Collage students generally lack knowledge of American History and Civics

| July 24, 2024

If you’ve debated against individuals from among the younger generations, you may have noticed some trends. One of these trends involves a weak grasp of history and government. Specifically, American History and Civics, two of the topics that would explain the functions of government and our role related to having a representative government. In a recent polling done by College Pulse, most of the respondents were not able to answer basic questions related to American History and Civics.

From Campus Reform:

“The dismal results of our survey show that current students and recent college graduates have little idea of the American past or its core principles and values, no guide to take them through the roiling controversies facing us today or to enable them to defend and protect the free institutions that are the glory of our nation and an inspiration to the world,” ACTA President Michael Poliakoff remarked.

College graduates “cannot uphold what they do not comprehend,” Poliakoff concluded.

The survey found that “just over one-quarter (27%) of students correctly identify Kamala Harris as the president of the Senate” and that “almost one-third of students think senators serve a four-year term.”

“Just over one-third (37%) of students correctly identify John Roberts as the chief justice of the Supreme Court,” the survey concluded, also finding that “[l]ess than one-third (31%) of students correctly identify James Madison as the Father of the Constitution.”

The study also found that less than one-third of students know “that the legislative branch has the power to declare war,” only one-quarter of students know “that the 13?? Amendment freed slaves,” and less than one-third know when the U.S. Constitution was written.

“More than one-third of students are not sure who the Speaker of the House of Representatives is,” the survey found. The findings also indicate that less than one-quarter of American students “know that the Gettysburg Address is the source of the phrase, ‘Government of the people, by the people, for the people.'”

The poll is interactive, one trend that jumps out is that the males generally do better than the females when choosing the correct answer. On the question on what they would do if the US were invaded, most of those who lean left would leave the country.

Additional Reading:

McDonald, P. (2024, July 2022). New survey claims to show lack of knowledge of American History, Civics among college students. Campus Reform. Link.

Category: SJW Idiocy, Society

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One of the true success stories that the despotic domestic enemies of Our Republic can claim is the dumbing down of the citizenry. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! I’ll bet that “they” are so very proud of themselves. Most of the lessons that thebesig talks about a lot of us learned in the 5th grade. With a followup by the 8th grade. Truth be known, it’s probably worse than the survey shows. Nikita…grins. Mrs. Amerson (5th grade) and Mrs Massey (8th grade)…weep.


Idiocracy has become a documentary:

E. Conboy

We are allowing our schools to fail in teaching. With all the non English speaking students occupying space in our schools, our children have little opportunity to engage with their teachers who normally in 1930s-1950s maintained orderly classrooms, with large wall maps of states, America and The World. My classroom was furnished with a 48” National Geographic globe! Children were taught to locate our country and their home. I was invited to attend a special occasion recently and found that once magnificent globe damaged beyond recognition!
Public schools need the involvement and support of the parents. Working together to encourage children to learn, develop interests other than video games by taking classes on guided field trips to museums, art galleries, factories, airports, historical sites. Provide children drawing boards and take them outdoors to discover the beauty of a leaf, an insect, an interesting building, tree, cloud, a train or one of the jets which regularly took off from the base nearby! Stimulate their imagination and creativity will follow. Encouragement goes a long way. Several of my students received awards and recognition for drawings, sketches, or creations they constructed using rescued discarded materials we salvaged from dumpsters behind furniture stores with the owners permission! Great youngsters! I was and am still proud of their accomplishments! We meet occasionally, they sometimes with their grandchildren, me with my walker! Life is good! 🇺🇸


Apparently they can’t spell either.


I have seen some official reports, EXSUMs, etc. and Texting slang was used. i.e. u=you, IDK=I don’t know, etc.

I just shake my head and check their name off of the bonus list.


That kinda lax language turns me into Samuel L. Jackson:

Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

I made a collage in art class in grade school.



E. Conboy

This is fiiiiine art!

E. Conboy

The writing on the walls in the student restrooms is deplorable! They can’t even spell f- – k you correctly! Should we inform them?

A Proud Infidel®️™️

No surprise to me, the powers that be know that ignorant and stupid people are the easiest to control and manipulate.


Democrats forbid slaves to learn to read or they’d get uppity, same thing now.


Absolutely correct.

We ended up teaching our kids cursive at home when the schools stopped.


Plus, most kids and parents don’t care any more, say teaches who do and got fed up:

Dennis - not chevy

I can’t help comparing the national socialists mandating HJ membership to all 10 year-olds to what the left wants done to school choice.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

HJ? Howard Johnson?

I think he meant that Austrian Corporal’s Jungen groups. HoJo’s sounds more fun.😄


comment image

jeff LPH 3 63-66

One of our late woman neighbor was a 12 year old member of the Hitler youth. I used to ask her that she should visit the schools and tell what it was like to the kids. My late land ladies next door late cousin was around the same age as the above lady and worked in Poland at the V-2 rocket plant carrying explosives. My late land ladies cousin who lived in France was able to get out of the country with the help of a German SS Officer whom was in love with her and didn’t want to see her gassed. I wonder how it worked out.


One of my Econ professors was in the HJ. He became a loud proud socialist/crypto commie. So, I guess he was still a believer in National Socialism.


They was just competing brands of the same sh*t anyway.

E. Conboy

“They know not what they do…” JC.

Last edited 1 month ago by E. Conboy
jeff LPH 3 63-66

Great ice cream


All 28 flavors.
And the sheets were clean….

Dennis - not chevy

I recently stayed at what was once a HoJo’s and I did not pay them extra for pets – it wasn’t my pet, it was something that bit me in the middle of the night.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Back in 2010, I was driving up to Tennesee for the Iwo Jima Class ship Association get together and stopped in I think the name of the place was the Inn??,. Anyway, I was sitting in bed doing the crossword puzzle and asking myself why the puzzle box number was moving around on the paper and realized their were bugs on the crossword. Pulled back the covers and sweeped the newspaper across the sheet.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

You wouldn’t be sheeting us.

Howard Johnsonjugend?

Commissioner Wretched

Ya doesn’t has to call him Johnson.

HJ used to have so

E. Conboy

I was about to write HJ had such good shrimp, at least to us poor folks! But saved by the bell!


I would have automatically thought Hand Job, but HoJo works too lol


Speaking of the HJ…..
This near minty RZM 1936 dated HJ knife is one of the stars of my collection. Pre – War quality was excellent.


BDM knife had a bowie point to it for some reason.
comment image


Nice. Clip points are arguably the best for a utility/fighting blade


We know the left won’t leave. We’ve been invaded by over 10 million people in the last 3 years and nobody’s left.


Damn. Even I, a Kanuckistani knew the correct answer to those questions


Most of our elected Congress critters can’t answer basic civics questions. Time to reinstate “Schoolhouse Rock”.


Homeschooers and private schoolers have all the intellectual advantages of a good education.


Correct, but then some DEI management will make sure that the job goes to the stupid moron with a public school education, a second grade reading level, no idea of history or how this country was founded or the way it’s supposed to run, BUT is in touch with its nonbinary feelings, has purple hair, piercings and requires a safe space four times a day in order to function! 😳

See, there are ways to beat all of you fascist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, nazis!!!🤮🤷‍♂️

Just kidding GB! I am joking with you, but unfortunately, I’m afraid that my jest above is also actual!!

E. Conboy

And safety as well!


“ On the question on what they would do if the US were invaded, most of those who lean left would leave the country.”

There’s a surprise….

Prior Service (Ret)

“Most would leave the country if we were invaded.” Says all I need to know about lib males (and I use that word very dubiously…).




I was going to say Collage students can’t spell either but it was implied.


Used to say, if ya can’t correctly spell the gerund of the F-word while writing it on the wall in college, someone wasted 14 years of time and effort on yer education and it was probably yo’ parents who did.

Still do– an observation from years ago that’s held up over time.


OK, I had to look up “gerund”. I do not recall ever learning that term. Made sense when I read the definition though. See, I can TOO learn!

Last edited 1 month ago by SFC D

I also had to look it up. I got half way through
Wikipedia and decided I don’t want to know.


Now…use it in a sentence. Be sure to show your work! 😀


Ain’t gonna happen.


The extent of my proper english skilz is that I always have my participle dangling.


I konw you ain’t suposed to be leaving a preposition at the end of the sentences be, so if you gonna say, “Where you been at?”, is not proper grammerz, it should be “Where you been at, BITCH!” and then you ain’t leaving no prepositions dangling.

RGR 4-78

My gerund fires .308 magnum.


True, in graffiti and/or other crudity, it’s more often technically used as a participle (adjective)… but I made sure to spell it with a c not just k and use ing instead of “en” when writing it in crayon on the bathroom wall in 2nd Grade (nobody mis-spelled it) so I wouldn’t be a retard.

Could not believe f*ckers 12 years further along at college couldn’t do that.

E. Conboy

Some of them precious little darlings are working on getting their Master’s or PhD! Almost worthless in the marketplace now.

E. Conboy

Proud of ya!

Dennis - not chevy

I once had an instructor who thought every word ending in -ing was a gerund. He said, “So you are using a gerund in your statement”. I replied, “No, I am using a verb”. Chances are he’s still confused.

E. Conboy

Genius at work again I see!


But I bet their Women’s studies and Pronouns are on point!


Not really surprising that the women scored lower on such a test. They, in general with several notable exceptions that frequent this site, tend to make decisions based more on emotion than fact, and therefore, facts are of little importance. And this is on top of the ongoing effort by the left to lead us into idiocracy..

USMC Steve

So the leftards would bail if we were invaded. That is a good thing, it would cut down on the targets that had to be shot. Those that stayed would most likely be collaborators.


Maybe a few of them would leave behind a nice mountain cottage overlooking some gorgeous scenery. Plus, it would make it easier to see those who try to sneak up from below. They would probably be winded by the time they tried to take any higher ground, if there was any to take.


I was wunderin’ where it is that they be thinking they is goin’ at?? I mean, “OMG, WE BE INVAYDID…I’M OUT!!!”, but Roblox and Minecraftz aren’t a real place…like maybe Palestine?? I hear it’s real nice this time of year.
I bet they wouldn’t get past Canada or Mexicoszahh.
Hell I bet they ain’t gonn a make it outta the basement and past the corner liquor store. What are they gonna do when the porch light comes on?

Amateur Historian

“Collage students generally lack knowledge of American History and Civics.”

Sorry, but: