FrankenSAMs getting to Ukraine

Quite a little cottage industry now, repackaging existing missiles as Surface to Air Missiles (SAMs) to make them more portable and/or more available to Ukraine. The battlefield is a lot different now – the airspace is an “if it flies, it dies” zone occupied by multiple drones and counterdrone equipment. We now have our first […]
Thursday sound bites

First up…let’s talk about the Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman (Manhattan/Queens area. Am I the only one who hears the old “Old El Paso” cows bawling “Noo Yawk City” in my head?) Mr. Goldman had to interject during a hearing on the impact of illegals on law enforcement, especially Nassau County police. “Can’t say I’m going […]
Friday shorts

Space Command’s headquarters may once again move. Donald Trump originally selected Huntsville, AL’s Redstone Arsenal as the headquarters, but after Alabama passed a restrictive abortion law, a Biden-caused pissing contest between Colorado and Alabama ensued. Each state has legitimate cred as a center for space-related headquarters given the NASA presence in Alabama and NORAD in […]
More new toys, and one olde one

China has unveiled a largish drone…ten TONs’ worth. The drone is expected to be a “mothership” for smaller drone swarms. While initially it can look like a normal attack aircraft, its central payload section is labeled as ‘Isomerism Hive Module’. This reveals that the mothership could have the capability to launch drones mid-air and then […]
John Thompson, SAS vet of Iran Embassy takedown, dead

John Thompson was 82 when he passed Saturday. Mr Thompson, originally from Liverpool, began his decorated military career in the Royal Electrical Mechanical Engineers. He later served with the 16 Parachute Brigade and was also a member of the SAS squadron that stormed the Iranian embassy in Operation Nimrod in 1980. The SAS-led operation […]
Chris Prentis dies.

I know, who was Chris Prentis? “Christopher Prentis, born July 7 1932, died February 19 2024” doesn’t say much. Chris Prentis was born a vicar’s son in England. The family moved to Queensland in ’34, and were literally at sea returning to England when war was declared. He entered the Naval College at Dartmouth in […]
WWII Brit collaborators

Interesting article in the Telegraph about British collaborators who, once captured, decided to work for the Nazis. We all know the story of the escape attempt from Stalag Luft III (Air prison 3) near Sagan, immortalized as “The Great Escape”. Recently, it has come to light that one of the escape participants, Desmond Plunkett, maintained […]
Walt grassed by auntie

Crossing the pond for stolen valor today. Ashley Thompson, 29, used his cousin’s financial info to apply for a seven thousand pound loan, then persuaded his cousin (Michael Green) that it was a gambling win and persuaded Green it was OK to be put in Green’s account. Doesn’t seem like that says much for Green’s […]
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