Humorous videos to supplement the cartoon thread

| September 1, 2024 | 14 Comments

If you’re looking for images and videos to laugh at, Planet of Memes is one of the X accounts to go to. First up, a FedEx driver’s misadventure. This FedEx driver is going places. Not up the corporate ladder, and not with his truck, but he’s definitely going somewhere:

A farmer is doing his job when he notices something unusual. He steps out and finds a pleasant surprise “hovering” in front of him:

Here’s one that might benefit a couple of the commenters here… You’re welcome!

An elderly woman reacts to seeing a Tesla Cybertruck, she provides her evaluation:

Here is a possible explanation for how Kamala Harris got to where she is at now:

David Hogg, having enjoyed growing up in a comfortable, indoctrinated, environment, lectures society on the “dangers” and “evils” of guns. His naivety comes face-to-face with someone who experienced Chinese communism and who sees where gun control is going:

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Humor, Points-and-Laughs, Society

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DMF is a daily go to for me also, Odie. And yes…I’d hit that “… tall but brilliant, fabulously talented and visually stunning example of a placental mammal,…”

The LousyAnna Tigers that I have the most respect for belonged to Major Wheat’s Battalion of Warriors. ‘Cump’s connection to LSU makes me burn. YMMV

Go Dawgs and Roll Tide Roll (stick a gabn/gabaf right here)


The facade is gone. It has always been about the money, nothing else.


Some college stadiums are just as nice as some professional clubs stadium. The name, likeness and image payments are going to ruin college sports.


Sadly, it already has ruined college sports. And now you got this…

Clemson lost to Georgia ’cause Clemson got too many white dudes on their team…


By the same token, or the reverse side of the coin, are there too many black people in the NBA? Why no complaints about hockey,.

Jus sayin….


Not seeing many Asians out there either. We need quotas! It’s not fair! Muh equity!


No doubt at all the FedEx driver was fired. Corporate frowns on you busting up their trucks. The packages…not so much.

Hope that it was a frosty cold Yuengling.

The cure for TDS is the same as for pedophilia…and just as effective.

Bless their little hearts, indeed, GranMa. Betcha she remembers GOOD TIMES! in GranPa’s F1 back yonder.

Welp…that explains a lot.

Soi Boi Hoggi IS an evil danger to guns. PHUQUE HEEM!

A Proud Infidel®™

Fed Mess as I call it, the Swift of the package delivery business, many a package I have received from them in the past was damaged, my bet is that to get hired by one of their fly-by-night delivery driver outfits, one merely has to be breathing.


As long as they have a pulse and space available to collect more points on their license, they’re golden.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I saw one of those testicle pickup trucks charging up at the charging station where my shopping stores are. great vehicle’s for Florida flooding.and tbe batteries cooking off

A Proud Infidel®™

Oh yeah, look at all of the Teslas destroyed by Ian!

A Proud Infidel®™

Most call it Trump Derangement Syndrome, i prefer Trump Acceptance resistance Disorder, TARD for short, and those who let it run their lives are trump Acceptance resistance Disorder operatives, or TARDOs!


you could add a reference cue to that..RE: then you could refer to those with TARDO as RETARDO’S. Or just plain RETARDS!