Officers involved with the chaotic US withdrawal from Afghanistan may be held accountable
Donald Trump’s transition team is reportedly creating a list of officers involved with the US military’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. This list will be a compilation of currently serving officers and retired/former officers. This list is being generated with the view of investigating these officers’ roles with the possibility of bringing up charges. If applicable, retired officers involved with the Afghanistan withdrawal may see orders placing them back on active duty to face charges.
From NBC news:
Hegseth calls the withdrawal a “humiliating retreat” and says leaders at the Pentagon were not held accountable for the deadly attack at Abbey Gate, which killed 13 U.S. service members and roughly 170 Afghan civilians. Nor were they held accountable for a subsequent U.S. airstrike in Kabul that officials thought would kill the Islamic State group leader behind the suicide attack but instead killed 10 innocent Afghans, including seven children, he wrote.
“These generals lied. They mismanaged. They violated their oath. They failed. They disgraced our troops, and our nation. They got people killed, unnecessarily,” he wrote. “And, to this moment, they keep their jobs. Worse, they continue to actively erode our military and its values — by capitulating to civilians with radical agendas. They are an embarrassment, with stars still on their shoulders.”
The transition team is looking at the possibility of recalling several commanders to active duty for possible charges, the U.S. official said.
It’s not clear the Trump administration would pursue treason charges, and instead could focus on lesser charges that highlight the officer’s involvement. “They want to set an example,” said the person with knowledge of the plan.
Speaking to NBC News days before the election, Howard Lutnick, one of the two advisers leading the transition, said Trump learned after his first administration that he had hired Democratic generals, and he would not make that mistake again.
Additional Reading:
Kube, C., Lee, C.E., & Hillyard, V. (2024, November 17). Trump transition team compiling list of current and former U.S. military officers for possible courts-martial. NBC News. Link.
Category: Afghanistan, Donald Trump, Government Incompetence, Joe BIden, Middle East, Military issues, Taliban
Not to mention all the military equipment, worth millions, left behind during withdrawal. Iran now owns some of it.
correction… BILLION$
(wife gave me decaf by mistake)
The dreaded decaf.
Like non-alcoholic beer – all the bad breath, none of the fun
😆 🤣 😂
IMHO decaf coffee and non-alcoholic beer are akin to hiring a Hooker that will only cuddle!
Decaf you say, hmmm… very likely there Berliner, if that is your real name. Quick, DON’T THINK, who won the 1973 world series? We will be watching you.
China took a share of it to steal whatever technology they can from equipment, they also now possess Bagram AF as well.
FJB and Company.
I also wonder how many will shit themselves and “drop dimes” when the heat gets too high?
I hope all of them. One giant finger-pointing jack-fest live on TV.
“possibility of recalling several commanders to active duty for possible charges”.
Wow. When was the last time this was used in a more than
individual sense?
4 years late…
I’d love to hear exactly what Harris did/recommended as “the last person in the room.” I’m sure her input amounted to squat!
One dumb, useless, traitorous motherfucker.
Amen. Purple haired lipstick loving he-bitch needs to get a room with Sam Brinton and Obama.
True dat
He should be ‘drummed out ‘ to Rogue’s March
“I think we should leave Afghanistan. Because ‘leave’ means to depart, and we must talk about the significance of leaving. Only when we are departing someplace, then we can discuss the significance of leaving.”
Truly ‘unburdened’ by logic.
Congressional Investigators: Vice President Harris, as the “last person in the room” when it came to executing the withdrawal of US Air Forces from Afghanistan, what exactly did you tell or advise President Biden?
Kamala Harris: First, I would like to say that I was raised by a single mother in a middle class neighborhood…
If a Private falls asleep on guard and the enemy penetrates the perimeter, he’s going to have his ass handed to him by his NCOs and officers. For that matter, if a Trainee is caught sleeping on fire watch and the Drill Sergeant walks in, he’s going to get some up close and personal time. Maybe it involves paperwork, or maybe it’s paid in sweat equity, but in both scenarios, the junior enlisted are held accountable for their actions or lack thereof.
We’ve often discussed the politics that go along with senior GO/FO positions. Most really good and apolitical officers retire as O-6’s (or below, depending on branch and means of commissioning), while others that get see stars top out at O-8. It’s odd (not really), that the nominative and ostensibly temporary paygrades of O-9 and O-10 require further steps for our politicians to approve them. If they don’t check certain blocks, they retire as 2-Stars.
The decision makers and advisors for our botched withdrawal should be held accountable. Start with Austin, then Milley, and then go down from there. The withdrawal was designed to make Trump look bad and Biden look like a strong leader. It was poorly planned, executed even worse, and led to the needless loss of a lot of lives. Even if the results don’t impress us, make the senior Generals and Admirals uncomfortable by pulling them away from the Pentagon or their post-retirement six-figure jobs and making them squeeze back into a uniform to appear before Congress or in a military courtroom.
They were just following orders.
Might some people relocating to Canada for reals.
Candid Daddy is loathe to extradite military members for military trials, especially if the death penalty is in play.
I wonder what Miley thinks of certain “privileges” now?
Opportunity for starting MAGA defense improvements… military shipbuilding capacity vs. Tlthe Chicoms in need of much help before the next war:
China has something like 1,500 ships on order — the US has 5.
Embarrassing, considering what we were capable of well within a lifetime ago.
World War II in the Pacific being more than a subtle hint about this sort of thing.
I saw a clip of a hearing with a USCG Vice Admiral, talking about joint Russian-Chinese operations in the Arctic and how the CG needs 8-10 new icebreakers to compete. When asked how soon they could have them if approved, the congressman said the first wouldn’t be launched and in service till 2040. My jaw dropped.
That situation is awful. There are only two operational ice breakers in the entire US Military inventory. However I think the next new one is coming on line around 2030 and maybe the rest will be operational by 2040.
Still, how did we end up this way?
We publicly hang a company commander for losing track of a 8 inch crescent wrench and a GP small. The pentagon can’t track a yuge portion of a $800+ billion dollar budget and its business as usual. This shit ends now.
Fuck yeah.
I am tired of this stupid shit
I hope those responsible are in a constant cold sweat right now, their free ride from responsibility is OVER, and rightfully so!
Sounds like they wanna keep Trump’s cabinet too busy to follow through on that…
Make no mistake about it, the left will pull EVERY chickenshit stunt they can to hamper DJT and Company!
Regardless of the crap they pull, or change subjects on mid stream, I haven’t noticed a time when Trump either skipped a beat or was left speechless or unprepared
Somebody else may be able to come up with an instance, but I’m drawing a blank at the moment.
Good! About damn time somebody got past the silly BS that Joe Biden (aka Superman) did it all by himself.
You mean Stuporman, right.
I have consulted the judges and they agree that “Stupoman” is acceptable.
Maybe instead of “May be held accountable” , let’s change the wording to “Will be held accountable”.
Let’s put real fear into the hearts and
minds of those involved. We would quickly separate the wheat from the chafe, as they begin naming names in exchange for a lesser prison sentance.sentence. I’m certain there will be more than a few names that come up consistently, and not just uncle Joe or cackles.
Regardless, they should be sentenced to the most remote, least accommodating prison we have to offer. Failing that, send them to a super max prison, and walk away.
I venture that would be the supermax prison for n Florence, Colorado. Beautiful scenery but they wouldn’t be able to see it.
Or Illinois where the surrounding scenery changes every year. Corn one year, beans the next. Lather rinse repeat.
I think we should just have a government television channel where all they do like C-SPAN maybe we need a DOGE NEWS NETWORK channel, We all we do is run 24 hours of unbiased government review where we have firing squads Hangings Investigations Court Marshall, trial, People being killed and in the Public Square stockades, Also, we get to throw vegetables at them
Court Martial, but we know what you meant. Blame it on the Spellcheck Software acquired from a proud but humble woman formerly located on Wilson Drive in Bethesda Maryland.
Oh man, this whole concept of actions having consequences is gonna come as a nasty surprise to the various political appointees that kissed serious Biden ass, rather than doing their jobs properly. That is going to leave a mark.
The individuals most responsible are the residents of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, DC. They will never be held accountable though. Oh and the likely puppet master, the obozos.
The only Officer fired over the Afghanistan Withdrawal Disaster was Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Schiller, Jr.
Prove Hack wrong.
Technically he was fired from his command slot for demanding accountability from his leadership, which is kind of backwards.
Then he was fired from the military for disobeying orders and attempting to forment derision within the ranks as well as disrespect to superior officers, all which was quite justified based upon his behavior and his admitted behavior.
But so far as people being fired I’m going to go with Kamala Harris. It wasn’t just that of course, but seldom are people fired for one reason. Normally it is a bunch of things, just like her.
When the hearings start, this picture should be facing the table where the defend…er witnesses are seated…
Along with the parents, spouses and maybe kids if the family thinks they’re old enough. Kids have the ability to melt the hardest of hearts.
I watched some of the hearings and it seemed like the top brass was not in favor of the way it was done, but was over-ruled by civilians (Biden?? Harris ??, State Department weenies like Sullivan, DOD civilians, or some grad student at the White House ??) No General officer was willing to place blame- or retire and go public with the truth. Pretty lame. Not exactly profiles in courage. Contrast that with the whistle-blowers at FBI and IRS who risked their careers to come forward. Maybe some of them could run the pentagon.