Daily FGS

| July 15, 2024

M1917 Revolver

Woman injured, arrested after domestic incident involving gun on Pines Road

by: Marlo Lacen
SHREVEPORT, La. (KTAL/KMSS) – A woman was arrested for what police are calling a domestic shooting on Thursday evening.

According to police, they arrived in the 7800 block of Pines Road for a reported domestic incident involving a shooting and found a man and woman were involved in an altercation.

The female, identified as 26-year-old Shacamrie Taylor, allegedly pulled a knife; the male responded by producing a firearm. Police said the two struggled for control of the firearm, ultimately discharging the gun.

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Thanks, Gun Bunny.

They should have stopped with “Congress shall make no Law…”

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Domestic incident. A cop’s worst nightmare.
A woman arrested? There’s one we haven’t seen in a long time. From the name, melanin content as expected.
Claw! Yer up! Hope you’ve kept the Whiz Wheel in good condition, clean and properly lubed.

Note to the husband: while the wife is in custody, do a quickie divorce, make wife into ex-wife, and move out of state. Hell hath no fury, etc. And she looks MEAN.

My cop buddies, and our fellow deploreable LEOs here will testify that they’d ’bout ruther have an active shooter situation than a domestic call. Not only does she look MEAN, she looks like a bitch. Our Buddy Arthur Sido has some thoughts on these situations.

Congress…. *spits*…

“…chambered like it was to take care of business. It shot the man-stoppers, the big .45 ACP or .45 Auto Rim.” The Gun Bunny…grins…and if he ever finds one in decent shape at a fairly reasonable price that needs a home, he will make sure that it is no longer an orphan.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Check the barrel to make sure it can still shoot straight and true.

Whiz Wheel®™ results (after ferreting out a middle name) are:

Shacamrie Breonna Taylor (DAM/WRT) 34 x 4 = 136

Old tanker

In my time (mid 70’s through mid 90’s) DV’s were less hazardous than they are now thanks to obozo’s war on cops. They were not pleasant by any stretch but I have to say arresting a wife beater was one of my favorite arrests. A couple of times, after the newer laws were enacted, we arrested both of them. Everybody got what they wanted when they said they wanted to prosecute.


Domestic disputes and traffic stops are two of the most dangerous things an LEO can engage in.

Sounds like the harpy is a real doozy of a catch.


“Assault of a dating partner ”

Was that a pay-to-play partner?