Milblogs Go Silent

| December 16, 2009

This post will remain on top until Saturday, Dec. 19. Scroll for newer posts.

The Army has been doing a lot stupid crap and this is just the latest. This Ain’t Hell has had to deal with some stupid shit from the Army lately that we’re not ready to talk about yet. So as a show of solidarity with CJ and a few other blogger friends who have been persecuted by the Army lately, we’re going silent today.

If you’ve got a few loose bucks throw it in CJ’s direction for his legal defense.

The following was written by Mr. Wolf of Blackfive and expresses the sentiments of this blog.

On Wednesday 16 December 2009, many milblogs — including This Ain’t Hell, From My Position, Blackfive, Miss Ladybug, Boston Maggie, Grim’s Hall, and those participating in the Wednesday Hero program — are going silent for the day. Some are choosing to go silent for a longer period of time.

The reason for this is two-fold. First, milblogs are facing an increasingly hostile environment from within the military. While senior leadership has embraced blogging and social media, many field grade officers and senior NCOs do not embrace the concept. From general apathy in not wanting to deal with the issue to outright hositility to it, many commands are not only failing to support such activities, but are aggressively acting against active duty milbloggers, milspouses, and others. The number of such incidents appears to be growing, with milbloggers receiving reprimands, verbal and written, not only for their activities but those of spouses and supporters.

The catalyst has been the treatment of milblogger C.J. Grisham of A Soldier’s Perspective . C.J. has earned accolades and respect, from the White House on down for his honest, and sometimes blunt, discussion of issues — particularly PTSD. In the last few months, C.J. has seen an issue with a local school taken to his command who failed to back him, and has even seen his effort to deal with PTSD, and lead his men in same by example, used against him as a part of this. Ultimately, C.J. has had to sell his blog to help raise funds for his defense in this matter.

An excellent story on the situation with C.J. can be found at Military Times. While there have been new developments, the core problem remains, and C.J. is having to raise funds to cover legal expenses to protect both his good name and his career.

One need only look at the number of blogs by active duty military in combat zones and compare it to just a few years ago to see the chilling effect that is taking place.

Milblogs have been a vital link in getting accurate news and information about the military, and military operations, to the public. They have provided vital context and analysis on issues critical to operations and to the informed electorate critical to the Republic.

On Wednesday 16 December, readers will have the chance to imagine a world without milblogs, and to do something about it. Those participating are urging their readers to contact their elected representatives in Congress, and to let their opinions be known to them and to other leaders in Washington.

Some milblogs will remain silent for several days; some just for the day. All have agreed to keep the post about the silence and C.J. at the top of their blogs until Friday 18 December.
The issues go beyond C.J., and deserve careful consideration and discussion. We hope that you will cover this event, and explore the issues that lie at the heart of the matter. Contact the milbloggers in your area or that you know, and hear the story that lies within.

A Partial List of Participating Blogs:
Boston Maggie
Miss Ladybug
Drunken Wisdom
Grim’s Hall
CDR Salamander
You Served
Delta Bravo Sierra
PVT Murphy
Another Voice Laughing Wolf
The Burnpit
Homefront Six
Yankee Mom
Another Voice
Concrete Bob at United Conservatives for Virginia
Knee Deep in the Hooah!
Assoluta Tranquillita
Wake up America
Miss Beth’s Victory Dance
Soldier’s Angels NY
Pepple Drops
Support your Local Gunfighter
Knottie’s Niche
Hugh Hewitt
War On Terror News
The Sniper
Great Reader JihadGene
America’s North Shore Journal
The Mudville Gazette
The Dawn Patrol
Gazing at the Flag
Righty in a Lefty State
The Foxhole
From my position
Chromed Curses
America’s North Shore Journal
Righty in a Lefty State
Thunder Run
Bring the heat, bring the stupid
Little Drops….. Into the pool of life.
The Gun Line
In Iraq Now (at 56)
Susan Katz Keating
Kitchen Dispatch
Army Times
Air Force Times
Marine Times
Navy Times
Military Times
In the Crosshairs
No Runny Eggs
Texas Fred
The Army of Dude
The Canadians join us at What the F*&#!?!?

Email me your blog’s address and I’ll add you to the list.

Special thanks to DrewM at Ace of Spades, Confederate Yankee, Free Republic, The Pirates’ Cove, JammieWearingFool, Flopping Aces, Around the Sphere, The Jawa Report and Michelle Malkin for the links and/or publicity.

Category: Bloggers

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Please add and to the list. Thank you.

(yes, I know this isn’t an email. I never could follow instructions)


Love the comic block on Jonn’s site, Damon! Awesome.

Junior AG

“The Army bueracrapcy and defense contractor job pursuing officer corps has been doing a lot stupid crap and this is just the latest.” Fixed it for ya!

Let’s start with the basic of basics. The morons that run the Army can’t get us a camouflage uniform that actually hides a Soldier, a rifle that is more reliable than the upgraded 1960s technology we currently tote, and can’t seem to comprehend SLA Marshall’s opus “The Soldier’s Load and The Mobility of a Nation 1950.” The whole loadin’ the Soldiers like they are deuce-n-a half trucks is especially unforgivable when you have the Troopers fighting in the worst mountains in the world against skilled fighters who carry just weapons and ammo…

Staying anonymous

Here’s the principals blog, have fun.

Junior AG

“While senior leadership has embraced blogging and social media, many field grade officers and senior NCOs do not embrace the concept. From general apathy in not wanting to deal with the issue to outright hositility to it, many commands are not only failing to support such activities, but are aggressively acting against active duty milbloggers, milspouses, and others.”

We are Lions lead by donkeys…


[…] John Lilyea On Wednesday 16 December 2009, many milblogs — including This Ain’t Hell, From My Position, Blackfive, Miss Ladybug, Boston Maggie, Grim’s Hall, and those […]


Sounds like the North Korean Army. Not mine.

Angelia ( Knottie)

Two things..
First: CJ has asked that we NOT harass the principal and allow this to be dealt with through proper means. So please do not send comments to her via her website. Please respect CJ’s wishes on this. We also do not need to be making more trouble for CJ and his family. If you want to support him get the word out and donate if and what you can.

Second: CJ stated on twitter yesterday he LOVES the Army and it is just a few people within the chain of command he has issues with. I would hope that we all can see that within any organization there will be those who do not represent the entire group. I too love the Army even though I have my issues with certain people in it and things that have been done or not done. So let’s not trash the Army as a whole please.


Just add this to the list of man made disasters that have occured since Jan 09. Marxist/Socialist can’t stand the light of day, the truth would destroy them. E-8, Retired, USAF


Add my blog to the list. I’m taking the day off.


[…] This Ain’t Hell […]


[…] Soldier’s Perspective You Served Bouhammer The American Legion Laughing Wolf Hugh Hewitt This Ain’t Hell Castle Argghhh Boston Maggie Blackfive Miss Ladybug Hooah Wife Kiss My Gumbo Some Soldiers Mom […]


Thanks for showing me on the list. Just in case some of you do not know, there is more than one non American site supporting CJ. Assoluta Tranquillita (and what a perfect name for a blog today!) is based in Bratville (a tiny kingdom set up north in Canada. *grin* CJ knows this..;)

Our coalition of milblogs is international, just as is our coalition of boots on the ground.

And yes, I am being silent today.


[…] Jonn Lilyea: The Army has been doing a lot stupid crap and this is just the latest. This Ain’t Hell has had to deal with some stupid shit from the Army lately that we’re not ready to talk about yet. So as a show of solidarity with CJ and a few other blogger friends who have been persecuted by the Army lately, we’re going silent today. […]


[…] Soldier’s Perspective You Served Bouhammer The American Legion Laughing Wolf Hugh Hewitt This Ain’t Hell Castle Argghhh Boston Maggie Blackfive Miss Ladybug Hooah Wife Kiss My Gumbo Some Soldiers Mom […]


[…] This Ain’t Hell Boston Maggie Blackfive Miss Ladybug Drunken Wisdom Grim’s Hall From My Position CDR Salamander Bouhammer […]


[…] Laughing Wolf Hugh Hewitt This Ain’t Hell Castle Argghhh Boston Maggie Blackfive Miss Ladybug Hooah Wife Kiss My Gumbo Some Soldiers Mom […]


[…] Soldier’s Perspective You Served Bouhammer The American Legion Laughing Wolf Hugh Hewitt This Ain’t Hell Castle Argghhh Boston Maggie Blackfive Miss Ladybug Hooah Wife Kiss My Gumbo Some Soldiers Mom […]


[…] A Soldier’s Perspective You Served Bouhammer The American Legion Laughing Wolf Hugh Hewitt This Ain’t Hell Castle Argghhh Boston Maggie Blackfive Miss Ladybug Hooah Wife Kiss My Gumbo Some Soldiers Mom […]


Keep up the heat folks.

Oh, and thanks defandUSA.


[…] A Soldier's Perspective You Served Bouhammer The American Legion Laughing Wolf Hugh Hewitt This Ain't Hell Castle Argghhh Boston Maggie Blackfive Miss Ladybug Hooah Wife Kiss My Gumbo Some Soldiers Mom […]


I wonder why I can`t post any coments on her blog????


[…] A Soldier’s Perspective You Served Bouhammer The American Legion Laughing Wolf Hugh Hewitt This Ain’t Hell Castle Argghhh Boston Maggie Blackfive Miss Ladybug Hooah Wife Kiss My Gumbo Some Soldiers Mom […]


[…] Soldier’s Perspective You Served Bouhammer The American Legion Laughing Wolf Hugh Hewitt This Ain’t Hell Castle Argghhh Boston Maggie Blackfive Miss Ladybug Hooah Wife Kiss My Gumbo Some Soldiers Mom […]