Friday …NON-Watz news. OK, I lied. But there is good news…

| August 9, 2024

Wow! we are getting inundated with Tim Watz, aren’t we? The Democrats think he is the reincarnation of George Patton, the Republicans think he is closer to John Kerry – wait, Kerry went to a combat zone. OK, maybe not that.

Me, I think Waltz is embellishing, just like a typical lying politician. He WAS made a Sergeant Major and filled a command slot which makes him a CSM – but he never achieved the requirements for the rank and so retired at his actual permanent pay grade, E-8.  One of those “gotta add up” situations: he was a CSM, he retired, but he is NOT a retired CSM. Civilians do not seem to grasp that. Nor do they understand that units get pre-advice about deployments well in advance of actual orders, so Waltz knew his unit was going. With over two years left on his enlistment contract, so was he. But he pulled the plug and got out. It is worth noting his highest award in 24 years of that cited 24 years of stellar service was an Army Commendation Medal (normal for an E-8/9 would be a Meritorious Service Medal .)  “Damning with faint praise” comes to mind. Definitely low-speed, high-drag, get-off-my-lawn, clipboard carrying material. But he was briefly a CSM.

Now for GOOD news:

Brendan Depa is a kid whose actions are more familiar than his name. Remember that hige kid in Florida who beat the holy whatsis out of the teacher’s aide because she took his Nintendo Switch away? Yeah, him…

Brendan Depa, 18, who has autism, was sentenced on Tuesday, Aug. 6, to five years in prison and 15 years probation, according to sentencing documents from the Seventh Judicial Circuit Court in Flagler County obtained by NBC News, WKMG-TV and The Daytona Beach News-Journal.

Judge Terence Perkins also ordered the Department of Corrections to conduct a full mental health assessment on Depa and to create a care plan for him, and ordered the teenager not to have any contact with the teacher’s aide, Joan Naydich.

Perkins said during the sentencing, per the Daytona Beach News-Journal, that Brendan had not expressed any remorse for his actions, and also noted Brendan’s history of violence in the past.

Naydich said:

“My life will never be what it was before,” she said in court, per NBC News and WKMG-TV. “Brendan Depa’s actions that day [have] caused me to lose a job that I had for almost 19 years, lose my financial security, lose my health insurance.”

And then there is Depa’ mother:

However, Brendan’s mother, Leanne Depa, criticized the sentence, saying, “They are punishing that he is Black, they are punishing that he is large and they are punishing his disability,” per NBC News and the Daytona Beach News-Journal.

She added that the school failed in making sure the behavioral plan developed for her son was followed, and said that she thought her son “needs help,” not to “to be put away in a prison where he’s going to be taken advantage of or harmed.”People

Or maybe they are punishing that your raising of your son seems to be a total failure? You should have done something long ago, lady.

Category: 2024 Election, Crime

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A Proud Infidel®™

BUT OF COURSE the shitty parent is going to throw her ACME® Victim Card™, that’s what losers nearly always do, play “I’m the Victim”.

Retired NFO

The injured teacher should sue the school district and individuals responsible for placing that “kid” in that school. Call Morgan and Morgan 🙂

Slick Goodlin

Dear kindly Sergeant Krupke
You gotta understand
It’s just our bringin’ upke
That gets us out of hand
Our mothers all are junkies
Our fathers all are drunks
Golly Moses, natcherly we’re punks
My daddy beats my mommy
My mommy clubbers me
My grand’pa is a commie
My grand’ma pushes tea
My sisters wears a moustache
My brother wears a dress
Goodness gracious, that’s why I’m a mess

“Gee, Officer Krupke” – West Side Story


Gee, Officer Krupke!
Krup you!

Last edited 2 months ago by MustangCryppie

Her baby dindu nuffin

A Proud Infidel®™

“Da-fo sho’, he-be a-goin-to Church to sing, Whitey make-him do it!”

pookysgirl, WC wife

Reading between the lines of a video I watched on the subject, I think Depa was adopted and not as a baby. You see that attitude sometimes in adoptive parents, especially white moms to black kids: their poor lil angel deserves an upteenth chance because everyone discriminates against them even though the adoptive parents have handed them the world on a silver platter.


Ya mean like Kaepernick?

AW1 Rod

And out pops the Race Card, as expected!


Shoulda just taken him out back and put a round in him… cause in five years he’s just gonna end up doing that to someone else.

A Proud Infidel®™

That or da-Po-Po caps him, and they make him out to be a martyr!


Will sharing cell with Dad?


Could be, but it’s doubtful that either would know, as you can bet that his “mom” has a wide selection of “possibilities” for that position… Kid has probably been addressing fathers day cards to “to whom it may concern”, or “city of Daytona Beach” …


One really cannot tell which bean in the Chilli caused the fart.


I think the dogpiling on Walz is fitting on these pages, considering Jonn’s disdain for E-9s. There are outstanding SGMs/CSMs, but there are many more mediocre examples. Relatively few of us attain such lofty heights in our careers. Had I stayed in, I might have eventually made E-8, but my indifference when it came to NCOERs and awards all but guaranteed I’d have never made E-9. If I had, would I have been outstanding or mediocre? That’s for others to decide but I’ll say one thing, I was in a nice cushy position in PEO Soldier when I retired; plenty of TDY for the taking, the coolest new stuff to play with, and reporting directly to a COL. Had I made the MSG list and accepted the promotion instead of dropping a retirement packet, I’d have felt obliged to follow through with it, even knowing I’d have likely been sent to Fort Polk or Fort Drum, frocked to 1SG, and run through the wringer with some overzealous young CPT for a year or two before pinning hard stripes, and probably getting called into a CSM’s office a few times a week to get yelled at by an E-9 that enlisted when I was already an NCO. As for the awards, I don’t know how the Guard works, since they have their state-level awards that make every SSG look like Audie Murphy, but an ARCOM is…lackluster…for any senior NCO. It’s a bad look in the eyes of your peers and seniors. When I left MDW, the new MSG in J/G33 submitted an ARCOM. I tried to deny it as I’d have rather left with nothing than with the same award I’d received as a SPC leaving Fort Campbell 17 years earlier. Instead, the CG, recognizing me from the many briefs I took part in and the hundreds of orders I’d written, upgraded it to an MSM. Walz was a frocked E-8 serving as a CSM for a reason. His battalion needed a senior leader, he was considered the best of what was left, and when called, he stepped up to the… Read more »

fr in sc

I think it was on Fox News’s “The Five” yesterday that I saw a graphic that identified the Minnesota Guv as going “A-Walz” from his NG unit before they deployed to Iraq. If they didn’t identify him as such they should have.


It was, I saw that segment. That show and Gutfeld, broken down into 5–20-minute segments are all I watch of Fox.

Skivvy Stacker

Us good folks in Minnesota refer to our “beloved” gov as Walnuz.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

tim will most likely walz away from the stolen Valor accusations since he is a DemoRat.

Slow Joe

Well, in the infantry world for at least to E7 or higher you need to have the Ranger tab or the Drill Sergeant badge. If you don’t, you might still get promoted, but only after they run out of rangers and drills. Good NCOERs with MQs will get you first place in your group (Ranger, Drill, or the Rest, in that order), but will not move you to the next group ahead of you.

Awards or schools other than ranger or drill have absolutely no value for promotion after you make E6.

Last edited 2 months ago by Slow Joe

There are some exceptions, but I find this to be more or less true. A bunch of SSGs, me included, did Recruiter time within a couple of years of pinning E6, and years later found ourselves on Sand Hill as Drill Sergeants with 8+ years in grade. All of us picked up E7 after our first year on the Trail. There was one E7 in my company who’d been a Recruiter and lacked a Tab, and he made E8 within a year. I’ve found that Recruiter is worthless, “hooah” badges (CIB, Airborne, Air Assault, Pathfinder) look pretty but don’t mean much of anything for promotion to SNCO ranks, and the EIB is almost a prerequisite to make E7 (though I knew a few who lacked one).

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe higher-up was thinking “Who else is in the pipeline?” and then said “OH SHIT, is that all we’ve got?! as soon as they saw him?

Boiling Mad CPO

Back in 1977 because I was a very senior E7 I became the go to guy for every new position created by the Navy. I filled an E9 slot for 2 years during which I think the boys on the top floor could have found some guy senior to me to take that billet.

I became the career counselor, drug and alcohol (pee in this bottle while I watch) guy, classifier, chief recruiter, etc. I had a lot of pins on my dress blues.

I had 22 years in and finally had enough. To those who think retiring while on a current enlistment contract is chicken shit, I did the same thing. I still had 18 months left when I pulled the pin.

Do not think for one moment this is letting Watz off the hook because I proudly wear a hat that says “I am voting for the felon”

USMC Steve

But when you retired, were you and your unit looking at doing a combat tour in the near future?


Your embellishing caught up with you, MSG Nasty Girl. Deal with it!

The failure here is the school system failed to protect the teacher’s aide.

E. Conboy

Exactly. Teachers are often on their own, with no special training by which they might be able to quickly defuse a classroom disruption hopefully avoiding personal injury in attempting to prevent injury of another child. Nothing shocked me as much as, the assault by an enraged second grader girl who clocked the teacher in her face using the hard stacked heel of her shoe. Teacher lost vision with that eye. Kiddo was suspended a few days, came back more fired up than ever. An outstanding teacher opted for early retirement, she was one of those rare ones who gave each child special attention which is very difficult with younger children who have ‘behavioral issues’. Imagine the difficulties educators will be confronting as the non English speaking, non American ‘visitors’ are expected to be enrolled in public schools across our country. Schools and personnel are so vulnerable.
Please continue to pray for the safety of the teachers, principals, counselors, dietitians and cooks, all staff. They, too, are my heroes! Just as YOU are. 🇺🇸


The CSM that replaced Walz and deployed and former supervisor wrote a lengthy piece as an explainer that has for the most part been ignored by the media. Here is the shorter version.

Everything that you say they don’t understand is explained.

Last edited 2 months ago by 5JC

So I have a question
If I got a ARCOM and a MSM
as a SGT and a SSG
was I a complete fuk-up
serious answers only
Also I’m think about running for office
As a Vietnam veteran
I’m 53 years old can I pull it off
(Sarc) 😜😂😅😀😆😄🤪


Well I was born in 66 and eventually became a Marine. By that logic could I be considered a Viet of the Nam era vet? I was alive during the war and a vet. Boy, that’s some Bernathian level logic there. 🙂


It’s funny isn’t it
holy crap
there are people out here still pulling this off
I don’t get

E. Conboy

Sounds like you’d be a perfect school principal!

USMC Steve

No lady, they are punishing that he is DANGEROUS.


This is why the embellishing POS is on the demonrat ticket…

comment image


One of the most arrogant, punchable faces I’ve ever seen

E. Conboy

OMG! He makes me sick, he even makes himself sick! Reaping what he sowed,I surmise. Oh well. ‘Bye..’


‪Raise your hand if you were not able to get out of a deployment to Iraq and/or Afghanistan by running for Congress. ‬
‪🙋‍♂️ ‬


I would volunteer for Afghanistan or Iraq before I even considered running for Congress.


C’mon man, look at the opportunities for graft and influence peddling. Anyway, if you were elected as a D-rat.


I have a little bit of a conscience left and maybe a couple scruples.


That is why as a lawer had zero interest in becoming a politician.


I’m not sure, but the more and more that I read about E-8 Tampon Timmy’s retirement timeline during a Stop-Loss period, I’m starting to believe that he used his skills/expertise/institutional knowledge as a 71L Personnel Administration Clerk and typed up his own retirement package and slipped it into his “commanders’ endorsements for the day” paperwork for signature. Now this is pure conjecture on my part, but it is something to think about. That’s why there were so many mistakes on the retirement NGB-22 that had to be later corrected later by a real 71L and why he never received a retirement level Meritorious Service Medal or a Legion of Merit as a parting gift after 24 years of NG service.


I do believe you are right


Walz abandoned his unit to run for Congress.
Because Walz has no balls.

Walz let Minneapolis burn because he didn’t want to take on BLM and ANTIFA.
Because Walz has no balls.

Walz signed legislation allow minors to elect what gender they want to be. Was it for the kids or so Doctors could make a profit. What happens to those gonads. Are they disposed of properly or are they used for “research”.
Walz likes cutting off little boys balls.

Derrick Chauvin will end up spending the rest of his life in prison because he “killed” George Floyd. Meanwhile, Mohamad Noor, a Somali cop, spent only four years in prison for killing a white woman.
Walz was sporting a new Minnesota flag pin. Walz likes his Somalis.
Walz kisses Somali balls.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Absolutely poetic.
Well done.


Balls to the Walz?



Same band, 30 years later (now 10 years ago).
New American singer, German bass player moved to USA,
and this music video filmed in the mountains of California.

Enjoy “Stampede” by Accept. 🙂


On tour in the USA all of September.
Tour dates here.

Slow Joe

OMG. I haven’t listened to Accept in decades.


One of my favorite bands in middle school in the early 80’s


Some of Walz’s defenders are using the date of the Alert Order. What about the Warning Order that typically precedes the Alert and Deplyment Orders.

Never mind the fact we tend to give organizations a heads up before all.


Kammy has a reputation for being hard on her subordinates. I wonder how Walz will react the first time she drops an F-Bomb on him and blames him for one of her screw-ups? I think most men would rather be a governor than be her lackey.

RGR 4-78

Maybe she finally found her a fellow who doesn’t mind carpet burns on his knees.


The simple solution to Tampon Timmy’s predicament re his military service is don’t say or imply shit that isn’t true. But then I doubt he could be a D-rat politician.