The ACLU on “Gitmo North”

| December 15, 2009

Mathew Alexander the interrogator emeritus of Vote Vets explains “Why Transferring Detainees to Illinois Keeps Us Safe” over there today.

I support the President’s decision to transfer detainees to Guantanamo Bay. It’s time to shut down the Guantanamo Bay prison and undercut one of Al Qaida’s main recruiting tools. In Iraq in 2006, while overseeing interrogations of Al Qaida foreign fighters, I listened time and time again to their reasons for coming to Iraq to fight — the torture and abuse of detainees at Guantanamo bay and Abu Ghraib.

Yes, we know, Mathew, that tale is posted all over Washington DC’s subway platforms sponsored by a George Soros-funded organization. It really doesn’t matter what the al Qaeda foreign fighters said to you – they lie, that’s why they’re being interrogated. If they didn’t lie, they’d be leading special forces teams against al-Qaeda.

But irrespective of Alexander’s absurd pronouncements, he’s currently working for the American Civil Liberties Union, and they aren’t as impressed with the Obama Administration’s actions today, calling Thomson, IL Gitmo, Illinios;

Reports indicate that Thomson will be the new home for detainees the government has no intention of releasing or bringing to trial. It’s the return of that “fifth category” of detainees President Obama described in his national security speech last May, those “who cannot be prosecuted for past crimes, in some cases because evidence may be tainted, but who nonetheless pose a threat to the security of the United States.” The Obama administration—like the Bush administration—has maintained that it has the right to hold detainees without charge or trial under the Authorization for Use of Military Force.

It is estimated that as many as 75 detainees could potentially be part of this fifth category.

But as we pointed out last year, a policy of indefinite detention is unnecessary and unwise, and would give the president carte blanche to break the law—something we’ve all seen enough of from the past administration.

So, what the ACLU has advocated is the release of dangerous detainees. They compound this idiocy in a press release entitled “Creating a ‘Gitmo North’ an Alarming Step“;

“The creation of a ‘Gitmo North’ in Illinois is hardly a meaningful step forward. Shutting down Guantánamo will be nothing more than a symbolic gesture if we continue its lawless policies onshore.

“Alarmingly, all indications are that the administration plans to continue its predecessor’s policy of indefinite detention without charge or trial for some detainees, with only a change of location. Such a policy is completely at odds with our democratic commitment to due process and human rights whether it’s occurring in Cuba or in Illinois. In fact, while the Obama administration inherited the Guantánamo debacle, this current move is its own affirmative adoption of those policies.

So, there you have it. The Left and the ACLU want nothing less than the immediate and unsupervised release of at least 75 dangerous terrorists, prisoners from the battlefields of our nation’s war. Regardless of the chance that they’ll kill more innocent people again, the ACLU chooses the rights of criminals over the rights of their prospective victims.

Nothing can placate the ACLU short of releasing terrorists into our midst, nothing will placate those al Qaeda foreign fighters that Alexander believes joined because of Guantanamo short of returning their soldiers to the ranks of al Qaeda. So why are we doing it? To make ourselves feel better? To make the “civilized world” feel better about us?

To lead our people to slaughter?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Terror War

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Ummmm? Matt hasn’t a clue? *bah bah black sheep*?


And the brothers of the POTUS will be released as fast as a liberal/Islamist judge can release them. The families of those who die due to this act should demand an eye for an eye from members of the administration. President O’Dumbo should resign and/or jump from a tall building on the day the first terrorists is released.

Lazarus Long

just curious-where does it say that the left and the ACLU want “nothing less than the immediate and unsupervised release of at least 75 dangerous terrorists, prisoners from the battlefields of our nation’s war”?
Just askin…..

Adirondack Patriot

This may be a stretch, but maybe the Leftists and al-Quaeda hate Guantanamo Bay prison for unstated reasons that undermine their anti-U.S. dogma? For example, the fact that jihadists who swore to give their life in defense of their belief have now surrendered and need to be imprisoned. This huge point that is overlooked by the media undermines their argument that jihadists are willing to die for their beliefs.
Second, these surrendering jihadists are also receiving pretty damn good care. Abu Graib was already investigated and under ajudication when the press “sniffed” out the story and published it. Other than that, the prisoners have received excellent treatment. In fact, 80 percent of them are willing to provide information and cooperate with U.S. interrogators.
Compare the care they have received with the prison care given by ANY Islamic nation to its fellow muslims.
Anyone who thinks that Guantanamo Bay prison is a recruiting tool for jihadists is delusional. It may make for a great bumper sticker slogan in the back of some lefty’s Subaru, but it has no basis in reality.

Junior AG

Should’ve declared war in 2001 & we wouldn’t be debating this…

AW1 Tim

I do not want these terrorists held indefinitely either. As a taxpayer, all I see is them soaking up my taxes for the rest of their lives. I want them executed at the earliest possible opportunity.

Hang them and cremate their remains, and dispose of them at the nearest landfill. At least the crematorium can be used as a heat source to generate “clean” electricity. THAT ought to pacify some of the leftists.

I see absolutely no reason to extend to these terrorists any of the rights POW’s have under the Geneva Accords. I would rather that this nation adopt the same policy towards captured terrorists that AQ & Taliban have towards our people they capture. We treat them exactly as they treat us.

Let’s see how far that goes.