Is Dodd’s Sudden Retirement a Real Victory?
Well, in terms of getting a criminal scumbag out of the Senate, I suppose it is a small victory but as for advancing anything for the conservative movement, probably not.
Dodd was very vulnerable primarily because he was finally exposed as a corrupt, inside dealing, self-serving hack and would have in all likelihood lost a reelection in November.
But he’s not going to be on the ticket.
The most likely Democrat to step up is longtime Connecticut state Attorney General Richard Blumenthal who is extremely popular locally.
But what about Linda McMahon of wrestling fame, you ask?
It’s actually kind of ironic that she rose to the top on the shoulders of steroid ridden men appealing largely to blue collar folks. You see, it’s hard to argue that professional wrestling isn’t exciting. In recent years they brought back old favorites like cage matches, the signature “folding metal chair to the forehead with blood spewing everywhere” move that Dusty Rhodes made famous. And along with the “thumbs to the throat” and use of “foreign objects”, they deluged the sport with scantily clad women.
Whether your cup of tea or not, it is unquestionably exciting.
It is also fake and it appears that Ms. McMahon may not be the staunch Republican that she is now claiming:
Now, elections are about tomorrow. But as a voter vetting candidates, you have to ask — what about yesterday? What is Linda McMahon’s political past? Well, according to the public record, she was BFF with Rahm Emanuel, and a healthy donor to Democrat causes and candidates. F’regsample:
* 2008 gave $2,300 to Mark Warner
* 2008 gave $2,300 to Rahm Emanuel
* 2007 gave $5,000 to the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee
* 2007 gave $2,500 to the Dem “Our Common Values” PAC
* 2006 gave $5,000 to the Dem “Forward Together” PAC (husband Vince also game the $5k)
* 2005 and 2004 gave Emauel a grand each year
* 2006 gave $10,000 to the DCCCFYI, the McMahons’ 2006 PAC contributions were used to fund the campaigns of Conn. Democrats who knocked off incumbent Republican Congressmen Nancy Johnson and Rob Simmons. Thanks Linda!
I suppose she would caucus with the Republicans if elected but probably no more staunchly than her girlfriends from Maine.
Category: Politics
I wonder what the real reason behind McMahon’s run is. The fact is that WWE hasn’t been doing well lately and UFC and other MMA enterprises have been moving in on its territory.
Maybe she is looking for a way to legislatively boost the sport….
Just a thought.
I just wonder what is wrong with people in the North East? I think that Blumenthal is a blithering idiot. I just remember Glenn Beck ripping into him for not answering over the AIG bonus scandal. Then a couple days ago watching Cavuto trying to get him to answer questions. He just looked like a retarted (no offense to special people) chimpanzee.
At least Linda McMahon is a successful Businesswoman who has ran a profitable company for years…that is a hell of a lot more than most of Congress.
I think an important question is: with Dodd and Kennedy out of the picture, will the waitress sandwich go the way of the dodo?
Simmons will defeat her easily, so not worried there. But to the overall question, Dodd’s retirement hurts us bad. Rob would have crushed him, but Blumenthal, absolute moron that he is, probably will win this going away.
Simmons is an awesome dude. I am close to his people and was considering interviewing him for the blog, but not sure how many people would be interested.
TSO–good point, except for one nasty possibility that has yet to play out. How hard will the Democrat brand be hit by the liberal backlash? IOW, we’re seeing shades of 1994, and much like 2006 and 2008, are we going to be getting the party of power out as a “quick fix” for what ails us?
I’m looking at the Senate race in Mass as a good indication of just what we could be looking for in November. While I expect Coakley to win, I don’t think it’s going to be anywhere near the margin of victory that they’ve come to expect in Massholistan. Even in NH, my moonbat Congresscritter Carol “Che” Shea-Porter is now mulling a possible Senate bid with her House seat in very real jeopardy, where once it was going to be Hodes versus whoever the Republicans put up, and Che had a relatively safe seat. This is no longer the case.
Could be interesting.
Why can’t anyone find pictures of Richard Bluemthal with a goat…I know they have to exist.
A staunch conservative in the northeast, don’t see it happening. Just be happy with someone who caucuses with the Republicans.
Color me amazed, but I agree, ASH is right. I just don’t see a conservative, much less a staunch one getting elected anywhere in the NE, at least in the near future. Maybe when the tax bills have come due for the Health Care bill things will change slowly.