Flip this House

| May 8, 2008

Today, the House of Representatives voted 239-188 to give grants and loans, to the tune of $15 billion to states that have been hardest hit by foreclosures in the recent spate of dumbass to hit some American consumers according to the Associated Press;

Supporters say the legislation will prevent neighborhoods around foreclosed homes from sliding into blight.


[President Bush, who says he’ll veto the legislation] says Democrats’ housing proposals reward lenders and speculators instead of helping homeowners.

Not to mention that it’s not even a function of government to get into the business of buying houses no else wants. Suppose no one buys the houses from the government, are they going to administer the property in perpetuity? Or, more likely, they’ll sell the damn things on the cheap to donors and political pals.

It’s just window dressing to make it appear as though Congress is doing something about the economy. If they want to do something, give me more of my own money and stop acting like government is business.

Category: Economy, Politics

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I am currently living two steps above a cardboard box because “she who will not be named” just about got it all. A few years ago I bought what I felt comfortable that I could afford, passing on ARMs and such because you would have to be an idiot…..

I sure do wish now that I had known that those sugar-daddies would bail me out. Could have gotten me some nice big-screen TVs and SUVs and stuff (to whine about now along with the house) with the extra.

But I guess I am on my own, huh??? WOULDN’T have it ANY other way. The clowns in trouble now can kiss my rosy pink Irish tuchas…..