Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance
When some Democrats and left leaning media sites describe Joe Biden’s performance during the debate in unflattering terms, things do not spell well for the Biden Campaign. Democrats, many hoping and predicting that Joe Biden would wipe the floor with Donald Trump, quickly became disappointed when Joe Biden began to speak. His debate performance appeared to be a continuation of his luck involving freezing up, wandering off, and needing to be guided.
From Politico:
The alarm bells for Democrats started ringing the second Biden started speaking in a haltingly hoarse voice. Minutes into the debate, he struggled to mount an effective defense of the economy on his watch and flubbed the description of key health initiatives he’s made central to his reelection bid, saying “we finally beat Medicare” and incorrectly stating how much his administration lowered the price of insulin. He talked himself into a corner on Afghanistan, bringing up his administration’s botched withdrawal unprompted. He repeatedly mixed up “billion” and “million,” and found himself stuck for long stretches of the 90-minute debate playing defense.
And when he wasn’t speaking, he stood frozen behind his podium, mouth agape, his eyes wide and unblinking for long stretches of time.
“Biden is toast — calling it now,” said Jay Surdukowski, an attorney and Democratic activist from New Hampshire who co-chaired former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley’s 2016 presidential campaign in the state.
In text messages with POLITICO, Democrats expressed confusion and concern as they watched the first minutes of the event. One former Biden White House and campaign aide called it “terrible,” adding that they have had to ask themselves over and over: “What did he just say? This is crazy.”
“Not good,” Rep. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.) wrote.
POLITICO spoke to about a dozen Democrats, some of whom were granted anonymity to discuss Biden’s performance.
Biden’s team was quick to defend the president’s performance. First they said he had a cold (and that he was negative for Covid-19). Then they insisted Trump was hurting himself by insulting Biden’s presidential record.
The article continues on and describes Joe Biden as doing a little better than his performance in the beginning. This is a possible indication that Biden may have taken a combination of medications intended keep him lucid during the debate, and those medications kicked in later than hoped.
Additional Reading:
Kashinky, L., Cancryn, A. & Daniels, E. (2024, June 28). Dems freak out over Biden’s debate performance: ‘Biden is toast’. Politico. Link.
Category: 2024 Election, Donald Trump, Joe BIden
Governor Gavin Nuisance of California liked President Biden’s performance. For what that’s worth, Nuisance would announce his intentions to run for the office of President in a heart beat if Biden quit and his Aunt Nancy gave him permission.
A lot of people are very sure that’s their plot for this year.
Blowdried Nothin’.
If the Democrats are looking for a replacement, Jimmy Carter is still available and not term limited. He could run a quick campaign from the hospice basement and serve as a uniter to the badly fractured party. Democrat Mitt Romney could fill it in as his vice president. I am sure he is more with it than Biden is.
A Chimp with sign language would have made more sense than SloJoe
Joe The Joke…always has been…always will be! Groundwork being laid to replace sniffy creepy with Bitcherly or “Big Mike”.
I called it…watch
In all fairness we all called it. Anybody who thought Biden was going to do well after his last off the script press conference has not been paying attention. The good news is he is over his cold and now able to speak as long as he has a teleprompter in front of him.
Yes, he does still have the ability to read a teleprompter, along with the stage direction in parentheses, such as
That’s the funniest part. FJB reading everything on the prompter. Too bad somebody didn’t hack in and write ” don’t shit yourself “
Shades of Ron Burgundy.
More like a really glitchy Max Headroom.
That truly would be hilarious.
I’m reading a lot of speculation about “who” might replace Biden.
But not a lot of “when” or “how” a replacement could happen.
Looking at a calendar, I see a lot of possible deadlines. And a little ‘we can’t get there from here’.
To meet an Ohio legal requirement for a certified nominee, there will be a virtual zoom convention in July. Probably too soon to get a replace Biden movement organised.
The party convention in August could be just an entertainment show for the country. But it would be ideal for in person deal making without paper or electronic trails.
Conventional wisdom holds that most people don’t pay attention to an election campaign until after summer is over. A slow news day during Labor day weekend might be a good time for an announcement of a new candidate.
And there is a second presidential debate scheduled for September. It might be a chance for Joe to redeem himself, or an opportunity to introduce the new guy/gal.
October has always been full of surprises, why would this year be different?
Back to Ohio and state laws, when do other states require an official slate of candidates? When do printers start putting ink on ballot paper?
As to how a replacement could be made – party rules might be a guide – if they don’t make up new rules as they go. To paraphrase Doc Brown, “Rules, where we’re going, we don’t need rules”.
Patiently waiting for “But Trump…” when Pedo Pete got fact checked by the Border Patrol Union in real time.
I laughed my ass off when that happened.
White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre issued the minor correction that he was talking about the Mexican Border Patrol, who have endorsed him to be dictator for life, not the US border patrol.
When they posted that they never have and never will endorse him (in real time, no less!) lefties were claiming that was fake news and AI generated within minutes. They fell apart right away, it was great.
Good time for Max Frost to step into the campaign.
“fourteen or fight”
But, but, the military is behind him too. Well maybe just the freak show members. I am pretty sure the straight guys/gals who believe in the constitution, are not behind him.
Well, there 13 service members who participated in the Afghanistan withdrawal who will not be endorsing Joe Biden. Surprised Donald Trump nor the “debate moderators” did not correct Joe when he said no service members died in the line of duty during his time as President.
Let us also not forget about the three service members who died in Jordan drone strikes or the two Navy seals who died off the coast of Africa conducting operations that would never have been required if Joe had not given money to the Iranians to buy guns and ship to Gaza.
We HAVE TO remember because Joe has apparently forgotten.
The O’Biden press says Trump lies about everything…like what?
Better under Trump:
The overall economy, lower taxes, much lower inflation, lower interest rates, lower energy costs, lower crime, not being invaded, no new wars…
Better under Biden:
Waiting for a certain poster to drop in and grace us with his wisdom….
I’m not even sure that he can be in the smaller minority of people that still want Biden to run. He would have to be dumber than a sack of rocks.
Hack did not click on the link, but could you clarify? Is it 18% of Americans will still vote for Biden, or 18 Americans will still vote for Biden?
18% of Americans believe he should still run for the presidency. Which kind of implies that 82% of the people think that he’s incompetent.
Or a nincompoop. Don’t forget to add the poop part.
Naw, dumber than a cuttlefish is more apropos.
I was never in that minority.
I don’t want Hillary to run either.
Commy, who do you suggest the Demorats run out there in place of Pedo Joe?
Even the MSM post debate “analysis” crews (ABC, CBS, NBC, etc) were saying he needs to drop out right now.
And all of them are bought and paid for Democrat party hacks.
Every single one of them are Democrats.
Oh, I’m pretty sure a few Republicans would still want Biden to run after that disaster by Biden. Not because they think he’d be good for the country, but because he’s an easy opponent – nobody wants to vote for a guy who is doing his best ‘shuffling zombie’ impression.
I’m sure there are. At this point it is elder abuse though. I’ve been saying that exact thing, on this very site, for the last 2 years. It’s kind of like letting Grandpa drive when he has cataracts and can’t see a thing. Eventually he’s going to hurt himself and other people as well.
I think we all knew that the emperor was going to have no clothes after the debate. But as I also pointed out previously, this isn’t necessarily Biden’s fault. This is all this power hungry sycophants who suck up to the oval office, run amuk and able to seize power for themselves behind the scenes because there’s nobody there strong enough to stop them.
Similar to the run up to the 2016 election. The Mainstream Media went above and beyond to find any information to keep the standard roster of Republicans off of the ticket, to include reporting that Marco Rubio and his wife received 17 traffic tickets between 1997 and 2015, 4 of which he incurred. They wanted Trump to be the nominee because there is no way that America would vote for some who was a reality television star with zero political experience, especially when he would be running against Hillary Clinton, the “most qualified” candidate to ever run for President. Unfortunately, despite their best efforts to rig the election (with Super Delegates), enough of the voting Electoral College despised her. 49,000,000 registered Democrats in America, not sure if that includes the dead who vote Democrat, and Joe Biden won the Primary.
He’s in the fetal position in a corner, sucking his thumb and whimpering.
Waiting for HuffPo talking points.
“Then they insisted Trump was hurting himself by insulting Biden’s presidential record.”
Ahhh yes… just like most Americans, he must be too stupid to see how great he has been as president? Right? Right? Riiiiiiiight. Nice try, Democrats.
Biden is the worst president in American history. No one is hurting themselves by stating this undeniable fact. No one.
And that’s whether you like Trump or not…
All Joe has to run on is his record. And it’s less than stellar. Other than sheer entertainment value, his administration has produced nothing but bad policies enacted poorly.
The current guy didn’t do as well as the last guy. Just sayin’.
Frankly, I didn’t expect much from Trump. He got my vote because he wasn’t Hillary. I was very happily surprised.
I think a lot of people were. Except for democrats, and more than few republicans when Trump pulled the curtain back and shined some light on the inner workings of our government.
They’ve Been big mad ever since.
With bad results. Many have not been “enacted.” They are the result of his executive orders, many of which are clearly unconstitutional.
There’s been a lot of that going on. In Trump’s defense, he did a lot less than Carter and about the same as Reagan did in his first term.
I’m waiting with bated breath for Commissar to show up to give his expertise on the debate.
Commisars handlers are still trying to figure out how to spin this in as positive a light as possible.
We may be waiting for awhile which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
Every policy that Joe Biden has put forth has done nothing but put undue hardships on Americans and even impact world events.
Case in point is killing the American energy industry in the name of “climate change”. Cut off domestic oil production immediately impacts those that build pipelines, extract the oil, process and sell it. They lose their jobs, and the secondary businesses that supports those businesses lose their income. Less domestic oil leads to increased prices for consumers, whether they own a vehicle or not. Those groceries just don’t magically appear on the shelf, that requires the transportation industry. And if their costs go up, consumer prices go up.
And now America is importing oil, putting money in the wallets of countries that hate America. And with that money, they can finance their invasions of Ukraine or launch terrorist attacks on their neighbors.
And his “Build Back Better” is nothing more than a money laundering scam to make the Democrats and their supporters richer. Billions spent on building EV charging stations, and how many are currently operational?
Let’s go Brandon.
The US is still a net exporter of oil. It was a lot better under Trump, netexports have dropped by about 50%. And yes it’s all about Bite me policy.
The world economy still runs on oil. If you reduce the amount of oil you increase the costs. You increase cost and you have inflation. You borrow trillions of dollars and you put that into the economy and that increases inflation. I would say they didn’t know what they were doing but I just explained it all in one paragraph which makes it way too easy to figure out. They knew exactly what they were doing.
Should be “net surplus exports” have dropped. Net exports are also down but not by 50%, more like 25%. And let us never forget how Biden f***** us on the SPR either.
Didn’t the Democrats in the House and Senate f^** us when they refused to work with Trump to refill the SPR when oil prices we low?
That is also 100% true. Oil was at an all-time low, they were literally paying people to take it. Contracts were negative. Trump, being the astute businessman that he is sometimes, rightly pointed out that would be the perfect time to refill the SPR. And was promptly voted down by the Democrats. And actually got down to -37 a barrel. Which means they would pay you $37 to take a barrel of oil.
We still haven’t refilled the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
Chicoms know it, too.

There may be as many as eight of those charging stations built with the Build Back Better money.
JUST LIKE how the Clinton Global Initiative built a whopping what, FOUR houses with all the Earthquake Relief money donated to them?
The Democrat totally screwed themselves by steamrolling Joe Biden into “securing the votes” for the 2024 election. After last night’s stellar performance at the debates, they realize that there is no way that any voter believes that Joe Biden is mentally fit to serve another term.
So what can they do? If they try to replace him on the ticket as the main event because he is not mentally and/or physically fit to serve, then they have to admit that he is not fit to serve now. So if they pull a 25th Amendment, he is taken out of the Oval Office and Kamala Harris becomes the first person who identifies as female to become President. As Vice President, she should be qualified at a moment’s notice to move up, and logically she would be the presumptive Democrat candidate. But Kamala Harris is totally incompetent, more so than Joe Biden, and she outpaces Hillary Clinton for being hated by her staff, who last in their positions as long as Hunter Biden’s naval career.
So if they bypass her and bring in Newsom or Shrillary, the Democrats will appear to be racist for not choosing the woman of color, who should get the nomination based on her tenure as Vice President. Kind of hard to say she doesn’t have what it takes to be President if they vetted her and found her qualified for #2.
Don’t worry, “White Savior” is totally a part of the Democratic psyche. It’s a tougher sell these days but they can get people to choke it down in the name of killing babies, it’s for the dead children after all.
If Biden does resign or “have a stroke” or “cardiac event”, she will be the first female president for a short period of time. She might even get some sympathy votes if she can play her cards just right due to the death of the heroic commander in chief. And then she can do what she did before, and get down on her knees for the Governor of California. It’s a familiar position for her. Because there’s no way on God’s green earth that she would get elected.
Joe Biden said that he is running against Donald Trump because if Trump wins, it is the end of Democracy in America. So, if Donald Trump wins this November, will Joe Biden not relinquish power to Donald Trump in order to preserve our democracy? Discuss among yourselves.
I’m not sure we can really count anything that Biden says as meaningful, true or having a passing relationship with reality. I mean come on man, he told the entire world that he had a six golf handicap and.he can barely walk.
That 6-golf handicap was before his caddie Unkle Bosie got eaten by the cannibals. His game has been off ever since.
That’s what happens when your ball lands in the rough while playing the back 9 in Papua New Guinea. They go through caddies there like Hunter goes through Russian teenaged prostitutes.
The Democratic Convention will be “Must See TV”
Think of it with the freaks & weirdos on the Left. Now mix in your Terrorist Sympathizers, BLM hooligans, P-antifa, Commies, Baby killers, Femi-nazis, Green energy nut jobs, Anti-2A nobs all in busted-up-as-hell Chi-raq. Now imagine all that as they try and bypass Camal-toe for Newsome or Whitmer? It will be glorious!
Can you say “Chicago ’68 2.0)”?
I’m a-gonna stock up on popcorn, Beer, beef jerky and Nachos before i watch that!!!

You forgot the pro-palinazis for a judenfrei Middle East.
Come on, man! You know, the thing…First, I’m gonna restore Roe v Wade, then I’m, you know, gonna, $15 for insulin, I did that. And first, I’m but the but but but he’s a felon, and I’m gonna bring inflation down, while he put kids in cages, I’m gonna put families together for the thing, and then Corn Pop said thank you for honoring our fallen heroes at the World War 2 Cemetery, World War 1 cemetery, and and and I I I beat Medicare.
Quite disappointed that Donald Trump did not respond to Biden’s accusation that Trump put kids in cages by reminding him that those photos were taken during the Obama-Biden Administration, and that the current administration has lost track of 85,009 of unaccompanied minors that they released to “guardians”.
We need to retire Roe Vs Wade, too many women are being raped by their sisters and ending up pregnant.
Senator Chris Coons (Democrat Delaware) was just on Fox News saying that when Joe Biden is behind closed doors with world leaders, he is a dynamo who is admired and respected, always at the top of his game. Damn shame that version of Joe Biden was not available for last night’s debate.
Meanwhile, Hack caught a bit of Chuck Todd on NBC, that for some reason was running a news segment 15:00 on Friday. Chuck did not give Joe Biden’s performance the stellar review that Senator Coons gave.
The Joe Biden campaign is right up there with when the Hindenburg crashed into the Titanic.
Be funny to watch him interview the “Hawk Tuah” girl.
Do you think when Trump is reelected, Jake Tapper will tell us that the “the nightmare is over, again”, or will he go a different way?
Sure Chris Coons, sure. The conservative tree house has an article about politico having a reporter at a senior home, and some resident there nodding off.
What a dynamo.
Bob Woodward claimed Joe was the whirlwind behind the Afghan surge in “Obama’s Wars,” too.
Job opportunity:
Without a different candidate I doubt there will be a second debate. There isn’t anything left to talk about and Trump was so dominant there isn’t an excuse they can field that can cover how bad it was.
Unless they get him on a new drug cocktail that works better, you are likely right. Why further confirm his mental decline.
When will the 25th amendment be invoked.
A. Before the convention
B. After the next debate
C. Before the election
D. Before the electors meet
E. Before Congress certifies the election
F Before the inauguration
Remember, it’s not “destroying our democracy” whenever or whatever Democrats do.

I don’t see another debate happening. What would be the point?
I’m surprised Biden didn’t once again lie saying that his Son Beau was KIA in Iraq.
He was very close!
Remember when he was giving Trump hell about the BS “Suckers and Losers” statement, he very strongly and adamantly states – “my son wasn’t a sucker and loser, YOU ARE!”
Um,, hey Brandon,,, your son wasn’t in WWII. !!!!!
But I’m sure KJP and The View, and the rest of the Left (present company included), will spin it that he is a loving dad that would take Trump out behind the gym !
He said his son came back from Iraq with brain cancer which was a lie.
Yes he did, a JAG officer manning burn pits, was he roasting uncle Boseys ribs? Yeah I heard that.
Did you know that one of the most popular consumer products in Papua New Guinea is Uncle Bosey Helper? No joke.
I thought he died at bastogne just before the tet offensive while Washington sang Yankee doodle dandy to pass the time crossing the deleware.
It’s hard to keep up.
AND his favorite souvenir was a Luger Pistol he took from a dead VC in downtown Baghdad.
See what happens when I don’t keep my score card up to date.? I really do try, but the scribbles all run together after a while.
He talks a lot about his son Beau serving in the Army, not so much Hunter’s stellar career in the US Naval Reserve. And Hack Stone is glad he went Marine Corps instead of Army, because in the Army it is standard practice to have JAG Officers living and working adjacent to burn pits, especially if the father of the JAG Officer is Vice President of the country. No joke.
Y’know, when Hunter got his Commission, he was too old to get one BUT he got an Age Waiver while his poppa was VPOTUS. Happenstance? Coincidence?
He received two waivers, one for age, the other for a history of drug usage. He must have had some unique skills to offer the US Navy to get not one but two waivers.
As an over the hill drug addict corrupt attorney he had a lot to offer for the maintenance contracting team in the South Pacific.
He was supposed to be the liaison to Fat Leonard.
That moment seemed very rehearsed. Aside from the fact that it’s probably false, at best it is hearsay, It doesn’t really make sense either.
We live in an age where just about everything that somebody famous says is recorded. Without a recording nobody’s really going to believe it unless they want to. Also the media doesn’t have any credibility because they keep taking things that Trump says out of context for sound bites.
Where did that ‘ Suckers and Losers ‘ BS come from?
It was an article written in the Democratic Party controlled Atlantic Magazine. It began with four anonymous people and then it came down to just John Kelly. Kelly who went on to write a tell-all book about his time working for Trump. If you want to be the 10th person that has read it, it’s half off on Amazon right now. 1.5 stars out of 5.
Thanks for the clear explanation.
I Googled it, but that only added to my confusion.
Anyone with 2 braincells to rub together wouldn’t believe a word.
Reb and me been hammering that ol’ prepare drum.
When T man wins for the third time expect leftist violence on/against anything that offends their thin skulls, so everything productive or more complex than a slinky.
Got calories, water and means to protect?
Even nursing home residents thought Biden’s performance was bad:
This is just the proof of why his basement campaign strategy was so successful in the last election. When the public cannot see the real person all they have to base their opinion on is the spin the campaign managers provide. Unfortunately for them, this time around they could not rely on the plague to deny public access to the meat puppet. The strings have been exposed.
Personally, I had no plans to watch the debate. I was certain there was nothing that would happen to change my mind after the last 3.5 years of president dementia. On Friday Morning I knew biden’s performance was a total bomb when the MSM virtually ignored the debate. Without screaming headlines proclaiming that the puppet destroyed Trump it became obvious it went the other way. The sound of crickets was very telling.
Biden’s performance was abysmal.
I don’t think he should have ran for a second term. He has only ever been within the margin of error in beating Trump and usually trailing by a few points.
There is too much at stake to let that fuckstain Trump in office again and Biden is not the candidate to give us the best chance of keeping Trump out of office..
But it is not all bad news for America, there are two pieces of good news coming out of this.
1. Trump also performed terribly. Not as bad as Biden (which was the worst debate performance in history), but Trump was particularly clownish in his answers. His constant lying does not work on people who are not in his cult.
2. Biden performed exceptionally badly, if he had just performed regular badly then there would be zero chance Biden steps down and releases his delegates.
However, Biden performed so poorly there is pressure from not just establishment democrat media and pundits, but from within the democratic establishment itself.
If the Democrats nominated someone they would not only have a better chance of winning in November, but that candidate would have a chance at two terms.
Yes, I keep hearing Trump lied during the debate. Biden also lied a number of times, But I picked up on those right away.
What was it that you think Trump lied about?
A couple of things:
I have had both of them as president for 4years each. Things were much better under Trump. I’d take him again a thousand times! And again, I didn’t like him till after he was president.
Trump didn’t do great during the debate. He had many, many missed opportunities. I think his handlers muzzled him too much.
But, you say they have been within a margin of each other, but 81M votes? Come-on man!
But see that was votes, not live, legal voters casting only one legit ballot with those votes for Bribem.
Yep. But tell that to Mr.^^^^
I have always read his BS, and not commented too much, but sometimes I just can’t overlook the contradictions that are posted by. ^^^^^
One thing he does an outstanding job of is displaying just how brainwashed one can be!
Please list Trump’s lies. Any order you wish. I’ll wait, I’m a patient man.
Major Moonbat’s reply? *Crickets*
It always is.
He seems to have lost his imperial evidence, again.
Right now, commisar is having an oh shit moment at being called out on listing Trump’s lies.
He will return after fixing his technical difficulties, AKA getting his approved talking points.
No need to adjust your monitor to see if it’s broke if he doesn’t answer right away,
Trump performed terribly? By that do you mean he didn’t attack someone who appears to me to be in the twighlight of his life?
American Democrats had an opportunity to pick the most qualified candidate to run for President this November. Somehow Joe Biden was that candidate. He got 81 million votes in 2020, and with the stellar job he has done with the economy, border control, crime, world peace, and the ability to speak to world leaders decades after they died, he should have no problem with securing 100 million votes. And after watching the Democrats on Fox News Sunday and Meet The Press this weekend telling us that behind closed doors Joe Biden is sharp and laser focused, full of energy and exuding a strong and confident leadership. Thursday’s debate convinced Hack that Joe Biden has the physical and mental stamina to go another four years. No joke.
I was half expecting Fauci to be hiding somewhere with a dart gun, to give Joe a shot of Speed and Geritol when he started fading.(about 5min into it)
This looks like the Democrats planning committee.
Hillary’s ready.

I can honestly say the debate did not change my assessment of either candidate.
I have to get out more.
Major Garrett on CBS about had me laughing to tears A few minutes ago. They were discussing the Democrats replacing Biden and he said, I quote:
“This is a closed issue. The person who has secured the most electors will be the nominee. President Obama has secured 99% of the electors. He will be the nominee”
There was a long pause, and then off screen somebody told him “President Biden!”.
According to Clyburn, folks were happy with FJBs performance.
I wold like to see what they consider to be an abysmal performance.
Pedo Joe is and always has been a lying moron and 0-Bama knew it when he picked him as his running mate. I also believe that Barry Zero has been running the country from jump street so the Demorats are probably not concerned as to who their candidate is on that level because regardless of who runs for them, IF they win, Zero will still call the shots. Especially if it’s Heals Up Harris. Their biggest problem is throwing someone out there who could actually compete with Donald. Please God, put Donald back in the White House!!