‘Queering nuclear weapons’ as part of DEI

| August 22, 2024

Sneha Nair was appointed as special assistant at the National Nuclear Security Administration earlier this year. Her beliefs include nuclear disarmament, removing “White supremacy” in the nuclear field, and ‘queering nuclear weapons” as a part of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Nair believes that her DEI push is essential when it comes to deterring threats to nuclear energy facilities. Nair also advanced a “queer theory” concept dealing with nuclear justice struggle and disarmament.

From Fox News:

A recent hire at the nuclear security wing of the Department of Energy has previously called for disarmament policies — which reduce or eliminate nuclear weapons — arguing that advancing “queer theory” was essential to that agenda as well as important to America’s national security.

The Biden-Harris administration announced Sneha Nair had been appointed as special assistant at the National Nuclear Security Administration in February 2024. Nair believes in eradicating purported “White supremacy” in the nuclear field as well as “queering nuclear weapons” as part of a diversity, equity and inclusion push she believes is essential for deterring threats to nuclear energy facilities in the U.S.

“Finally, queer theory informs the struggle for nuclear justice and disarmament,” she wrote last year. “Queer theory helps to shift the perception of nuclear weapons as instruments for security by telling the hidden stories of displacement, illness, and trauma caused by their production and testing.”

Nair argues that DEI, more broadly, “is essential for creating effective nuclear policy.”

Before she joined the administration, she worked for the Stimson Institute, which has received hundreds of thousands from Soros’ Open Society Foundations and millions from “The Embassy of the State of Qatar” over the years, Fox News Digital’s review of their funding sources revealed.

Stimson and the Department of Energy were contacted for comment for this story but did not respond.

Additional Reading:

Grossman, H. (2024, August 21). Biden-Harris Department of Energy official calls for ‘queering nuclear weapons’ as part of radical DEI agenda. Fox News. Link.


Category: "Teh Stoopid", Society

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The inmates are running the asylum.


Stuff is going to hit the fan shortly the way things are going, we just don’t know what or when.

Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Security risk? What security risk?


Just put extra guards at the baggage carousel checking luggage tags and it will be alright.

Last edited 1 month ago by 5JC

If I was Trump, I add firing that idiot to my Day 1 list. Why does the Harris Administration continue to hire nuts for nuclear energy jobs? First its the cross dressing bald-ass luggage thief, and now its this moron. I bet Pete Butt-plug recommended her.

Last edited 1 month ago by HT3

WTF? don’t quite cover it.

Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

The only possible explanation is that they are actively trying to destroy our Republic.. this CAN’T be accidental..


Like I said, for people seeking to avoid an all out civil war on our streets… they keep pushing us in that direction.

Dipshit Lars used to say “hurr hurr you guys keep praying for that and it won’t end the way you think.” No… we are the ones who DON’T want it, actually. I still firmly believe it’s what the leftists want, so they have an excuse to crack down hard on the population and assert absolute, merciless control while force feeding us their train wreck of an agenda.


You got it. We’ll “make” them do that.
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Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous
A Terminal Lance Coolie

I needed the brain cells wasted on reading this drivel…

Also, when can we send all these clowns packing? This circus has been here too long and it never stopped sucking. I want out.


‘Soldier Of Love (Lay Down Your Arms)’
was first recorded by US soul singer Arthur Alexander,
who released it as a single in 1962.

The Beatles were big fans of Alexander’s music;
they recorded ‘Anna (Go To Him)’ for their debut album, Please Please Me,
and taped three versions of his ‘A Shot Of Rhythm And Blues’ for the BBC.


For those of you who missed this last November….
2023 NEW song by The Beatles.

A tape of John Lennon from the 1970s,
determined to be unusable for 1995’s Anthology,
was pulled back out, and with 2020’s AI reverse technology,
pulled John’s voice (Paul – “crystal clear”) from the cassette,
and Paul and Ringo finished this as “the last Beatles song”.

There is also a 13 minute documentary about the making of this song.


Excellent documentary.
You may get all teary eyed watching this. 🙂

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Could never get into the Beatles music. I miss the vocal group harmoney guys in the schoolyard chiming off and singing some of the 1950’s ballads. 60’s Beatles came in and the 1950’s R&R music was gone. Dad used to say that the 50’s R&R killed his 1940’s music, so the different types of music come in every ten years it seems.


Truth be told, Beatles were a boy band like ‘N Sync or One Direction before they were called such.


Vocal harmonies were the strength of the Beach Boys,
which put them on the map,
along with songs about girls, cars, and the beach.

Last edited 1 month ago by MarineDad61

If I squint really hard, kind of like I’m looking at one of those ‘magic eye pictures’, I can see the tiniest sliver of truth in what she said… but my god, you’d be hard-pressed to find a worse way of stating it. Here’s my off-the-cuff version:

“The US military is the most sophisticated, capable force in the history of the world – without peer, and unmatched by any adversary. Our biggest potential threat is that of disgruntled insiders. We can counter that threat by ensuring that all who serve to protect this great country feel welcome and valued, united in the mission rather than separated by differences in race, gender or beliefs.”

Or, maybe she just meant this?


Anyone who’s not a weirdo, loyal only to approved/Leftist perversion, is a threat to the Revolution and must not be allowed near nukes, comrade (or words to that effect)!
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Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Exactly. When they decide, like biden and swallow swelling threatened, to use nukes on Americans, they don’t want any actual patriots standing in the way.


Swallowswell.. that’s what happens whe I post from my phone..


It’s not possible for any human being to squint hard enough to find even the tiniest sliver of reality in what she said, the truth never enters the equation. DEI promotes neither equality nor inclusion, it’s just the new segregation in a pretty dress.


New favored groups, that’s all. Their turn.


We’re not supposed to notice the rebranding. We’re just supposed to accept it and go to our respective boxes. I will not go quietly.


Anyone with “too much” (privilege) gets screwed over just for being who they are (white, male, straight, tall, not crazy, etc.) out of “fairness” or something.

Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Don’t forget this masterpeice of weaponry:


Here is a novel idea “go to muster in the uniform that fits your biological gender, do the job you signed the contract for, rinse repeat” do your freak shit on your own time and off my tax paying clock.


Yeah, no. This actually creates disgruntled insiders.


But they’re fellow Leftist “normie”-hatin’ disgruntled insiders for ’em, so that’s okay. /sarc


Absolutely. Nothing ruins the morale of the people who actually give a shit and worked hard to get where they are than the placement of someone who has zero qualifications, ability, or knowledge of the job. DEI violates every EEO regulation ever created. Equal opportunity should be protected, everyone should have a level playing field. “Equity” is a lie, right up there with “Green Energy”.


I agree that the way she put it creates more problems than it solves. I just don’t think it needs to if you make it more about unity in the mission across differences, vs embracing DEI principles.


Unity and DEI are polar opposites.


DEI as commonly envisioned / implemented? Sure. But ‘inclusion’ as a concept is a core part of unity.


The problem is that “inclusion” is not a concept in the DEI scam. It’s a requirement that is given more importance than such silly concepts as qualifications, competency, ability, willingness to work, you know, all those things that make an organization successful.


Jesus wept. I expect now you will tell us we are waiting on the proper implementation of socialism too?


I do not believe that forcing others to believe your made up crap is good for anything especially mission accomplishment and unity.


How hard are you squinting Mr. Magoo?


Hard enough to be blindfolded with dental floss.

Forest Bondurant

Well, that’s minutes of my life I’ll never get back, and reading it made my head hurt.. They say it’s not about pushing a social agenda, an then the rest of the piece is pushing a social agenda..

It’s cool that LC always tries to give the benefit of the doubt, but after reading that drivel she wrote, none is deserved, it’s as bad as it sounds initially, if not worse.

Forest Bondurant

Her arguments are not grounded in any fact and leans heavy on the “I’m a victim – everyone else is just mean.” The rest is just irrational social-justice nonsense, like you said.

What concerns me most is she’s involved in national strategic nuclear defense decisions, and her thought processes are ideologically unsound.

USMC Steve

How exactly do you go about queering a nuke, shove an atomic bomb up your ass?

Forest Bondurant

Fuck if I know…

Stick a rainbow sticker on the side of the weapon and call it a day, I suppose.


What the fuck does any of that even mean?

Bring back bullying and ridicule. Please. Push all this absolute bullshit back into the closet, lock the door and hurl the closet into outer space.

Slow Joe

Agreed. Historically, bullying and ridicule have been tools used by societies to keep undesirable and regressive social behavior under control, behavior that makes a society less competitive against its neighboring states.
If gayness or social diversity were evolutionary advantages, it would have been embraced long ago as a winning social trait.


Damn Joe, you’ve made multiple posts this week that were quite deep and insightful. As someone else said, you really are gonna have to drop that “slow” part of your moniker..


Yup. You’re just gonna have to be “Joe”.


So…, if we queer our nuclear weapons, would they then upon detonation, release rainbows and unicorns? Would the song my little pony be heard before of after the poof?


A nuclear holocaust should be, above all things, fabulous!


You’ve got to say fabulous while throwing up jazz hands.


Or just throwing up.


Taste the rainbow!
comment image


Be brave, because the flash of canned sunshine is gonna be stunning.

Odd that the sex act between a biological male and a biological female lead to the creation of “queer” people. If their parents hadn’t of been “straight” people, they wouldn’t be here.


Weird, ain’t it?

George V

The Republicans aren’t called the stupid party for nothing. How hard is it to show that this is what you get by voting democrat.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

So…..is Nair hairless?
(should mix some in her shampoo)

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Ok PETDRSN, Before I was to comment about Her sticking to hair removal instead of Nukes, I figured that I should scroll down to see if anyone would get her last name so you beat me to to it so Cong Grats. I figured that Beans would beat me to the punch. To bad they don’t shit can and if they did, it would be Nair today gone tommoro

Hack Stone

Sam Brinton was unavailable for comment.


He’s still rummaging through stolen suitcases.


What. The. Fuck. Over.

Army-Air Force Guy

It don’t matter. The U.S. nuclear stockpile hasn’t seen new weapons introduced in years, the existing ones are in need of serious upgrades, and the Peacekeeper missile has been retired. Not too mention the Russians are no longer honoring the INF treaty ( I was a fan of Reagan back in the day but today I think it was a bad move.)


So we put a rainbow sticker on the existing stockpile and call it good. Cheap and easy fix.

Army-Air Force Guy

At least they’d be considered upgraded.


We can call it a “Q Model”.




Yeah but, won’t they be foot stomping mad when their beloved rainbow flag mascot gets destroyed when the nuke detonated? Look how mad they get when someone does a burnout on one with their car or truck. Hate crime charges.


They are intentionally destroying our country.

These are traitors all.


Alright God. Joke over.


Millions from Qatar and a bunch from Soros. Color me shocked.


Exactly, ALWAYS follow the money…Amazing how that criminal POS Soros is behind EVERY evil thing going on in the world..


Qatar is big on raising queers to high places.


We are so fucked.


So how could she “queer” nuclear weapons? maybe branding each type as LBTQ to infinity and beyond each nuclear weapon?

A Proud Infidel®™

IMO she is clearly a DEI hire, and that’s where whoever is discerned as being the biggest whacko gets the job, that or the one who plays victim and howls the loudest!


3rd grade me”

“Homo you don’t!!”
Tit’s OK,
I can’t queer your…
I have an ear infucktion. ”



Middle age me on the deck of a ship after someone requests a radio check:

“I read you, proud and queer.”

I don’t wanna grow up, but I’m too ugly to live forever.


Who hires these goddamned faggots? There is a reason why abortion should exist and she is living proof of why.

Forest Bondurant

When I heard they parked a “medical” trailer near the DNC Convention that offered free vasectomies as a draw to the event, I figured that was a good thing since a lot of soy boys took advantage of it – hence unable to reproduce.

(They also offered free abortions in another part of the “medical” trailer…)


I think if they really want to add queers to each rocket they could make little cockpits on each rocket and send a queer along on each rocket. All the queers could volunteer to be pilots on the Reentry Vehicles. In fact there could be a big demand for queer pilots, as many of the rockets have multiple RV’s. We could send 5 or 6 queers per rocket. They could practice DEI on the way down. They could spread all that DEI at the molecular level. I can see the rainbow now!


Maybe this means they have miniaturized ‘ backpack nukes ‘ down to ‘ buttplug nukes ‘

Forest Bondurant

That would make Pete Buttplug and people like Bradley Manning very happy.