Daily FGS

| August 28, 2024 | 13 Comments

Man Spoils Day Time Break In

James Gorry Jr. made his way to his farm house when he noticed something out of the corner of his eyes. He also heard sounds from within the house. He described the sounds as if they were something out of Jumanji. He contacted authorities but continued to look around.

From Offaly Express:

James recalled that he had spotted something out of the corner of his eye. He went back up the road. ”I found a bunch of mountain bikes stashed in a gateway. A couple of seconds later a lad rode by me towards the house. It occurred to me that this lad must be keeping watch. This was about 100 yards up the road. Then a maroon coloured car passed by and did a U-turn in the gateway of the farmhouse when they saw me. It looked like a people carrier. Meanwhile the gardai arrived. They came within 10 minutes,” James said.

”They (Gardai) grabbed the lad who had ridden past me on the road. There were three others. I heard a bang at the back of the house. They had gone into trees and woodland. But the gardai flushed them out.”

James had a previous break-in at his house and he thinks this might be related.

”It was great to catch them, but at the same time I was in shock. They pulled out all the drawers. I had some electrical equipment, they pulled that out of the box. They had taken keys and some loose coins. But they had to get out through a narrow window when they heard me in the front. They broke the whole frame and they left the coins and the keys on the roof when they were getting out.

Additional Reading:

McLoughlin, C. (2024, August 28). Brazen day time break in foiled by Offaly home owner and Gardai. Offaly Express. Link.

Truth or Fiction? FedEx Delivery Man Fights Porch Pirates, then Delivers Package

Category: Feel Good Stories

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Where was the first story? (Gardai) France? Spain? Italy?

The porch pirates are getting bolder, not even waiting for the delivery dude to put the package on the porch. They should now be treated like the pirates that hey are, hung from he highest yardarm (not likely), or shot on sight (more likely, depending on location)
Kudos to the delivery dude for following through and delivering the package to the house.

Last edited 17 days ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Only ten (10) minutes for the popo to get there would be considered rapid response in many areas. Prepare…to defend yourselves.

FedEx Dood delivered an azz whopping AND the package. BZ, Good Sir. A prayer that The Good Lord deliver us from all of this evil being delivered.

Tooth Mechanic calling. Play nice til I gits back.

If you follow the link and dig deep enough, you find the physical mail address for the paper:
Letters to the Editor, Offaly Live, 107 Lower Main Street, Portlaoise, Co Laois, Ireland.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Ireland, is it? Not Italy. Ok.

Gardai, pronounced “gardee” – Irish po-po

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Was thinking of all the other official and slang terms for the local constabulary;
Italian – guardie
French – gendarme
Spain – Guardia
etc (whatever fits)

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

It could have also come from “gardy loo!” or “look out below!” (when throwing out the slops and piss pot from the upper windows to the open sewers)


Speaking of thievery, this guy will be a legend in prison. Glad to see the eff bee eye is current on their safeguarding of, well, anything.


President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Damn! Almost (almost) makes me wish I’d been in SF at that time. I’d have been just around the corner (out of camera sight) and would have offered the meth head $100 for as much as he’d part with. The flash-bangs would have been nice.


Hmmm, Gregory Acosta-Alvarez? Staying in a nearby hotel? Would it be Raciss to inquire about his citizenship status? Need to check on that before I inquire about his status.

RGR 4-78

TAH rolls both national and international. 🙂

Prior Service (Ret)

I recently saw a story of a lady with porch pirate issues. She mailed herself an air tag so she could then track it if stolen. Sure enough, it was. Once stolen, she referred the matter to the police, and led them to the location whereupon the porch pirates were actually rolled up. A feel-good story for sure.


I’m surprised they didn’t just go into his truck.

However, and I hate to say it, something just seems off about that video. I can’t put my finger on it, but my spidey-sense is tingling.