Joe Biden to roll out proposed Supreme Court reform

| July 27, 2024

Next week, Joe Biden may present proposals for reforming the U.S. Supreme Court. Among the changes that Biden is looking for are term limits for the justices and a code of ethics. Biden is also expected to call for a constitutional amendment that would limit immunity for the president and for certain elected offices. Karine Jean-Pierre expanded on this concept by saying that Joe Biden believes that those in high office should have accountability, transparency, and be held to high ethics.

From Politico:

Biden is likely to endorse establishing term limits for justices and an enforceable code of ethics, in an announcement that represents a remarkable shift for a president who had long resisted calls to overhaul the high court.

He is also expected to push for a constitutional amendment limiting immunity for presidents and certain other officeholders, in a response to the court’s July 1 ruling that presidents are shielded from prosecution for “official acts” during their time in office, in a case brought by former President Donald Trump.

The specifics of the proposal remain unclear and could still change, said the people, who were granted anonymity to discuss internal planning.

Biden is expected to call for the overhaul during a trip to Texas, where he’s set to speak at the Lyndon Baines Johnson presidential library in Austin.

The White House declined to comment, referring back to press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s remarks on Thursday that Biden “believes if you are serving in high office, you should be held to a transparency, accountability and you should be held to a high ethics.”

The proposal comes as Biden has grown increasingly critical of the Supreme Court and its decisions, including rulings by its conservative majority that eliminated federal abortion rights, gutted affirmative action in higher education and blocked stricter gun regulations and other priorities of his administration.

Additional Reading:

Cancryn, A. (2024, July 26). Biden will announce Supreme Court reform plans next week. Politico. Link.

Category: Donald Trump, Joe BIden, Politics, Society

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Eric (formerly the OC Tanker

Me thinks that most of that junk will require a constitutional amendment and such.


That’s “racist,” comrade! /sarc

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

 that Biden “believes if you are serving in high office, you should be held to a transparency, accountability and you should be held to a high ethics.”…
The level of arrogance, hubris, and disdain for the intelligence of voters is truly off the charts.. But leftists like Lars will eat this shit up, ignoring the fact the biden, like zero before him have been the exact opposite of transparent for their entire terms.

Hack Stone

And then the reporters burst out in laughter.


Pretty much… bar for applicable fans is kinda low.

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

Politician’s on their way out the door ALWAYS want some reform for those who come behind them. After 40 years of beating every single professional stock trader, 3-Martini Pelosi is NOW in favor of eliminating insider trading in congress. Code of Ethics from a regime/administration that has waged political lawfare against its opponent, and has incompetence leading security of the same opponent shows you how ignorant and the lack of self-awareness rampant in the D’s camp.


Soooo true.

Instead of doing the one thing the left is complaining about, term limits for SCOTUS Judges, let’s do something everyone wants and set term limits for Congress instead. Won’t even require an impossible to get constitutional amendment. We can even make it really high like 18 years or 24 years.


Gotta wonder how daphuque that skrunt can say that with a straight face. O’Biden wouldn’t know ethics if he sniffed it’s hair. They’re not even trying to hide their lies anymore, are they?

Gentlemen (and Ladies)…I do believe that The Tree is awfully thirsty…


jeff LPH 3 63-66

The US Supreme court term limits would only apply to non DemoRat US supreme court Judges,,, IE, Republicans.


Democrats my get inventive to change the court:




They’re all based on real events.


But only ones who are under fifteen and have freshly washed hair.

A Proud Infidel®™

“The proposal comes as Biden has grown increasingly critical of the Supreme Court and its decisions, including rulings by its conservative majority that eliminated federal abortion rights, gutted affirmative action in higher education and blocked stricter gun regulations and other priorities of his administration.”

YEAH, the SCOTUS has repeatedly gotten in the way of him and his handlers becoming Dictators ruling by fiat, one of the checks and balances given by the United States Constitution! I love it every time the left shows its true colors, proving that liberalism is a Mental Disorder.


Joe is gonna talk about ethics at the LBJ Library? The irony, it burns!


You spelled ethnics wrong.

RGR 4-78

When did they move the Long Binh Jail to Austin?


Bobby Baker and the Pearl Street Mafia will be there in spirit.


That it does


Providing adequate housing and dining facilities for the troops would be too much to ask.

Gotta choose yer battles I guess.


The wounds knee soldiers unavailable for comment concerning meal and lodging choices.

USMC Steve

I am certain those 20 soldiers really care at this point if they do that.


After the last two weeks I completely forgot that Joe Bite-me was still president.


So did he too!


SCOTUS Rule #1.

You have to be able to define a woman


Jus’ sayin’

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And they just keep scrubbing all the posts that prove otherwise in news archives and twitter/X feeds.

Reminds me of a chief engineer I sailed with years ago on naval transports who told us a story how back in the 80s they had a Soviet merchant ship’s crew visit an American ship — they actually had a political officer onboard their ship. When they were shown the galley, mess halls, lounges/amenities and the bridge equipment of the American ship the political officer told his men “this is all fake. None of it works. All just a show to make you think they’re superior. None of this is real.”

And now our very own media in the USA is basically doing the same thing. I don’t even know if we have enough bullets in this country for all the scum that deserves to be put against a wall as traitors.


Aim carefully and pick up your brass. Those that don’t shoot well can always be put on to a reload detail. I’m of the opinion that recruiting for either job should be no problem.




Thanks, Skippy. That particular site I procured it from doesn’t always let the image, just the linky.

In re Deckie question on “…do we have enough bullets…”, I had a Lady Friend over learning how to load stripper clips one night and she asked, “Do you think you have enough bullets?” I replied, “Not sure, what do you think the population is for a 10 mile radius?” She blinked a time or two went back to loading and then asked “Can you show me how to shoot?”

I can’t take the fight to the enemy but I plan on defending what I have worked for all my life.


Here in good ole’ Connecticut I heard a bunch of leftist lunatics talking at a local establishment about how if “people won’t take migrants in to lend a hand, they should be forced to quarter them.”

Makes me seriously wonder if it will come to that under a Harris Administration — or any future Democrat Administration. You’d really see bullets fly then…

It’s not what we want — but it’s where their crooked agenda’s gonna take us.


It can very well come to that. The last four years have shown us that there is no masking of the despotism that is coming. And now we have what seems to be a state sponsored/politically motivated assassination, conspiracy theory be damned. The stolen election was bad enough but we are seeing, in real time, Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s USSR, and Mao’s China. Looking to liquidate my rental properties, and possibly every thing else and hie myself off to a box canyon somewhere in a wooded mountainous area. Until recently I was hoping for the best, but as we all know, hope is no battle plan. I have redoubled my efforts to…Prepare…for what I think may be coming. I pray I’m wrong, for my Grand Children’s sake.


Gary Busey’s character had the right idea in Black Sheep…


Because too many people are starting to believe this MKUltra conspiracy theory, the CIA came out with a public denial. Something they ordinarily never do.


They keep scrubbing them because they know the American public has the attention span of a gnat.


Auto workers in Michigan ain’t thrilled:


The current democrats aren’t your grandparents democrats.


No they are progressives, crypto-communist/Marxists.


Are they too stupid to remember that retroactive laws violate the constitution?


Didn’t pay attention in school.


The democrats reply is….. Constitution… pshaw.


They despise the constitution but are all to happy to hide behind it and use their buzzword “unconstitutional!” any chance they get.


comment image


They cannot do what he wants without a Constitutional Amendment, which requires ratification by 3/4 of the states. It will not happen.

USMC Steve

Remember that to socialist democrats the Constitution is merely something to be sidestepped and avoided. It means nothing to them unless it works in their favor.


The hypocrisy of these WhiteHouse assholes knows no limitations.

Skivvy Stacker

They already have term limits.
Article III Section 1-“The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour…”

Seems pretty clear cut to me.


That is why all federal judges and justices have lifetime appointments. It is in Article III to guarantee the independence of the federal judiciary. They are subject to impeachment and conviction by the Congress (both houses), and it has happened in a few cases.


There have been about fifteen convicted by the Senate and removed from office, the last in 2010. But only one Supreme Court Justice, Samuel Chase, back in 1805.


Democrats want this because either they didn’t pay attention in school about separation of powers or they’re about what our founders were concerned.