President Trump is set to shut USAID down
Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) recently reviewed where USAID funding was going. What they found was massive corruption. Musk used the worm in the apple metaphor, describing the entire deal as a “ball of worms”. A couple of USAID personnel tried to stop DOGE from accessing their system due to classified information. Musk described USAID as a criminal organization and that it had to “die.”
Monday, Musk held a live session on X Spaces, previously known as Twitter Spaces, and said he’d spoken in detail about USAID with President Trump. “He agreed we should shut it down,” Musk said.
“It became apparent that its not an apple with a worm it in,” Musk said. “What we have is just a ball of worms. You’ve got to basically get rid of the whole thing. It’s beyond repair. … We’re shutting it down.”
USAID staffers were instructed to stay out of the agency’s Washington headquarters on Monday, according to a notice distributed to them. Staffers said they tracked 600 employees who reported being locked out of the agency’s computer systems overnight. Those still in the system received emails saying that “at the direction of Agency leadership” the headquarters building “will be closed to Agency personnel on Monday, Feb. 3.”
USAID oversees humanitarian, development and security programs in about 120 countries around the world. One European diplomat told CBS News they view the move to dismantle it as “an extraordinary gift for Russia/China.”
Musk’s comments in the X Spaces session came after the administration placed two top security chiefs at USAID on leave. USAID Director for Security John Vorhees and Deputy Director for Security Brian McGill were put on leave Saturday night, two sources confirmed to CBS News.
Additional Reading:
Brennan, M., Cook, S. & Navarro. (2025, February 3). Musk says Trump administration is on verge of shutting down USAID. CBS News. Link.
Category: Government Incompetence, Society
Open the books, and let the American taxpayers see where their money is being funneled to. Hack Stone’s Spidey Senses says 95% went into the pockets of corrupt leaders in 3rd World Shitholes, with the requisite 10% getting kicked back to The Big Guy.
As well as other politicians getting their kickbacks! I’m sure that was just another money-laundering scam for the most part.
The business plan of The Clinton Global Initiative.
Ukraine can have all the money they want as long as they are killing Russians.
How about Germans and Japanese? They have killed more Americans than the Russians have.
CBS made the argument that 30% reached the intended [whatever] that needed help and that was better than zero?
If you are going to do soft power don’t buy shit from China and then give it away to tin pot dictators. Do like the Chinese do it.
There are organizations (including US gov’t?) that rate charities on, among other things, the amount of contributions that actually go to beneficiaries. I think any charitable organization that only forwards 30% of contributions to intended beneficiaries would be considered a fraud by most of them.
Sadly running a charity is a real job. I did a loaned executive gig at the United Way and the target was to get at least $10 million a year in the door so the percentage applied to the problem was around 70%. Their loaded overhead costs (staff, building, etc) were about $3 million a year.
Accountants matter (getting paid and all that) and the fixed overhead on just giving money away is high (as in millions in loaded costs). Printing cash and dropping it via drone might be more effective. Or better yet, no withholding taxes for people who make less than say $25k or so.
Interesting that their motto is:
“From the American people”
American flag ships used to carry USAID cargo to third world countries under PL480 until the program was scrapped by Obama…
More on that cut:
***On April 24, 2013, the chairman of USA Maritime, a coalition of carriers and maritime unions, wrote a statement which discussed the efficacy of the program and specifically the importance of the U.S. Merchant Marine in delivering the U.S. food aid to people who are undernourished around the world. Henry cited the fact that USAID’s own data actually revealed that the traditional efforts to deliver food as opposed to cash transfers for countries to buy their own food is actually 78 percent cheaper per ton of food. Henry offers that this is a significant fact in the effort to address global hunger.***
They revised the program under Obama, changing the program to provide cash donations rather than American grown and delivered food.
Uh O, Looks like we have to get Ken Thursten, the man called X and his partner Pagon Goldschmidt to straighten this out.
You said what?
On the other hand, during the ’60s the “experts” discovered that sending actual products like grain actually did more harm than sending cash to foreign governments. It seems that when you send large quantities of grain, for example, the local market price goes down and local farmers go broke, thus actually increasing the need for outside aid. The same process works for clothing donations.
To paraphrase an old saying—
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day (and put the local fishermen out of work).
Give a man a dollar and you buy him a fish to feed him for a day, and provide work for the fishermen.
Meanwhile, it was just announced that Mexico will increase security along the US Border to intercept drug traffickers and illegal migration, and now the tariffs against Mexican imports. So, yet again, Donald Trump puts forward options to other nations to either cooperate and suffer consequences, and Mexico folded faster than Superman on laundry day.
Mexico agreed to send 10,000 troops to their side of the border to intercept illegal immigration and intercept drug trafficking towards the United States. Meanwhile, the rebellious “governor of the great state of Canada” has imposed retaliatory tariffs. A look at basic numbers regarding our exports to each other compared to our economies does not look good for the Canadian side.
I think Trudeau is too ignorant to see what just happened in Mexico with the tariffs. And would be a path that Canada could follow. I just heard Canada is subsidized by the US. That’s got to stop. I also think a lot of Canadians yearn for freedom ( like gun rights) and lower taxes and better access to health care. The Canadians need to clean house too. 51st state, maybe not, but it has to get the Canadians thinking about there freedoms.
There are 40,000,000 Canadian citizens. And enough of them voted for Trudeau to keep him office. Be careful what you wish for.
Definitely not a wish of mine to have Canada part of the US. The Canadians need to clean their own house and take control for their own Future. Liberalism is a disease that starts with education/indoctrination. They will figure that out eventually, it will be a painful process if they what until they can poop only on certain days, etc.
Canada tariffs on hold for 30 days, Justin Trudeau agreed to implementing $1.3 billion border plan, will deploy 10,000 personnel to the border, will work together with the United States regarding information sharing and fighting the cartels:
That’s a surprise. I really thought Trudeau was going to show how he could stand up to Trump. Trump 1. Trudeau 0
Anybody who spends that much time on their knees in men’s room stalls is going to have a little trouble standing.
* Turdeau
Shit water is a better description of Fidelito
Trump told us in 2020 that the wall was finished and that was supposed to stop illegal migration, so I don’t know why Mexico is even bothering.
But Biden took it down and sold it off on the Internet. He would have got away with it too but then Trump came back like a thing from his nightmares.
What kind of shithole President can have all of his accomplishments immediately undone by his replacement? Sounds like Trump did a shitty job.
Despite what you may have (mis)learned, no President of the US is omnipotent. Being an outsider Trump was, admittedly, in over his head in his first term, and he further suffered from choosing incompetent and/or disloyal subordinates. I still prefer his “less than optimal” Presidency to the alternative.
“Trump told us in 2020 that the wall was finished”
Our memories differ. Perhaps you could refresh mine with a cite?
“folded faster than Superman on laundry day.”
Most excellent.
Yes, I am entertained.
66 years ago today on Feb. 3rd, 1959, we lost Buddy Holley, the Big Bopper and Richie Valens in a plane crash.
This generation’s touch point was January 22, 2018, the day the Bernath died.
A long long time ago,
I still remember how his lawsuits left me confused,
And we knew that if he had the chance,
He would shit his spandex pants.
And he would be held in contempt again
So bye bye Bernasty guy,
Flew his plane into the tree line,
He knew he would die
And Wittgenfeld drank the low budget rye,
Singing “This the day that I cometh, this the day that I cometh.”
The day the plane didn’t glide….
Dammit Hack, that was world class.
Nah, it was a half assed effort. Hack has been trying for months to come up with a good song parody to honor the Non-Honorary Chief Petty Officer, and much like the man himself, Hack could not keep the idea aloft. It will never beat the chart topper Trannie In A Jag, so Hack will forever be known as a one hit wonder.
A few years ago I think I came up with a ballad about Bernath, didn’t I?
Well, continental maybe. Still, well done.
Gone but not forgotten.
Soon to be a major blockbuster film, Crash & Bernath. One man’s struggle to overcome gravity and aerodynamics.
Undefeated Lawn Darts Champion
Thanks for posting that. I’m sure I have it on my laptop someplace cause that’s where it started, but I couldn’t easily find it.
I like it Hack, a poet among us
These countries already hate the US. Let ’em hate us for free.
Trump has a better plan- let them hate us for the tariffs imposed.
As long as Israel is getting all the money it wants to blow up Palestinian terrorists, I’m cool.
You do know USAID is the go-to front for the Directorate of Operations at CIA, right? I am not surprised the USAID security staffers told the South Africian to go f*ck himself.
Sounds like he and President Trump responded in kind, with much more force.. sure is nice to see thr deep state being attacked full bore..
Rat f*cking our intelligence operations is hardly a good idea.
True, however, it has become obvious that our intel community has plans and goals of their own.
How confident are you that their operations are for the benefit of the American people and not for the benefit of the Democrat Party leadership?
It is a very bad idea when intelligence agencies play politics. It opens the door to adversarial exploitation. I wouldn’t be surprised if foreign assets were the ones that pushed our agencies into political partisanship to undermine their credibility.
Being as it was being run by Samantha Power, OBAMA’s ambassador to the UN, excuse me if I don’t believe that the agency was operating with the best interests of our Constitutional Republic in mind.
Collectors are long term assets and do just that…collect. What happens to the intel they gather goes political at the higher levels of elected officials. Anybody recall WMD in the “W” administration? The collectors said no, there wasn’t any. The political hacks said yes there was, and the second Iraq war happened. That didn’t turn out so well did it.
So, I would say both parties are piles of sh*t. Honestly, blaming government staffers for doing what they were hired to do is nuts. Congress (aka the will of the people) made the government as we see it. I do appreciate the Orange One rattling the cage. Maybe the system can actually act in a meaningful way that is lawful. Sadly, the executive orders will be slowly ground to death in lawsuits but maybe this is a go big or go home moment to get a meet in the middle agreement.
The best intel I ever saw came from “accountants” at USAID.
Except, Saddam indeed had WMD. Throughout the Iraq War, sarin, blister, and mustard agents were used in conjunction with IED, all three agents are chemical agents under the WMD umbrella.
Also, in 2008, the New York Times of all publications published an article detailing the experience of Soldiers in Iraq who ran into buried weapons that contained WMD.
Recently, the Army featured an Army Officer who was involved with the removal of yellow cake out of Iraq during the Iraq War.
Both events occurred in 2008, but were not emphasized in the news, were even ignored by most of the media, because the last thing the media wanted to do was admit that there were WMD in Iraq in an election where the Democrats were insisting that we got into Iraq based on the WMD “lie”.
Prior to the Iraq War, both Democrats and Republicans were arguing about Iraq having WMD. It wasn’t until after the Iraq War got under way that the Democrats, and the media, shifted gears about there not being WMD.
WMD being in Iraq was not the big lie. The big lie was that there were “no” WMD in Iraq. They treated evidence of WMD in Iraq in the 2000s very similar to how they treated evidence of election fraud in 2020. The latter was like déjà vu of the former.
We were still finding stuff in 2011 during my final tour. I don’t have any unclassified examples to throw out there but it was still happening.
I’m not surprised. Before I went on R & R leave in early 2010, a couple Iraqi police officers were in a vehicle that got attacked with an IED laced with blister agents. F*ed them up.
Here’s a screen capture of the officer featured who was involved with moving yellow cake out of Iraq:
He had gas shells in bunkers. The invasion premise was nuclear explosives and mobile bio-weapon labs. The latter was shyte. If we were going to war over gas artillery shells we might be busy. The spooky part was the Iraqis did not sort gas shells from other rounds. Spooky clean up that.
USAID still has/had excellent HUMINT.
The invasion premise expanded beyond the mobile bio-weapon labs, these two were used to help make a bigger case, but they were not the premise.
George Bush laid out the fact that Saddam had chemical agents… He used precedence from the 1990s, when Iraq denied having certain WMD components, just to have a careless Iraqi or 2 get caught with these components.
The discoveries went beyond gas shells. In the above article, one of the finds was a chemical round.
The argument was that WMD “was a lie”. Sarin, mustard, and blister agents used in conjunction with IEDs obliterated that argument… No WMD means no WMD, hard to make that argument in the face of sarin, blister, and mustard agents, as well as what those Soldiers stumbled upon, and the yellow cake moved out of Iraq that wasn’t supposed to be there according to the liberals.
WMD was just one of the premises made, the other was the need to remove regimes that would support terrorism and replace them with a more secular government that could stand on its own to include providing security for its own citizens.
Attached is an image of what George Bush actually argued, he actually said that Saddam was trying to obtain nuclear capability, which contradicts the “nuclear explosives” claims that numerous leftists made in the 2000s. He did say that Iraq produced chemical and biological weapons.
Two of my high school teachers lost a son after Desert Storm (an Army engineer) to the debilitating effects of nerve agent. WMD deniers need to go tell Mr. and Mrs. Cain that their son died of unknown causes.
I was in a classified briefing at Andrew’s as part of a operational readiness inspection IG, exercise, and it wasn’t Colin Powell uranium cake bullshit PowerPoint , it was some agency satellite photos of trucks, leaving for Syria, Lebanon, and Turkey, out of Iraq overnight for three days carrying weapons of mass destruction, chemical weapons, and yes, there were mobile weapons laboratories.
We use money to influence foreign politics? For a bunch of people that were in the military, you guys know shit about foreign policy.
Oh, please, please, please educate us. It’s been a while since we have had any education around here.
We buy and sell people to increase our influence and have been doing so for centuries. Congrats, you’re now educated on how foreign policy works.
Woah? Who knew. I wonder who does that and why? What are their motivations and where do their loyalties lie. So many questions, this has truly been a life changing transformational.
If you want to get into the weeds, that’s fine, but the program works. It’s easier to pay someone to kill someone we don’t like than to have our own people do it.
But who is “we” and “our”? What do “they” want? Why are they messing where they shouldn’t be messing and stepping where they shouldn’t be stepping?
70 years ago the CIA dicked things up in Iran and they still haven’t got over it. I like America dictator free and all.
“We” is Americans. “They” want to kill us. Anyone who wants to kill us should be messed with and stepped on. Wow, the CIA doesn’t have a 100% success rate then I guess that’s not good enough for us, is it?
The CIA helped find and kill Bin Laden. That’s more than enough for me to support 20 years of funding for them.
Were you even alive then?
Next thing he’ll tell us is that Air America and Southern Air Transport are CIA fronts.
“You do know USAID is the go-to front for the Directorate of Operations at CIA…”
One of many. Something that has been known since its inception. Along with “Air America”. Nobody has been fooled except maybe some American taxpayers.
Yeah baby
What we are going find out is billions of dollars was laundered through these types of ‘agencies’ for probably decades. The Biden Regime, a government with NO ONE in charge, was free to operate send money here and there to enrich the DC Swamp, the Globalists, and all their allies. Trump has turned off the spigot, and they’re hopping mad.
News flash: we used money to influence foreign governments to do what we wanted. Holy shit you guys truly figured it all out.
My staff group at the Army War College had a USAID rep in it. I’d never seen a government hippy lib at close hand before and I quickly lost any sense of value added for that organization. That said, I have to caution that we, the USG, go just a bit more slowly and clearly differentiate between corruption and illegality and what is “just” rampant and wasteful spending of legislated dollars on programs which I personally find reprehensible.
I have to admit, also, that I’d rather have Musk appointed as the head of the GAO and then reform that organization and then use that organization to do what he is doing in his current capacity. (Or establish the DOGE as an agency of the USG first.)
Put Musk in position as a person with a government paycheck, and duly authorized to make decisions on behalf of the executive branch. Take the libs’ complaint away from them. Either way, slow the roll by 2-3 months to set conditions of legality and comport with the framework of existing systems of government and then bring the hammer.
“Don’t rush to failure” comes to mind, even though I agree with all of it. I’d like to see them set conditions first, to ensure it is irreversible and survives the challenges which will occur.
He is acting as a member of the Executive Branch. He accepts no Salary.
I think what you are seeing is all the Government types caught by surprise. They expected him to have to submit a plan, announce an audit, and send a Visit Access Request (VAR)… instead he just shows up. His comments on X about competing against an opponent that doesn’t show up for two days is very accurate. They are playing checkers and he is playing 3D Chess!!
It won’t last forever, and they eventually catch on, but it will be fun to watch while it does!!!
Yeah, unfortunately it will probably be a JFK/ RFK like message they send back. Except if that happens this time the whole thing will burn.
This may be of some interest. I hope someone in the Trump administration knows enough history to (re)use the idea.
“One European diplomat told CBS News they view the move to dismantle it as “an extraordinary gift for Russia/China.”
Who knew the euroweenies would say shit when they have a mouthful.
Check this out…
Wha-da-fuk? I think you should have issued a spew alert with that! What is the Mennonite Economic Develpment Associates? Sounds to me like some shell outfit funneling money right to the pols, and that outfit “only” got 14 mil!
I stopped reading at the word “stakeholder”. That’s code for communist indoctrination.
The problem with looking at this is you can only throw up in your mouth once. Truly many feast at the trough. All government spending needs a hard look. The issue is that some of the spending is worthwhile (FDOP–Federal Department of Potholes would be a good start).
I am a bit awed by the shamelessness of whole organizations being setup to burn up government money. I guess I never got the message…unless those WestPac’s count but last I knew it was my money.
I remember recently Biden’s $50 million dollars for “Condoms for Gaza” was in the news. “D”‘s love spending our tax dollars.
For anything BUT the welfare of actual hard working Americans..
More government handouts for people? Now you’re sounding like a Democrat.
Sorry, assuming facts not in evidence..
I said for the welfare of HARD WORKING Americans.. they would not need handouts.. I was thinking more along the lines of strengthening/ hardening the electric grid, roads / highways, other infrastructure that benefits us all, and actually fits the role of govt.
Keeping those terrorist fucks from having more kids seems like a win-win, considering the average age of a Gazan is like 20 years old. Even better: manufacture the condoms with an ingredient that makes them permanently sterile.
Juss’ sayin’…
I’m in this for the long haul. Liberal tears make me smile.
Like Rambo said:
Demoretardo Fist Bum
Ah King, likes all the way to the moon. Like I said we are getting what we thought we voted for in 2016. We needed four years of dementia and a hooker to expose just how bad it was to get everyone on board.
This meme is NEVER nor relevant…
Presenting information that shows USAID was basically a slush fund for the CIA, among other ridiculous funding projects doesn’t surprise me one bit having dealt with the organization in the past.
It’s supposed to be providing for food, water, medical care, economic development. Not transgender comic books and DEI hiring in other countries. Not to mention the supposed links of organizations it gives money to connected back to members of Congress.
Doesn’t de-authorizing funding of something in the budget submitted by Congress require action from… you know, Congress?
Also, while I don’t think USAID is used as a direct front for a certain three-letter agency these days, the money and mission does benefit intelligence efforts. Much like there’s ‘stochastic terrorism’, there’s ‘stochastic intelligence’ — a population that sees some good being done by another country is more likely to produce assets that aid said country.
But hey, if y’all think Elon and his acolytes -some just recent high school graduates!- really have a grasp on geopolitics, then I’ve got a bridge to sell ya.
Well, the DNC thinks David Hogg is qualified to be a vice chair, soo…..
I would argue that there’s a vast differences between an activist (one you don’t like, fine) working to rally support for a party that aligns with his interests, and a bunch of people without a solid understanding of the effects of something making decisions about the government.
Parties serve one side; governments serve the people.
Plus, if your argument is, “Well, that side is so crap, so we can be too!”, I think we’re lost at sea.
Citation needed.
“Well, that side is so crap, so we can be too!”.. Yeah, not making that point.. And your point between an activist working for a party and a govt agent is well taken.
That being said, Samantha Power, a former UN Ambassador under Obama is the one running the agency, and I’d submit that given her association with “The Chosen One”, she is very much an activist, and is VERY unlikely to be working for the betterment of US citizens, and is much more likely still working to advance the leftist agenda (I understand we probably disagree on this)
And Trump nominated Matt Gaetz, a self admitted pedophile, to Attorney General.
Go ahead and give me a citation for the “self admitted” there Mark, I don’t recall that at all, I do recall him saying she said she was 18.. Also, neither one of us is privy to the Presidents motive behind the nomination, and there are many possibilities other than actually wanting him as AG
You mean the Republican controlled Congress? They’re supporting the effort because it looks bad that taxpayer money is being used to fund stupid crap around the world AND organizations within the US doing stupid crap, along with partisan crap, while the debt is 36 Trillion and inflation is out of control.
This should’ve been done multiple times over the last 6 decades USAID has existed.
It was also created by executive order, and as such, should be able to be done away with in the same fashion.
I believe (and can check later) that USAID was created by EO, but then later formalized by an act of Congress.
If that’s the case, it would definitely change the situation.
They can support it, but that has to happen via a bill, not a tweet, or a head nod, or simply the lack thereof.
If Congress puts forth a bill that defunds USAID, fine, I’ll disagree, but accept it. That’s how it works, though, not by tweet.
I love tweets!
They are Shaping Operations supporting the Decisive Operation.
40% of the federal budget is Medicare and Social Security. If you’re suggesting they slash both of those, I agree.
If you don’t think that the CIA uses USAID to pay off petty dictators then you and I are clearly not the same.
“Doesn’t de-authorizing funding of something in the budget submitted by Congress require action from… you know, Congress?”
Did Congress specifically vote for and authorize money for condoms for Gaza, or did it authorize and vote for money for USAID, and USAID made the decision to fund condoms for Gaza? The first is, as you say, a decision of Congress; the second is a decision by the Executive branch, as authorized by Congress. What the executive gives, the executive can take away.
It’s a $40 billion dollar budget.
I think beyond the headlines which make for great sound bites there is perhaps a less naive reality.
One thing I do know is that power abhors a vacuum, should we back away there will be someone to step in and take our place…
That’s fine as long as we all understand the ramifications of a world where the US is no longer the headliner on the stage.
We can’t stop using this small budget amount to buy influence and then complain that suddenly China or Russia is everywhere we used to be…that won’t stop us complaining of course but it will be the complaints of stupid people who lack any real international understanding that a lot of shithole nations have shithole leaders that we still need to mollify if we intend to get anything done in those shitholes…
Thus the gay pride parade that was billed at 3 million but cost 300k with the remaining 2.7 going to the leadership to maintain a CIA safe house in the region is actually a benefit even though Musk and the kids don’t see it today…because they don’t hold the necessary clearances to see it…
Or maybe the parade really cost 3 million just like paper cups for the airforce cost $1200….
We have already been displaced by China. China did assessments and determined the actual needs of the countries and then lent them the money to build ports, dams, harbors and hospitals. Which of course they gave to China to build these things. Now the countries are indebted to China and it won’t be like the US where after big business collects the money the US taxpayers pay off the loan.
The CIA has been buying influence for decades, but they suck at it. The people they buy won’t stay bought.
No shit. So if we can’t pay someone off for life, it’s not worth paying them off at all?
I think the confusion lies on what they are being asked to do.
From what I have read, Americans such as William Cristal are beneficiaries of these funds. Why, pray tell, benefit does the US derive from subsidizing them?
Very good question
I figured you all would mindlessly celebrate this.
He is doing this because USAID was raised with tracking and advising and assisting former Soviet economies as they transitioned to market economies.
They were the lead US agency in monitoring, documenting, and advising transitioning economies in combating and disrupting the money laundering of the extraction of wealth from the economies Russian oligarchs.
Trump was laundering money for Russian oligarchs and be still hold a grudge because USAID cost him money.
It is the same reason he hates Panama. They fought him in court and won over his Trump Resort and Casino Panama because it was a money laundering venture in partnership with a drug lord.
Wale the fuck up. This guy is a career criminal and a malignant fuckstain on our history.
No, the “ career criminal and a malignant fuckstain on our history” was the last guy in the Oval Office. Please try and keep up. I know it’s difficult to keep you story straight when your life is a fraud.
Funny, I don’t remember Biden ever being convicted of anything. If he WAS a criminal he was good enough to not get caught, unlike that other moron that spent a whole year in court.
Never seen a president preemptively pardon his entire family and practically everyone he knows for literally anything they may have done.
You don’t suppose he did that so people couldn’t testify against him?
He did that because Trump is a narcissistic sociopath and vowed to go after his political enemies. He fucking ran on it and you drones cheered.
The guy is so petty he retaliated against California by releasing 2.5 billion gallons of water into the ocean for now reason other than petty revenge. He told his idiotic base it was about the fire but the water just poured into a floodplain and into ocean.
He originally ordered enough water released to flood a nearby town but the Corps of Engineers talked him out of it.
He gave California one hour notice before flooding the region.
The water was being held for California agriculture this summer.
That is the kind of petty sociopathic malignant shitbag this man is.
Stop simping for him.
And stop trying to distract from him being a shitbag by bringing up Biden. It is asinine.
What you fail to understand is that his enemies are also enemies of We The People. So when somebody does something to them we tend to cheer.
Meh, most of the people that will suffer the result of that reservoir going dry were farmers who voted Trump. California is super red outside the major cities. I’m fine with what Trump did.
Are you and Mark L in the same therapy group or is it a real love story?
Methinks he is one of the PAntifa butt buddies of the commie cuttlefish.
That was merely flushing the toilet California has become.
Commissar, you truly are so delusional that you can do nothing more than spout talking points.. At the end of his admin as 45, Joe himself said that preemptive pardons would be a bad thing, set a bad precedence, and diminish us in the eyes of the world. He also said he’d never consider doing the same. While it’s entirely possible that in his advanced dementia he doesnt even remember saying such things, but it’s also highly likely given his LONG and storied history of lying about anything and everything (drunk driver killed his wife, he never met Hunters business partners, etc) that he was once again flat out lying.
As usual, you are a FRAUD
Legend in his own mind:
One son was his entire family?
C’mon on man,.if you are going to criticize at least have your facts straight. Otherwise it makes you look at best uninformed, at worst a dim fool.
I didn’t know this and I don’t support it. And Trump isn’t competent enough to go after anyone, just ask Hillary. He’s all talk.
What you don’t know is a lot.
I know Trump is incompetent as fuck otherwise he wouldn’t have needed a second term to get everything done he promised in his first term.
HEY CHILD, your First Sergeant called, you’re late for Police Call!
“I didn’t know this”
There seems to be a lot of “this”.
You have to recall that Progs/cryto-commies reside in a parallel universe, an imaginary one in their feeble minds.
He pardoned a lot more than that on his last day in office. Please try to keep up
Well, he did just pardon the majority players with dirt on him, so there’s that..
And Al Capone, if I recall correctly, was only convicted of tax evasion, so I guess he was an otherwise upright citizen and pillar of the community.
You have proof of this? Please share. It was investigated by Congress and was a big nothing burger. Unless you believe car dealerships are in league with drug lords because they sell cars. Nevermind, you probably do believe that.
1) Drug lords use cars to supply drugs.
2) Car dealerships sell cars.
3) Therefore (obviously) car dealerships are in league with drug lords!
Hah! I’ve run circles around you, logically.
Before the Curtain fell? Interesting.
Not really my main contention with this idiotic premise, it’s more philosophical: the strategy was to ‘fight’ the thing we hated –ostensibly a centrally-planned feudalstic police state– by becoming a centrally-planned neo-feudalstic police state with rainbows and sprinkles?
I know you love to lick boots but this power worship is a new fucking low.
Likely because it was a way to launder our tax dollars into money going into their campaign coffers or bank accounts.
WOO-HOO!!! 😀🤣🤣🤣😂 Major Moonbat, EVERY TIME I think that you can’t get any more STUPID and brainwashed, you top yourself, ROTFLMAO!!!
I see a double pincer envelopment occurring in this threat. Poor bastards. They got us surrounded.