Alexander says we’re as bad as the Khmer Rouge

| January 5, 2010

Our favorite Air Force interrogator, Matthew Alexander, is writing at Vote Vets again. This time he says he’s been to a Khmer Rouge prison in Cambodia – and of course it reminds him of Guantanamo and the way we treated the folks we detained there.

It is estimated that nearly 3 million people were executed during the Khmer Rouge’s purge of Cambodian society. It’s hard not to walk through the Tuol Sleng prison and read about the atrocities and not think about the prison at Guantanamo Bay. Although Gitmo has never come close to the scale and depth of what happened at Tuol Sleng, there are disturbing similarities.

One of those “disturbing similarities”;

The entire operation at Tuol Sleng was tightly controlled by the Khmer Rouge high command (they eventually even executed the torturers, cycling in new ones, fearing that they were contaminated by their proximity to the prisoners). Duch, the infamous Tuol Sleng warden who is currently on trial in Cambodia for crimes against humanity, took his orders directly from Pol Pot.

Yeah, I remember Cheney ordering the guards at Gitmo murdered. Don’t you? Another “similarity”;

The second thing that strikes you about Tuol Sleng is that many of its victims were children. Judging from the photos of the victims on display, some of them couldn’t have been older than five. The Khmer Rouge exterminated offspring of opposition members like pests. They were concerned that subversive tendencies would be inherited. At the Guantanamo Bay prison, the U.S. continues to hold minors under the age of eighteen. It is a barbaric practice.

Yeah, there’s no difference between 5 years old and eighteen. And if I’m not mistaken, there are no more eighteen-year-olds at Guantanamo. Matthews’ experience as an interrogator lasted four months, according to his records and the extent of his experience was as a team leader who conducted few, if any, of the actual interviews. Matthews never went to Guantanamo – all of his stories are secondhand rumors, but that doesn’t stop him from using those stories in his book, or on Vote Vets for that matter;

There is a sign depicting the rules for prisoners, called the Security Regulations, and rule number six reads: “While getting lashes or electrification you must not cry at all.” That reminded me of the infamous sign at the Baghdad airport prison, allegedly used by Special Forces, which read, “No Blood, No Foul.”

(Emphasis mine) Allegedly? Really? That’s a faithful telling of the tale?

I guess it’s no wonder that at the AFOSI convention a few weeks back, when his fellow OSIs found out who Matthew Alexander really was and that this particular major was working for George Soros and the ACLU, he was a bit of an outcast. I wonder who put the word out about him.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War, Usual Suspects

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Brown Neck Gaitor

I heard that Alexander can’t allegedly find his ass.


I have a hard time getting my head around a comparison of Pol Pot’s Cambodian “re-education” camps and Guantanamo. Just like Matt, I haven’t been to one of those camps either. Matt, here’s some advice, read “The Death and Life of Dith Pran”, by Sydney Schanberg. Campared to that, 3 hots and a cot, TV and freedom to pratice your religion look pretty darn good.


The amount of heresay and innuendo this dipstick uses to form the story is walking along the edge between fiction and non-fiction. The tried and true procedure of throwing something out there with the caveat “allegedly” gives the person the cover, if needed, to say “that’s what I heard and I said allegedly, not matter of fact”.

Just like anyone could say “allegedly Alexander is hung like a gerbal” and be off the hook.


Funny, and I thought all that digging up was for widening the I-95 toll plaza in NH, not the mass gravesite that Alexander just **knows** is there.

And OT–sometimes allegedly carries more weight than at other times, kinda like when you say Alexander allegedly has the brain size of a fleck of fly shit.

Junior AG

The person who is allegedly T.Alexander, the super-interrogator, sure loves to engage in hysterical speculation and linkage…


I find shit like this kind of insulting. A friend I worked with fought against Pol Pot. I couldn’t imagine the shit that this nice little old man had seen. To have someone to compare the genocide that happened there to Guantanimo kinda pisses me off.


Well, on its face this so ludicrous that its laughable.

I was a company commander there from 2004 to 2005 and I work for the federal prison system. Camp Delta and its offshoots are run along the same lines as where I work and the ACA has blessed off on it. It is safe and humane both for detainees and staff.

The only detainees who have died at Delta did so by their own hands. Fortunately my unit rotated had rotated out but not so good for the Navy.

This guy is lying out his ass and I would be glad to speak against him if he ends up in my neck of the woods. But the media will just gobble this crap up.


I know where there is some bamboo growing and I have some dry bamboo poles. Capture this guy and give him to me. I’ll show him some PolPot torture methods.

Uncle Jimbo

This guy gives douches a bad name. Have we busted his real name out yet?


Uncle J

Maybe you can get some info from your new infiltrators..I mean authors. Heh.

AW1 Tim

Seems to me that Alexander is the same sort of crapweasely crapweasel that gives buggery such a bad name.

I think he’d make a perfect match for Jennifer Dombrowski Scott. She likes to talk out her @ss and make up stuff too. More about her here if you don’t recognize the name: