Wearing out her welcome

| May 8, 2008

Hillary has become the house guest that wouldn’t leave. It’s two in the morning, she’s sitting on your couch, tossing back your Crown Royal, chasing it with your good beer and telling war stories about invisible snipers. She has her feet on the coffee table and the remote control in her hand. Your friends are begging her to leave, her friends are begging her to leave, yet there she sits. The Washington Post reports;

Asked whether Clinton had discussed dropping out, senior adviser Howard Wolfson flatly told reporters: “No.”

In her conversations with advisers yesterday, they said, Clinton talked about looking ahead to the next campaign, in West Virginia, where she should hold an advantage on Tuesday.

“Her feeling is she’s made a commitment to let the people in the remaining states have their chance to express their voice, and she’ll move forward with that part of the campaign in a way that will both make the case for her but also be constructive for the Democratic Party,” said Geoff Garin, a top strategist in the campaign.

It’s probably because she has no where to go. George McGovern has even jumped the rails to Barak Obama

The Washington Times, however, has sent Jerry Seper to the Library of Congress to cull through the late Sam Dash’s personal papers to encourage Hillary to get off the stage;

Ordinarily, such files containing grand jury evidence and prosecutors’ deliberations are never made public. But the estate of Sam Dash, a lifelong Democrat who served as the ethics adviser to Whitewater Independent Counsel Kenneth W. Starr, donated his documents from the infamous 1990s investigation to the Library of Congress after his 2004 death, unwittingly injecting into the public domain much of the testimony and evidence gathered against Mrs. Clinton from former law partners, White House aides and other witnesses.

The documents, reviewed by The Washington Times, identify numerous instances in which prosecutors questioned Mrs. Clinton’s honesty, an issue that continues to dog her on the campaign trail after she was forced to acknowledge earlier this year exaggerating a story about coming under sniper fire as first lady during a visit to Bosnia in 1996.

Republicanpundit writes that Hillary is on the cusp of her legacy – the most hated woman in America.

Bloodthirsty Liberal quotes “Rasputin” and “Goebels” (Rove and Limbaugh, respectively);

When Rasputin and Goebbels agree on political strategy, we should all pay attention. The Democrats may just have snatched ignominious defeat from the jaws of certain victory.

Don Surber is keeping score. The Gateway Pundit catches shenanigans from the Obama camp during the North Carolina primaries.

Me? Personally? I was tired of her after the “pretty in pink” interview back in 1992. I left New York State after the 1998 election because I knew New Yorkers would be stupid enough to elect her to Senate. I got out of town the weekend she started her “listening tour”. Anyone with half-a-brain can see that’s all about her ego and not because she gives a tiny rat’s ass about any of us.

Category: Politics

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If I had to guess, and put myself in her shoes, this is the way she might see it:

This (the Democratic race) is the race that will determine the next President of the US. If there is even the narrowest outside chance that she could still win the nomination she is going to stick it out because this is the most important political race of her life. She knows that whoever wins the Democratic nomination will be sitting in the Oval Office next year.

What follows in the general election will just be a formality.


I wouldn’t bet the farm on that.


I think she has 11,000,000 reasons. She’s that much in debt and by staying in she can get the gullible who still think she has a chance to pay her bills.

The second reason is that hillary has a 12 year plan- she wants to wound Obama so he won’t win so that she can swoop in in 2012 and knock the unpopular aged McCain out of the WH.