Senators prove they don’t understand the military

| December 23, 2009

I thought that discussion about Maj. Gen. Anthony Cucolo’s policy against pregnancy in his combat zone had pretty much petered out. No one wanted to look more stupid than they do already. But I was wrong. Four not-unknown Senators criticized the general for even thinking of a mild punishment for fornicators in a combat zone;

The request from Democrats Barbara Boxer, Barbara Mikulski, Jeanne Shaheen and Kirsten Gillibrand came Tuesday after the general who issued the policy began backing away from it, explaining that he never intended to court-martial or jail women who become pregnant under his command.

Their stupid argument goes like this;

“This policy could encourage female soldiers to delay seeking critical medical care with potentially serious consequences for mother and child,” the senators wrote in a letter to McHugh. “We can think of no greater deterrent to women contemplating a military career than the image of a pregnant woman being severely punished simply for conceiving a child. This defies comprehension.”

See, if we were talking about women who get themselves pregnant in CONUS or Germany or Japan, or, heck, even Korea, I’d agree. but we’re talking about IRAQ – the war those ditzes said was lost a few short months ago. The place that the media is always reminding us is still suffering massive terrorist attacks.

Actually, I’m stunned that everyone still has their panties wadded up over this General’s attempt to curb a drain on his manpower and his combat readiness – IN COMBAT!

But the senators said in their letter to McHugh that while they understand Cucolo’s pledge not to imprison offenders, the policy creates a “threat of criminal sanctions” which goes “far beyond what is needed to maintain good order and discipline.”

Oh, really? This from the chick who chastised another general for calling her “ma’am”. She understands “good order and discipline”? It seems to me that if people are getting each other pregnant at a rate that a general decides he needs to nip it with a policy change, there’s already something wrong with good order and discipline.

The last thing the general needs is a pack of rabid, post-menopausal hippies looking over his shoulder while he fights a war – a war the aforementioned rabid, post-menopausal hippies had declared lost.

I defy anyone to prove to me that pregnancy in combat is inevitable. Even Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) from Casablanca recognized that war trumps love when he told Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman) “I’m no good at being noble, but it doesn’t take much to see that the problems of three little people don’t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world.”

Category: Military issues

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Good Christ, between Carol “Che” Shea-Porter and now “Queen Jeanne the Spending Machine” Shaheen, it seems that New Hampshire Dems are trying to outmoonbat everybody.

Uh, Jeanne? Yeah, he was dumb for saying it, but it’s equally dumb to be spreading your legs (or being the other party therein) in a friggin combat zone. At the very least it’s an Article 134 offense, if not disobeying a lawful order.

Brown Neck Gaitor

Barbara Boxer

I knew after the first sentence that Dr/Professor/General Babsy was going to open her suck AGAIN. She is a walking breathing example of the f-up, move up principle.

“We can think of no greater deterrent to women contemplating a military career than the image of a pregnant woman being severely punished simply for conceiving a child. This defies comprehension.”

A child? News to me, I thought it was a PILE of tissue or a fetus until it exited the birth canal?

Thanks a freaking lot California. Please take her back and keep her.


I’m surprised they didn’t lose their fricken mind about this days ago. I figured they would be along to feign outrage. These are the same idiots that have no fricken clue what “good order and discipline” really are other than punchlines they use to try and score points.

I wonder if they would feel the same way if their own staff were critical to getting something accomplished, but they were getting pregnant and not being able to fulfill their jobs and whatever it is, isn’t getting accomplished because of it?


Sonja Schmidt from made a really funny video about Barbra “I love to race bait” Boxer. She just said replace senator with bitch and the video of her and Gen. Walsh and it has a much more appropriate meaning.


ok. how about “the shot” for women before combat… like a vaccination…


Seems like a good idea, Boo. But, I’m sure the “good” senators would get their panties in a bunch over the “right to choose” and all that other blather they come up with.
Everyone knows the military should just let the women do what they want, take their time out when they need it, and return to their unit, unless they can move up to something better when they feel like returning. Sarc/off now.

Dave Thul

I seem to recall sex between soldiers being verboten as part of general order number 1 in Iraq; no booze, no porn and no sex.


We do give the (depo) shots in theater.

Marooned in Marin

That’s the first time I’ve ever seen Barbara the Check Bouncer concerned about being able to give birth, usually, she’s doing all she can to prevent births.


Four whores (they had to give it away since no one but a blind man would buy it) in congress object to punishment of whores in the military. What a shock.


There is no prohibition against sex in GO#1. GO#1 does prohibit cohabitation between unmarried members of the opposite sex. So if you are caught shacked up with your slutty honey, you get busted for GO#1 violation. Get caught doing it in a bunker, they got for Art. 134- conduct unbecoming/general article.

John, check your email. Funny pic for sharing.

Glenn Cassel AMH1 USN Retired

Not in Infantry and Armour of The Line, not in tactical and strategic combat squadrons of the air force and never, ever on a Man-of-War, ie, United States Ship in harm’s way. And that was from my Dad, who passed on Armistice Day of 1991. He was in Korea, Quemoy and Vietnam before we were “in” Vietnam.
Guess where I stand on this?


What about soldiers who have spouses at home? They cant have sex , neither can their wives. So deal with it . We all have to. And Im a Army spouse with a deployed husband. Im gonna survive till he’s home and so will everyone else believe me. Rules are rules so be it !!


As a long time NH resident I am embarassed and ashamed of by Shaheen and Shea-Porter. I did not do enough to prevent their election. I apologize.


Jim–no worries. I bear some of the responsibility as well. Rest assured I will make sufficient effort to make sure these two dipshits are not reelected when next they face the voters.

Junior AG

“What about soldiers who have spouses at home?”

If you’re a male, you’d better need to borrow the wife’s Nair hair remover for your palms! 🙂


Just flew out to visit the nieces and nephews. A group of guys on a 15-day leave from Iraq were discussing this (one had not heard about it yet – but had lost a senior NCO 6 days before deployment because she got pregnant). They thought it was stupid because it should fall under stuff nobody should have to tell you. However, they were shocked to hear that it would apply to men as well as the woman leaving the theater. They asked my opinion and I told them that goose/gander thing but otherwise thought it should fall under common sense not to get pregnant.


And our military is further eroded via communist PC…

Army Sergeant

What about people who go on R&R where sex is allowed?

Junior AG

“What about people who go on R&R where sex is allowed?”
When I went on pass to Bahrain 03-04 time frame, married couples got to stay in the same trailer.


Ever since this was posted, I’ve been sort of stunned by the utter stupidity of these idiot women. Not getting knocked up in a WAR ZONE is such a no brainer … I’m at a loss trying to understand how the plain common sense of it, that Ray Charles could see, is not apparent to them.

I can think of no better example of just exactly how out of touch with reality people like this are. And they keep getting reelected so they represent people of the same mindset.

Army Sergeant

Except, dude, birth control fails. If people are legally allowed to have sex, and their birth control failed, they would have had to have an abortion or get in trouble. Fucked the fuck up.


Ok AS: Let’s look at your question: “What about people who go on R&R where sex is allowed?”

Maybe a little bit of personal responsibility if you know you are deployed and go on R&R? What about birth control pills and condoms? Give it the old one-two punch? I know that there are super sperm out there that can breach condoms and birth control pills, but I think the chances are slim. If you’re a female not on the pill, for one reason or another, then use another method coupled with a condom for the studmuffin.

It’s not rocket science and the old adage of being free to engage in whatever you want is bullshit, since you should also exercise some personal responsibility on top of it, knowing you are serving in theater. It shouldn’t always be on the guy to be responsible and women aren’t the only “victim”, as you feel, in the policy.