Holiday Open Thread
Happy Halloween! One more day to enjoy the Halloween lights and decorations before they go down and the Thanksgiving lights and decorations come up. Depending on who one supports, the “real” Halloween scare will come when the results of next month’s election identifies the next president. If it’s the “orange man”, you’ll end up needing years worth of pop corn.
Category: Open thread
And quite probably ammo.
Hack may be second on this Holiday Open Thread, but he is first in the hearts and minds of Vice Presidents of proud but humble women owned businesses that sell outdated and overpriced Red Hat Software to the Federal Government.
FIRST! Point of Order Mr. Stone, is our USMC Steve did not declare FIRST in his comment, whereas you did use the phraseology of “…first in the hearts…” which may and/or may not give you bragging rights to being FIRST on the HOT.
The Gun Bunny used the word FIRST 1st in his comment which would in turn be classified as declaring himself as FIRST!
We are going to need a ruling on that. If only the NFL zebras weren’t so busy with BS all the time.
I realize TAH is not a democracy, however, I’m giving my endorsement to KoB. Under my interpretation of the rules, USMC Steve did not emphatically declare FIRST in his comment, and Hack Stone craftily snuck it into his post, in a manner reminiscent of the Obamacare bill. I will respect the final ruling.
I have to disagree as a team of lawers is on their way to TAH headquarters to investigate the possibility of a “hanging” first comment.
Government lawers? Dammit.
Well, there are few girls in the Far East who told Hack that he is hung.
Same here, I thought they said “Hung like a bear” but they actually said “Barely hung” 😐.
We have to accept Hack’s declaration of First Comment in order to see what is in his comment. Otherwise we are burdened by what has not been done.
You would be correct in your interpretation of the rules, SFC D. And rules are rules. With all due (dis)respect to our USMC Steve, being the 1st to comment does not count if the commentor does not declare oneself to be FIRST (in either written or numeric form). This type of case has precedence in the Hallowed Halls of TAH Open Thread FIRSTNESS, overseen by our Very Own Lioness of TAH, EX-PH2 (R.I.P), stating that the facts in evidence HAD to include a Declaration of FIRST. Ergo, USMC Steve, tho he was the 1st to comment, did not, indeed, make said declaration.
Further more, presenting facts in evidence, tho The Stoned Hacker did use the term first in his comment, he also DID acknowledge…and I quote “Hack may be second on this Holiday Open Thread,” that he was SECOND there fore henceforth and forever more giving up any and all claim to the HOT FIRST. Any objections that Hack has of all of the above being immaterial, irreverent, and assuming facts not in evidence are over ruled.
Treats for all include, but are not limited to…Reecee Cups, Take 5s, Fun sized Snickers, Hershey Bars, Baby Ruths, and shots of Jameson.
Hack Stone will be turning tricks ‘neath the lamp post at the end of the exit ramp near Bethesda MD, tho I have no idea how he thinks that 2 bits a throw will add to his income very quickly.
In the interest of transparency, I have to state that my interpretation of any and all rules and regulations (to include AR’s) is based on decades of watching NASCAR crew chiefs in action, specifically Smokey Yunick, Robin Pemberton, Junior Johnson, and Chad Knaus.
KoB’s account of the Rules of FIRSTness as decreed by The Lioness of TAH the sainted Ex-PH2 are accurate.
Ergo KoB hiz-ownself is properly on the HOT Throne.
That isn’t really a big deal for me, as much as making the observation. I will defer to Hack-san.
We can be couplers, much like Hillary declared herself copresident.
Darn autocorrect, Hack wrote co-rulers.
No pics please. We don’t care if it happens(ed).
Shit… I just made a brazen attempt to steal the Firstness, and then saw KoB actually claimed hours ago…
I humbly apologize and relinquish any claim.
Cong of the Rats to you sir!
Democrats will cheat da F* outta this, watch.

It’s already happening right in front of our very eyes.
Thousands of very real fake voter registrations in Pennsylvania is “misinformation”.
Removing ineligible non-citizens from the voter rolls is illegal.
They don’t even try to hide it anymore.
Nope, they don’t care at all about that. Nada.
It’ll be oppenly abusing people they don’t like and privately demanding “favors” like Harvey Weinstein next.
Porgressives have no standards and like state power for a reason.
That is why we should make them bleed for it. If they want to steal this one, they should have to earn it the hard way.
Ah, looks like Pennsylvania went for Harris early, like really, really early.
Looks legit. 😐
They need to adjust it, they made the margin too high. Drop it to about 3% and it seems realistic.
Oh, I was looking at the F1 cars.
You are not the only, Google and fakebook are demoting the story as well.
Happy Sugar Overdose Day!
I’m off to play with various age kiddos all day, and for my students dispense a little chocolate as compensation for putting up with me.
Went to plant some freedom seeds yesterday. Seriously out of practice, I fear. Need more practice ammo (and time).
‘S’all right. Even if you only get close enough to minute-of-man, if you miss your intended target, you’ll put a round in the perp next to him/her/it/them.
just bought an annealing machine… think I am entertained till Thanksgiving.
So, it’s OK if I pop a ‘zit’?
If nothing else, it will keep their heads down.
So the claymores can be more effective?
Hmm. Ground based fireworks.
So, any bets on what The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) dresses up as to the annual All-Points Logistics Halloween party?
A Navy SEAL? A Native American? A Law Enforcement Officer? Or maybe some else?
Rest assured, there will a lot of coke, gheyness, wholesale theft and stolen valor! All-Points Logistics style!
Phil Monkress is 75% of The Village People all by himself.
Barracks life on Halloween always fun, not fun for CQ/SDO.
I can honestly say that Jameson’s has never cause me to make a bad decision. I was gonna make the bad decision anyway. Now… Jameson’s may or may not have escalated that bad decision to an epic level… I admit nothing. Call my lawer.
8965-01-162-0394 Whiskey, Straight, 40.0% Alcohol By Volume
And every bit of it delicious.
Present? I’m saving that for Christmas?
It’s time for that song again.
Or. If you’re of another persuasion:
” If it’s the “orange man”, you’ll end up needing years worth of pop corn.”
If it’s the airhead trollop, you won’t be able to afford the popcorn.
Okay, since I haven’t seen a declaration…
Waiting to be denied, but who knows…
I’m going to buy myself a Magic 8 Ball to solve what time I shoud sign in on all the FIRST’s that we have on the site.
Im all ready! I wrote ‘ FREE KANDY ‘ in fake blood on my windowless white cargo van.
Got my daughter to add some bloody handprints on the rear doors and her old Dora backpack hanging out.
I love Halloween!
You sick bastard! I love it!
Thank you! I learned from the best
Maybe enter it in next year’s Halloween parade.
I ain’t ascared.
Happy Halloween!
Ladies and Germs,
I give you the guy playing president of something-or-other, from ZH:
Lame Yuck! With Nothing To Lose, Biden Goes On Baby-Mouthing Spree At White House Halloween Party
I wouldn’t look at that link and read the data. I did.
Guess you could say I’m “paying [the abuse] forward”.
The drinking light is illuminated here at Camp Bleck-ing
If you get evicted from your $6500 a month rental home for being in arrears, can you still use that address when you vote? Asking for a proud but homeless Vice President of a software company.
Send me her name I will put her registration form for her in Pennsylvania.
80 years ago (1944),
The Three Stooges put out this short,
including pumpkins and jack o’ lanterns.
Trivia Quiz –
Do YOU know WHY this short was left out of the
1950’s Columbia Pictures TV distribution packages,
and also BANNED from some TV stations around the USA
(from the late 1950s until the 1980s)?
1 spoken line of script completely changes this short’s plot.
And not in a good way.
Good luck.
Standing in line with Rosetta to cast our votes, and some “media influencer” who draws his wardrobe from The Huggy Bear Collection is interviewing certain “demographics” about who they will vote for and how he was at her rally earlier this week, and she will win. Hack thinks the guy will be burdened by what will not be.
12 plus minutes standing in line, finally made it into the lobby. Probably at least 300 people ahead of Hack. Can Hack Stone exert his authority as current Ruler of The Weekend Open Thread to cut in line?
75 minutes total by the time Hack was done. Voted yes on Proposition 13, Does Phil Monkress Work Balls.
Latest in selfish, nuts behavior…
Revenge body? No, revenge baby!
Giselle Bunchen pregnant (divorced, 44) pregnant by boyfriend– that’ll show Tom Brady!
Local news update on the attempted election fraud in Lancaster County, PA.
Some falsehoods are being run around on social media.
The facts are here.
NOT “votes” (as Donald Trump recently (falsely) claimed).
NOT “ballots”, either.
It’s 2,500 voter registration applications.
Other counties in PA have the same attempted fraud going on,
in smaller numbers.
And if you don’t (already) know,
Pennsylvania is not only a toss up, but the rules in place are that
NO votes among the absentee ballots, the early mail-in voting,
NOR the in person early voting at the county courthouses,
can be counted until 7:00am on Tuesday, November 5.
In 2020, this took 3 days, until Thursday evening. 2024 may be worse.
IMHO – If Tuesday night is a cliffhanger to 270 electoral votes,
Pennsylvania may end up keeping everyone in the USA hanging
(not with chads) until the end of the week.
(story paste)
Lancaster County detectives have so far identified
“hundreds of fraudulent” voter registration applications
among a batch of 2,500 dropped at the county elections office
on or near the Oct. 21 deadline,
District Attorney Heather Adams said in a statement Wednesday.
Amateurs. Arizona says it may take 13 days to complete the count. Pennsylvania needs to step up their game.
Copying 10,000 straight-ticket Democrat ballots to feed into the tabulators takes time!