Don’t worry about Marc Hall, Pt. II
A local DC TV station, WJLA, did a report on Marc Hall, the latest IVAW celebrity who was stop-lossed and threatened to kill all of the “E-7s and and above”. Here’s the video which includes his bonehead lawyer, James Klimaski, defending Hall’s threat as art;
I guess it’s just his tough luck that he wrote violent lyrics, sent the CD to the Pentagon and his local leadership and it all happened just after a Fort Hood soldier slaughtered his fellow soldiers. Too bad, Marc, just a matter of timing, I guess.
Thanks to Jerry920 for the link.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects
I guess those two haven’t yet heard that the First Amendment DOES in fact have limits–more so when the UCMJ comes into play.
Have fun in Leavenworth, asshat.
Ok, and this isn’t the first time he’s threatened violence?
Dude should’ve been cm’d a long time ago. These are indeed direct threats, nothing in that air-playable clip that qualified as either music or art. I’m sure the full thing is much much worse.
He sent the CD to the Pentagon and Command? How can that not be seen as a threat?
While I am all about free speech, once you mail it out like that you are sending a message that can be taken as a threat. If I made a video talking about wanting to kill my Chain of Command, uploaded it, then mailed it directly to them and the Pentagon, yeah, I’d get why they might take that as a threat.
I understand his anger, I really do. I also know that the “leadership” that now occupies the Army is piss-poor because of these wars. Everyone is leaving. People in my unit hated our Battalion CSM. I think if someone thought they could get away killing him, they would have done it. If he had gotten blown up, pretty much no one would have cared. Harsh, but it’s just the truth about how people feel.
If he has a habit of making threats, which none of us have heard or seen him say, then yeah, he’s not to bright. But I want more than a soundbite before I sign off on that.
As I’ve mentioned before I was stop lossed in Desert Storm. My situation was that my whole unit was deploying back to the states about 1 week after my original ETS date. As soon as I het the states I would be able to ETS so I would have only been stop lossed for a whopping 3 weeks or so. My platoon Sgt. decided that I should stay in Saudi for another 3 monthes or so to load equipment back on ships while there were others in my unit that had re-enlisted! I wasn’t being disciplined for anything, I was just from the wrong side of the Mason-Dixon line. I gave my platoon Sgt. a piece of my mind but never did I come remotely close to threatening him, and that was in the heat of the moment……this guy had forethought and plenty of time to cool-off before doing something this stupid.
This was something that was talked about in suicide prevention class but it apply here.
How do you judge when people make comments like the ones above? On one had if you act on every one you can be seen as over reacting. On the other if something does happen people will be quick to point out the “obvious” signs that this was going to happen and start demanding heads.
OldTanker, I noticed that if you didn’t re-up you were considered “lesser” than others. So they treated you worse, which his stupid because it seals and locks your attitude to never re-up.
In my situation, most of the people (maybe half the platoon) re-uped BEFORE Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait but still had several years left at the time I was stop lossed. Only 2 people in the platoon actually re-uped in Saudi and that was after the shooting was done. In my platoon, we had me from Michigan and one guy from Ohio, all the rest were Southerners including the Platoon Sgt. (Georgia)….Oh ya, the guy from Ohio went over in the advance party…..