Conspiracy theories from the floor of the Senate

| December 21, 2009

Washington Time‘s Kerry Picket reports on the vile and disgusting hyperbole that oozed from the throat of Rhode Island’s Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse yesterday;

“Voting ‘no’ and hiding from the vote [on the health care bill] are the same result. Those of us on the floor see it. It was clear the three of them who did not cast their yes votes until all 60 Senate votes had been tallied and it was clear that the result was a foregone conclusion. And why? Why all this discord and discourtesy, all this unprecedented destructive action? All to break the momentum of our new young president.

They are desperate to break this president. They have ardent supporters who are nearly hysterical at the very election of President Barack Obama. The birthers, the fanatics, the people running around in right-wing militia and Aryan support groups, it is unbearable to them that President Barack Obama should exist. That is one powerful reason. It is not the only one.”

Um, “the momentum of our new young president”? Really? What momentum? I must’ve missed it.

“The birthers, the fanatics, the people running around in right-wing militia and Aryan support groups…”…are all of these types in the Senate? I suppose it’d be easy to spot them in their 20-year-old BDUs and their crooked green berets.

Aryans have support groups? Well, I suppose that’s true if it’s “unbearable” for them that Obama was born. They probably need to talk that out among themselves.

I don’t want to “break” this president. I just want him to bring his politics in line with mine. I don’t care who runs the government, just so long as they run it the way I want them to run it.

How shallow is an ideology that depends on fear-mongering and name-calling to convince people to vote for it?

Picket interviewed Whitehouse after his speech;

Mr. Whitehouse said he stood by his speech, but would not admit that he was accusing anyone who was against the health care bill as racist. He did reiterate that birthers are part of the group that is against the bill and are attacking president However, when I asked the Senator from Rhode Island what he meant by describing those who do not support the bill as “aryan,” he responded “No, I didn’t say that….again, pay attention to the speech.”

Communists are part of the group that support the health care bill, so I guess that makes Whitehouse a communist.

Category: Congress sucks, Liberals suck

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Already wrote to Sen Whitehouse and my state’s Senatorial contingent demanding an apology. A different time and place, a challenge to a duel would be appropriate.


Does his statement surprise you, remembering that numerous right-wing pundits and a number of legislators have stated categorically that they wanted Obama to fail?


Joe…Seriously. Don’t show your ass every time you come here. It’s getting old. We wanted the *policies* to fail which would give us a more stable Country at the moment. Alas, we’re warping the road to serfdom and those of you covering your ears and squeezing your eye shut still have no goddamn clue what is really going on. Well, allow me.

THIS is a power grab. It’s not about you or me, or the poor uninsured. It is about keeping the people beholden to the government and taking the liberty and freedoms from the people until what we know is completely eroded.


Gee. Here I thought Dickhead “Our troops are Nazi’s” Durbin won the prize.

I count myself among those who want this clueless idiot to “fail.”

When it comes to turning us into some sort of socialist utopia, I want him to fail.

When it comes to burying this nation in inter-generational debt, I want him to fail.

When it comes to a moronic, clueless foreign policy, I want him to fail.

So yeah, I pretty much guess I want him to fail.

What I want is for our country to succeed. And it seems to me that every day he’s in power, that becomes more difficult.

And if this empty suited, anti-American racist bigot must fail for this country to succeed…. then yeah, you can count me in on that. Joe.

Junior AG

Psst, Joe, Obama is merely FDR 2.0 and FDR merely prolonged the Great Depression with his New Deal malarkey, same-same is happening with hope-n-change.

“remembering that numerous right-wing pundits and a number of legislators have stated categorically that they wanted Obama to fail?” The right wing, which I am NOT a member of, BTW, wanting Obama to fail won’t make it so… Yanking money out of the productive sector for the B.S. .gov programs is what will wreck our economy. Get ready for some serious inflationary fun soon, Joe!


Joe, Joe, Joe “sigh”; you never cease to give me pause to think that you really can’t fix stupid. I guess Ron White was correct.

I’m not going to get into the myriad comparisons of what was said by the communist troglodites, such as yourself, when Bush was President. However, since you insist on being stupid; may I point out what was really obvious about what you said versus what was really said? Wanting policies to fail is far different than wanting the person to fail. Just like you never grasped the concept that the “45,000” die from lack of healthcare crappola you tried shoveling here before. Even after it was pointed out that the number was made up and the study wasn’t really a study but a questionnaire that was filled out 12 years prior. You still wanted to point it out.

As for this debacle of a power grab: Did you notice that the statements made say “this will cover ALMOST everyone? What’s this “almost” shit? I thought spending over a trillion dollars was supposed to cover everyone??? Is it possible that they lied to us??? Why would the caring and sharing do-gooders in the dem party lie to us? Why would they spend over a trillion dollars (that we don’t have btw) on something that will leave 32 million people un-insured? Is that what we are getting for all that money? As with global warming, it’s a fraud.

So, keep drinking the koolaid, commie, they will continue to make more.

I don’t need to wish your President to fail, he’s doing a splendid job of that on his own.


A lot of people don’t make the distinction between him failing and our country failing – they would like to cut off their nose to spite their face. But yeah, OldTrooper, you’re right, he is doing a pretty gutless, mediocre job. You don’t like him, I assume, because he’s not conservative, I don’t like him anymore because he hasn’t been bold enough, has settled for watered down programs that don’t please anyone. I agree, for all the hoopla and money, we should have universal coverage and a public option. His problem is he has been to worried about keeping you guys happy and he’s pissed everyone off as a result. He’s no FDR – FDR had vision and political courage, which is sadly lacking, as it turns out, in Obama. I bet even guys like you would have more respect for him if swung for the (socialist?) fences instead of settling for these half measures.

Bill R.

Communists are part of the group that support the health care bill, so I guess that makes Whitehouse a communist.

It’s pretty much a given that anyone with a D after their name nowadays is just a glorifed communist. They’re pushing our country right into the very policies several generations of Americans worked to defeat. Most of us thought that happened around 1990 or so. Guess we were wrong.


“A lot of people don’t make the distinction between him failing and our country failing …”

I don’t see how that follows, Joe. It is completely illogical to state that a desire for POTUS’ policies to fail automatically means the country fails. Without a doubt, Healthcare is a looming issue that needs to be dealt with, but if it is not, as of right now, the Country moves on. So no Ragnarok. Unless you are a Big Government kind of guy, then I can understand that it’s a failure in your eyes.

But hoping that this Administration’s policies fail is a win for us and our greatgrandchildren. Because if he succeeds, within 1-5 years the economy will crash so bad it will make the Great Depression look like a high school kid struggling to find a way to pay for some new MP3 downloads to his iPod.

I have studied some on the causes of the Great Depression and what put the “Great” in it. It is complicated, but the only different thing I see being done now is that Bernake is printing money like crazy whereas then, the Fed restricted the money supply. Everything else appears to be the same. Massive tax increases, government spending, protectionism – and non of it worked, it only made it worse.

In case you are thinking, “Aha! It is different and it will work differently in outcome.” That is correct, but it is still REALLY bad. Research post WWI Germany to understand how bad REALLY bad can be.

And printing several Trillion Dollars with no corresponding backing in value will cause the same hyperinflation that ruined Germany.

If you want a current example of hyperinflation, look up Zimbabwe. Until June 2009, they had 100 Trillion Zimbabwe Dollar notes in circulation (not enough to buy a loaf of bread).

This is what happens when paper money has no real value backing it, and exactly what will happen in America. Look for a LOT of pain starting about 1-2 years from now.

Unless the Lord gives us some serious Divine help, we are screwed.


Yes, we’re in deep s**t OldSoldier54. When asked how Germany had started to bounce back from the Great Recession faster than a lot of countries, Angela Merkel said something like, “Well, we actually produce something”. Ah, those were the days. No more, we mostly flip burgers for each other. I could ramble on about thirty years (including Clinton) of corporate welfare and flawed free market policies that led to the flight of jobs and the destruction of the middle class, but I won’t. Question is, how do we start producing something here again, something that we’ll buy and the rest of the world will buy? “Green jobs” and technology may hold some promise, but I bet that American companies are too focused on the next quarterly profits to invest – other countries that take a longer view will scoop us and we’ll end up buying the technology from them.

On a different point, a little protectionism may not be a bad thing – that’s how some European countries kept key industries from drying up and blowing away entirely. Maybe there’s a happy medium to prevent every single business from moving to Thailand or India or China.


“That’s how some European countries kept key industries from drying up”. Also, they subsidize the hell out of their industries, so US industries can’t compete. And no, I’m not suggesting that we subsidize our industries. Maybe, make the playing field level. Lower the corporate tax rate, heh, like the dems will ever, EVER, lower a tax.
Green jobs were supposed to be the savior in Michigan, but nope, green, sustainable jobs are like hen’s teeth, or DC cops with common sense.
Now, Joe, tell us all how the health care holdup that can’t be repealed down the road is good for this country. Tell us how the citizens of 49 states paying more taxes to keep Nebraska Medicaid rates flat is fair and good for us.


I don’t know what the current bastardized, mutated, watered down bills in congress will do – the entire process has been so f’ed up. I wish we would just transition to something similar to Canadian universal system. Allowing people to move freely from one job to another without worrying about insurance makes for a more efficient market. Having a healthy, stable, well cared for workforce is a big asset for many large employers – it was a main reason Toyota put a large new factory in Canada rather than the US a couple of years back. Paying 31% of all health care dollars in administrative fees (as opposed to 1% in Canada) is hugely wasteful. But we’re not gonna have anything near universal health care with this monstrosity of a bill….