a BS organization to spread more BS.
However, if the inside of the Porta-Johns on my jobsite are any indication of the level of animosity towards Hispanic/non-white workers in this country, I’d keep the investigators away from the jobsites. …and it’s the union workers who write the worst stuff. I should take pictures of this crap.
Outhouse rhetoric. Porta-John politics.


What makes it even worse is that the UN was invited by the US Government to do this ridiculous investigation. I’d love to know who invited them.


Oh hell, why don’t we all just wear signs already that say KICK ME?