Canadian sentenced for US stolen valor

| July 10, 2024

Randall J. Montour, a Canadian from Cornwall, ONT has been found guilty of stolen valor in a New York court.

According to a news release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Upstate New York, Randall J. Montour, 45, admitted he altered his discharge papers to say he’d received an honourable discharge from the United States Air Force, and earned honours including medals, badges and ribbons that he hadn’t.

The district court said Montour claimed to have received a Purple Heart, a medal honouring those wounded or killed in action.

According to the court, those claims were fabrications and he was sentenced last month after entering a guilty plea in February.

Pity he only got probation and 200 hours community service. He did, however, get fined $10,000.

The court said military records revealed Montour had received a “bad conduct discharge” from the Air Force in 2001, and was only awarded the Air Force Training Ribbon during his service.

The court had previously said he was court-martialed in 2000 for impersonating an officer and making threats, leading to the bad conduct discharge.

As part of his guilty plea, Montour also admitted to having used his altered documents to purchase licence plates indicating he’s a Purple Heart recipient and affixing them to his vehicle.

He also appeared at veterans events wearing the U.S. Air Force uniform of a non-commissioned officer, a rank he never achieved, while wearing medals and other honours he hadn’t earned, according to the district court’s release.CBC

Another rancid cherry… I know the Brits call ’em ‘Walts’ (Walter Mittys) – do the Canadians say that too?


Category: "Teh Stoopid", Canada, Stolen Valor

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A Proud Infidel®™

What a HOSER!!!

Hack Stone

He can always get a job at Elsinore Brewery checking the bottles for mice.


Take off, you hoser

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Mice are nice if you twice treat them nice so they don’t eat the rice twice, Just ask the Canadian Redneck Red green ..aaaaa


If you can’t be handsome, at least be handy. Stationed in Newfoundland for 2 years. Loved Red Green and Kids in the Hall.

tom reynolds

great shows.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Got the complete boxed set

Green Thumb

And the newest employee of All-Points Logistics in Canada.

I know Phildo has been looking to expand up that way a while now.

Hack Stone

I bet he drive a 1980’s vintage International Harvester. Wonder if he has a door for his mailbox?


If I was going to pretend to be an Air Force officer I would just grab a bag of golf clubs, and a US Air Force ball cap. I wouldn’t try to pretend to have a purple heart, because even though the Air Force people get them it’s pretty rare. It would be too easy to figure out.


Well, at least he didn’t apply for VA benefits and a service dog.


Or get either of them.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

He didn’t have some innocent Dog included in his con game, did he? Or a Harley and a blinged-out leather vest?


From the Book of the Fake…
Dressed up as an E-7 MSgt, with a large rack o’ phony ribbons.
What (tf) is it with phonies and ice hockey?

Montour fooled not only border town AMVETS Post 4 Massena,
but also AMVETS Department of New York.


….Can’t quite enhance the pic on my phone enough but it looks a lot like he’s wearing a USAF Security Forces beret – but no SF badge on his uniform shirt.

As Daffy Duck once said, “Sloppy, Roscoe, VERY sloppy.”


“Retired Master Sgt”…
That was Les Brown’s phony shtick,
carried through to his phony memorial service, with the urn,
an E-4 CPL pic, his patchy phony badass black leather vest,
and other patchy bling he didn’t “urn”.

Les Brown – The Lie Continues Even in Death
Steve Balm | June 14, 2021

Last edited 6 months ago by MarineDad61

And this… on the Inn of the Linked.
An impressive (phony) bio, including:
Fraud Analyst – Sep 2005 – May 2010
4 years 9 months
Military Police – Air National Guard – Jan 2002 – Apr 2006
4 years 4 months
Military Police – United States Air Force – July 1997 – Jan 2002
4 years 7 months Active Duty

BONUS – Photo rocks the color purple.


comment image

Hack Stone

Oh, Canada. Wonder if he has sticky buns like that other Canadian poser from a decade or so ago.

RGR 4-78

Wave Waverly’s sticky bums.

USMC Steve

How badly does one have to behave to get tossed out of the Air Force?


Putting out of turn is pretty bad.

pookysgirl, WC wife

You’d be surprised. Out of the 9 airmen in Pooky’s tech school class, only 2 made it to 10 years without flaming out spectacularly. An incident with one of their wives knocked out three total.

And of course, the most bizarre eff-up I saw:
“Well, looks like C won’t graduate next month.”
“What’d he do, have sex in the chapel?”
“It was the annex, actually.”
“Please tell me it was with his fiancee.”
“I’m… not sure.”

Hack Stone

Looking for love in all the wrong places is a great incentive to reconsider your career options. Hack Stone went to Radio Tech school with a Marine who later on went over to the dark side, AKA Warrant Officer. Had a great career, until… It seems that one of his troops stepped and volunteered to fill the unit Brig Quota. So of course, he made sure that the needs of said Marine’s were tended to. Apparently there was some type of disagreement between the WO and the incarcerated Marine’s wife, she filed a complaint of rape. NCIS starts their investigation. WO goes into CYA Mode and tells one of his Marines that if asked, the WO was with him the evening of the alleged rape. NCIS asks Sergeant Alibi “Was Warrant Officer Studmuffin with you on the night of the alleged rape?” He responded “No, but he told me to tell you that he was.” And with that, he was no longer a Warrant Officer.


10% of the Security Police (Security Forces) don’t make it their first year. Working as a Sec Manager now, with the new reporting rules by the DoD CAF, people are getting put out more and more for stuff that could have been slid under the rug.


I’d say ask Soup Sandwich, but he’s dead now.



Ant Fisher

Cornwall, Ontario is a cesspool of stolen valour and cross border medallic fuckery ™️.


Best poutine I’ve ever had was served at a strip club in Cornwall, ON.

Not a typo.


Damn, we gots enough home grown phonies, we don’t need to import some Canuks as phonies. Dood shoulda hooked up with Alaska Bob and went exploring Kelly’s “Canyon”.