Boomer’s Sunday

| July 21, 2024

So many memes. So little time. Thanks again, Usual Suspects.

Category: Guest Post, Humor, Points-and-Laughs

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Ok. I admit I laughed out loud at the bovine (cow/bull/steer – I’m not a biologist) on the roof. It’s the perfect meme – timely, pertinent, and needs no words to convey its deeply sarcastic meaning.


Like a turtle on a fence post, you know he doesn’t belong there and he didn’t get there by himself.

Great selection this morning. A nice way to start the day.


Even though you aren’t a biologist, I’m sure you can define a ‘ woman ‘

Skivvy Stacker

That’s the one with the udders, right?


If you get a sudden headache, it was ExPH2 with her big cast iron skillet.

Miss ya.

Major Tuddy

Not accusing anyone of anything…but the maths ain’t mathsing. 🤷🏻


Well, in a metaphorical picture:
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Please see memes #70 and #74 above, and then ask about the math. The maths don’t math there either.


Since math seems to be so hard for you, try this reading for comprehension lesson…


Things that make you say hmm, what a coincidence.


Lots of logic problems with your meme.

The fact that he was standing up was the indication that he was no longer being shot at. That and the lack of gun fire.

His head was already exposed because the female secret service agent was too short to cover him, as has been pointed out by literally millions of people, video and photographic evidence and jeez how dumb are you?

Lastly, they left the shoes behind anyway. There is a picture of one on the podium after the shooting and Trump is gone. I would have wanted my shoes too in case I had to run, but it simply wasn’t feasible.

So yes, how dumb are you? Let me guess? It was staged, right?

Old tanker

Lets not forget that the SS announced loudly enough for the microphones to pick up that “the shooter is down” BEFORE Trump stood up. Oh and it’s also a hell of a lot easier to get someone into a car when they are vertical, instead of horizontal.

As bugs bunny said so succinctly, “what a maroon”.

Bubblehead Ray

It reassured the crowd and prevented them from panicking. and it was one of the ballsiest things I’ve ever seen.


Exactly, it’s the same uncanny genius that Trump often displays at just the right moment. He understands optics better than any president since Reagan.


Looks like someone’s theater group is doing “Once Upon a Mattress.”


Who shall play the princess? Kamala? Hillary? Michelle? So many good choices.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Was there a pea involved?
i said pea, p-e-a, not p-e-e.


It’s been such an exciting election year with the DOJ Democrat lap dogs chasing Trump around with unconstitutional lawfare. The Democratic Party trying to force their presumptive nominee, who is also the incumbent, to quit and somebody, God only knows who, trying to whack the opposition literally. The president displaying every sign of dementia, his medical state being ignored by his own party and an enabling media, until he can’t win. It’s almost like everything that they do just blows up in their faces.

Forget about the issues. More illegal aliens came into the country in the last 3 years then the entire population of Ireland, Scotland and Wales put together. Record high inflation created by the administration. Unnecessary wars in the Middle East and Europe, caused by the administration. Massive attempts by the federal government to censor free speech and undermine the Constitution from the Supreme Court, to the electoral process.

Everything the Democrats do prove themselves to be the real threat to democracy and that they will do literally anything and everything to win. I don’t think we’ve ever seen it laid so bare in the history of our country. I just get this feeling that things are going to get a lot more bumpy before they get better.


The Democrats aren’t even trying to hide their disdain for we the people and the constitution. They’re too busy making bank, and anybody who threatens their cash flow intake must be dealt with quickly and extreme prejudice.


Yeah, this timeline is lit.


(Be-low, c/o Zerohedge. Mister WILLIAMBANZI7)


As the war for our Republic continues, unabated, we are still winning the meme war. Will be proud to tell my Grandchildren that I was in the Front Lines…doing my duty in all things. Prepare? Sam’s Garden Accessories dropped off some more seeds and My Pantry Stocked.

“Vote”? Big Mike’s wife sez….Bwaaahahahahahahahahaha

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Shark jumps Fonzie, 2024.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“The UN could assist the,US Government…..”
Those pretty bright blue helmets and berets make such good targets and trophies.

Bubblehead Ray

Parle vous pew pew?😜

I haven’t seen that meme since 2011 with the failed UN treaty that would have allowed that. Have they tried to bring it back?


The treaty still exists. It’s never been accepted here.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Treaty or not, approved by the Senate or not, any Blue Bonnet that I see I would consider an invasion, and treat accordingly.


Full disclosure…jus’ sayin’…

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Great cashe! Especially the BB and slope memes.
Unlike that Db in PA, these all found their mark!

(below, titled-by-me Amerikant SS via Peak Prosperity)


“Burn ‘our democracy®’ to save it” –The Never-Aptly-Named Anti-Party

Oh, the absurd-it-tie of 13 July.

02 deprivation has consequences?



RGR 4-78

The thing about Trumps ear bandage may be that is also doubling as a splint to hold the ear cartilage in proper alignment while it heals.

Last edited 1 month ago by RGR 4-78

Trump could pick up more than a few votes by wearing a big gold earring loop on his new piercing. 24 karat, of course.



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Ding, dong the [(p)resident] is [brain] dead.

Kameltoe enroute?

Lord help us.


A letter and a tweet. Anyone seen Joe make the announcement?

If you thought he was pissed at all the “quit!” Calks, just watch when he finds out thst he did quit.

USSS better go check on him. Before he “accidently fell down the stairs” or some other Epstein move.




A wee Physics joke:
