Our WTH moment

| January 8, 2010


I’ve been catching snippets of Obama’s speech yesterday about our engagement in the war against terrorists, and actually I’m pretty amazed. I’m not amazed that the President has decided that the war against terrorists is important, I’m amazed that he acts like it just started on Christmas Day.

We all know how history and events revolve around him, but apparently, he doesn’t plan on engaging in anything unless he starts being criticized about something. The “connect-the-dots” moment, the “buck stops here” moment – it all contributes to our “What the Hell?” moment.

In his speech, he mentioned 9-11 and reported on the events of that day like none of us had ever heard of it or the extent of the casualties. Like he’s giving us permission to be outraged about it now. From Fox News;

Obama announced about a dozen changes designed to fix that, including new terror watch list guidelines, wider and quicker distribution of intelligence reports, stronger analysis of those reports, international partnerships and an interagency effort to develop next-generation airport screening technologies.

How much of that is new? Um, none.

Idiot revelations like we heard yesterday should be followed by a string of firings – all the way down to the knucklehead who wrote his speech. The “buck stops here” speech should have been given on the day of the attempted attack, if not right after the Hasan attack at Fort Hood. Two weeks later makes it lame and stale.

Of course dicksmith disagrees with me;

It’s funny that after eight years of a President who refused to intellectually analyze a problem and simply made “gut” decisions that often turned out badly, there are still talking heads out there who consider deliberation a bad thing.

It’s funny that there’s no evidence that Bush made “gut decisions” or that any of them turned out badly, for that matter, but dicksmith will take every opportunity to swipe at Bush, even though he’s been gone almost a year. But Bush didn’t bother doing focus groups for a month before he arrived at a conclusion and a policy – like this president apparently.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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Being President is hard.


Does it mean that AQ scum can now be tried in a military tribunal at GITMO? Does it mean, since we are at war with AQ that their fighters will be treated like non-uniformed enemy combatants, instead of criminals that knocked off the 7-11 down the street? Will we now be able to use international law/treaty (Geneva Accords) to treat them as they should be treated, instead of the way we are currently treating them?

If the answer is yes to all of the above; then I am 100% in support of this. However, I believe we will not treat them as they should be treated under legal international law and instead continue to give them rights they are not entitled to.


Another thought for the panty-waists out there: It was not uncommon, during WWII, for non-uniformed enemies to be treated as spies, as afforded by international law, and put against the wall and shot after a trial, or on the spot. It was perfectly legal, just as it is today. One General, who had an issue with Werewolf squads in his sector, at the end of the war, did not hesitate to line up those captured and shoot them in front of everyone in town as a warning to other Werewolf members who may have been watching. Funny, but attacks by Werewolf squads in his sector dropped off to nil shortly after that.

Don’t attempt to argue the points, either. We are in a fricken war and it’s high time we act like it.


“We are at war”… but we are going to continue to treat acts of terrorism as a criminal act, and put the perpetrators on trial in Federal court. If we really are at war Mr. President then these people are spies and saboteurs. Can’t they be just outright executed? You know, if we are, indeed, at War as you say.

Telling us what we want to hear then doing something different, is a hallmark of this administration.


The funny thing is the Pied Piper still continues to show his narcissistic traits here with his new meme a la Harry Truman and “the buck stops here” crap. As if everything Bush did was completely useless and unwarranted. Heh. And then to cover his political ass of those he appointed claimed systemic failures! WTF?

And last night we have Brennan and Nappy(who needs help with eye contact when speaking in public) basically using Bush as cover as long as it convenient for them….To paraphrase-” We cannot prevent every attack(*No shit*) Also- note the lack of the word terror and it *wasn’t* because agencies had to one up each other by not sharing info as in the *last eight years*, but suffice it to say that *now* we are going to make it better…”

The Pied Piper/A2/N-I-C/COWboy President is losing his grip and he just doesn’t know it, yet. It will suck to be him when reality bites.


The last sentence in the Fox story is the money line, the pres and his homies are anxious to move on, because it’s distracting from his agenda. That’s it, he could really give a s**t about security, it’s distracting from his desire for universal health care, cap and tax and socializing the country. Wow, just breath taking.


stupid f*ks.