The killing of three girls in the UK leads to immigration related protests and riots

| August 5, 2024

Protests and riots erupted in the UK in the aftermath of three girls being killed in knife attacks. Illegal aliens and asylum seekers have been flooding into the UK as they’ve been doing in the US and elsewhere. Instances of violent crime have gone up along with this immigration, resulting in the citizens pushing back. The suspect in the stabbing is described as born in the UK, though the article does not go into detail regarding this individual’s background.

From Reuters:

The stabbing to death of three young girls in the northwest English town of Southport last week has been seized on by anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim groups, with disinformation spread online and amplified by high-profile far-right figures to spark disorder in towns and cities.

“Whatever the apparent motivation, this is not protest, it is pure violence and we will not tolerate attacks on mosques or our Muslim communities,” Starmer said on Monday after an emergency meeting with police and prison chiefs.

“The full force of law will be visited on all those who are identified as having taken part.”

The violence erupted last Tuesday after social media posts said the suspected attacker in Southport was a radical Islamist who had just arrived in Britain and was known to intelligence services.

Police say the 17-year-old suspect was born in Britain and they are not treating it as a terrorist incident.

Protests, mostly involving a few hundred people, have continued in towns and cities across the country, with bricks thrown at police officers, shops looted and mosques and Asian-owned businesses attacked. Cars have been set on fire and some unverified videos on social media have shown ethnic minorities being beaten up.

Interior minister Yvette Cooper said rioters had felt “emboldened by this moment to stir up racial hatred”.

She promised a reckoning to those involved, saying the government would back punishments ranging from jail sentences to travel bans. Police have arrested around 420 so far.

In Rotherham, northern England, protesters tried to break into a hotel that housed asylum seekers in what Starmer called an act of “far-right thuggery”.

Protests also turned violent in Liverpool, Bristol, Tamworth, Middlesbrough, Sunderland, and Belfast, in Northern Ireland, with largely young men wearing balaclavas and draped in the British flag hurling rocks and shouting “Stop the Boats”, a reference to migrants arriving in dinghies on the south coast.

In some places they were met by large groups of counter protesters, with police often struggling to keep the two sides apart.

Starmer said a “standing army” of specialist police officers would tackle outbreaks of violence where needed.

Additional Reading:

Maclellan, K., & Demony, C. (2024, August 5). UK’s Starmer vows speedy punishment to quell violent protests. Reuters. Link.

Category: Get woke, Illegal Immigrants, SJW Idiocy, Society

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Daisy Cutter

“tree girls” ? Falling out of a coconut tree?

Tree girls lives matter.

Last edited 6 months ago by Daisy Cutter
Hack Stone

Hack recalled quite some time ago reading that “shaking the tree” was a practice in tribal Africa where elder members were placed in a tree, and the villagers would shake the tree. Those who fell from the tree would inevitably get injured and subsequently die of their injuries, unburdening what has been the support network for the elders in the village. Just tried looking that up, no luck finding that version of the expression.


I recall the the guy at the local dump “shaking the tree”
of all ornaments before tossing it into the whole tree
chipper after every Christmas/New Year season thus
unburdening him from sharpening the blades so often.

Hack Stone

I find tinsel distracting.


Tinsel or tassels?

RGR 4-78

The tassels that spin in a circle are incredibly distracting.


Yes, hypnotizing. I have seen grown men get rooted into place and unable to do anything other than stare at the tassels and give away money.


especially when the tassels are counter-rotating.


You mean like the Osprey?


A patsy for pasties?


delete: wrong post.

Last edited 6 months ago by rgr1480

My dog pooped tinsel.




Nowadays in India (and Washington DC) they just drop their parents off on street corner when they become inconvenient or difficult to care for.


Whatever happened to just shoving them off a cliff like in Midsommar

jeff LPH 3 63-66

What’s the problem, these demostrations are peacefull like in the USA across the pond.


What the ‘elites’ (about as Orwillian as ‘woke’) are choosing to ignore is that when normal people begin to realize that the police are doing nothing to stop the real criminals, they themselves will take the measures they deem necessary to protect themselves and their children.

The ‘elites’ say they won’t condone violence – but only by the non-muzzie non-woke populace.

Violence ought not be the first resort or response, but in their situation I’d probably be out there with the good citizens (sorry, in Merrie Olde England “subjects”) torching the mosques. The ‘elites’ can be damned and considered mortal enemies with the muzzies.


Hack Stone

Similar to the Progressives call for the dismantling of the Police while simultaneously disarming the civilian population. Leave them unarmed and nowhere to turn when being assaulted.


Don’t forget ensuring that their preferred thugs are well armed.. Antifa / black lies matter, black bloc sure aren’t financing themselves..

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

The “subjects” may not be able to possess or carry gunz, but I’m sure many of them have cricket bats somewhere in a back corner or closet. Time to bring them out, dust them off, give a little oil to replenish the wood. Oh, and practice that cricket bat swing.
And adapt the expression, “No matter how much you think you hate (fill in the blank), you don’t hate them enough.”

I wonder if the Brits have their own version of Mike V’s “Window War”? If not, here’s Mike V’s own.
Do ya think the censors will let it through for the Subjects to read?

Last edited 6 months ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Gotta be a Sten or two stuffed away somewhere
among dads old war relics. Probably behind the cricket bat.


And some Brens too hopefully.
Remember during WW2 when American citizens kindly donated guns to Brits?
Northern Ireland is covered. The IRA and Loyalists were smart enough to stash their tools away for a rainy day. Gotta still be some Semtex hidden away too.


BSA was a Sten supplier.
I bought a BSA 441 Victor Special while
stationed in Germany in 1968.
Somebody probaly got parts for it stashed
away somewhere and the tooling to make more.


You definitely wouldn’t need much in the way of tooling. Lathe, milling machine, press and a welder. Button rifling is easy enough, but Electro-Chemical Machining is even easier. Other than slamfire shotguns, open bolt, simple blowback, FA-only SMGs are the simplest DIY


Now, you know the IRA is only a political faction now, and they’ve “turned in” all their weapons… 😉


Here is the little aichmomaniac,

In a weirdness only matched by The Crooks/ Black Rock association, He was also in an ad for children in need.

Why is he in need you might ask? Autism for one. Probably other mental issues as well.

You might also note that he is not Arab nor a Muslim. So for all of you complaining about Muslims, he is actually a Christian choir boy from Wales.


Same media mindset, only show the killer when he looked like a choirboy.


He is still a minor so they can’t show any new pictures till he turns 18. That will be next week. The only reason they released his name was to stem the disinformation. The judge allowed it because he turns 18 next week.

I think this is a simple case of a low IQ mental health case going off the rails. The subsequent rioting that took place, was misplaced.

I am curious what might happen if this takes place in the United States around election time. I think we can virtually guarantee that there’s going to be some kind of a major terror event before the election.


You can make bank that there will be all sorts of shenanigans go on before, during, and after the (s)election. And the perps and re-actors will be a broad spectrum of all races, back grounds, whatevers. Dis-information or what not in this case, I believe that the reaction is simply people getting tired of the rampant crime that is going on. Most of us just want to be left alone, to live our lives in peace, and enjoy what we have worked for. I’m basically a peaceable guy, as long as you don’t mess with or around me and mine. If those three (3) girls that were killed had of been mine, no I would not wait for the “law” to do its thing. Matter of fact, the perp(s) better hope the “law” gets to them before I do.

I say again,…coming to a neighborhood near you and one had best do any and everything they need to do to…Prepare

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

” low IQ mental health case going off the rails”

A result of too much muzzie in-breeding?
(does this boy’s family tree look more like a straight stick? Or a wreath?)

It would actually be Christy inbreeding.

Last edited 6 months ago by 5JC



I think we all can agree that children should be kept from such horrors. I also think we can all agree that there are some in this world that need to be culled.


They keep using the picture of that POS as a kid, not the feral nog he grew to be.
On the plus side, the Protestants and the Catholics have banded together in Belfast. Never thought I’d live to see that.