Clarence Thomas defense

| June 29, 2024

Interesting opinion piece on Fox from Mark Paoletta alleging that the hit campaign against Clarence Thomas is riddled with inaccuracies, and that the authors don’t care. Let’s start with how Thomas supposedly received $4.2 million in gifts over the last few years. That’s 20 years, by the way, since 2003.

“He traveled to Dallas in 2022 to speak at a civil-rights conference hosted in part by the American Enterprise Institute. Fix the Court counts the plane travel provided by Mr. Crow, an AEI trustee, as a gift valued at $68,333,” Paoletta wrote. “But the group doesn’t count Justice Breyer’s more than 230 trips for events—63 of them outside the U.S.—including the 17 trips the Pritzker family’s Architecture Foundation paid for Justice Breyer to take to London, Paris, Beijing and Copenhagen.”

Paoletta wrote that Justice Kennedy frequently traveled to Europe to teach month-long summer seminars “but none of those trips are on the Fix the Court chart.”

What did Thomas fly on, a winged Biblical chariot? Almost seventy grand for a domestic plane trip – on a trip presumably the plane owner was already taking.

“The group counts two high-school scholarships established by the Horatio Alger Association in Justice Thomas’s son’s name as a $35,000 gift to Justice Thomas, even though none of the money went to him or any family member. But it doesn’t count as a gift the $1 million prize the Berggruen Institute awarded Ginsburg in 2019, which she distributed to her favored charities,” Paoletta wrote.

So a group funded a scholarship which went to third party students and the only contact Thomas had was that it was in his name. Right.

“It uses wildly inflated values for the ‘gifts’ to Justice Thomas. Most shocking, Fix the Court values the 2019 vacation Justice Thomas and his wife took to Indonesia with the Crows—which, again, wasn’t even subject to disclosure as a gift—at $500,000,” he continued. “That estimate is based on the assumption that Justice Thomas would have chartered Mr. Crow’s yacht and plane for himself. In reality he was a guest of the Crows, along with 14 other passengers, including my wife and me. Even under its own methodology, the group has dishonestly inflated the value of this trip by not factoring in the other passengers.”

It’s only overstated by 15:1  worst case. Oh, wait:

“In 2011, 20 Democratic lawmakers filed an ethics complaint regarding Justice Thomas not disclosing his trips with the Crows,” he continued. “In response, the U.S. Judicial Conference, which regulates judges’ financial disclosures, concluded in 2012 that Justice Thomas wasn’t required to report such trips and vacations.”

Plus they concentrate on Thomas – and ignore the other judges, such as Kennedy, above.

“Fix the Court imputes 101 ‘likely but not confirmed gifts’ worth nearly $1.8 million to Justice Thomas in 2004-23 but identifies no ‘likely gifts’ for any other justice,” he added. Fox News

Sounds like ‘likely but not confirmed’ is equivalent to ‘rumored.

Now, obviously Paoletta is a pretty close friend, and one can assume ProPublica and Fix the Court are definitely not – but it sure sounds like they should at least throw a few facts into the mix.

Fix the Court – surely I’m not the only one wondering how blatantly they are describing their goals?

Category: Supreme Court

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“Fix”……as in, “repair what is broken”?
Or “fix”, as in “to castrate, neuter, make un -(re)productive”.

I’m sure that they themselves see it as the first definition. But everyone else sees it as the second.

“Their” problem is “They” see Justice Thomas as “uppity” and he has strayed from the plantation. Can’t have that. Uncle Tom was unavailable for comment.


Remember who gave Thomas the ‘the high tech lynching’? The guy that didn’t want his kids going to school in a racial jungle, the one that boasted about the ‘Crime Bill’ that would disproportionately imprison more blacks than any other race? The same that was a feeble old many that couldn’t walk off stage?
This fucking guy/POS/pedo/crook:


Clarence Thomas remembers. The guy has a mind like a steel trap.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Pepperidge Farm remembers


They are going after him because he is one of the most reliably conservative justices. He has a great analytical mind. But the lefties see him as an Uncle Tom and a race traitor.


Clarence didn’t vote for Biden, therefore he “ain’t black”. Funny how if he flew on Epstein’s plane with PEDO Clinton it would be covered up.

A Proud Infidel®™

And Epstein’s list is still guarded by the Deep State even tighter than they do Top Secret Documents!


I look forward to the release date in 2084.

Old tanker

When it comes to politics, especially in either getting or maintaining power and money, facts are not essential and likely unwanted. Innuendo and suspicion are more favored for the dirty trick party. I mean he didn’t even partake in deleting 33,000 e-mails on a private non authorized server like a decent politician does…

Hack Stone

Their research is fake but accurate.


The leftist campaign against Alito and Thomas will continue unabated until they die or retire. This was why Supreme Court appointments were for life. Because if you manage to get all the way up there, and squeak by a congressional hearing and investigation then you were good to go. That way you couldn’t be replaced if people didn’t like their interpretation of the law. Which is exactly what they’re trying to do now. If they succeed, It would just be one more institution that the left has corrupted.

Clarence Thomas has been an amazing justice. After all that b******* The Democrats put him through during his confirmation hearings, mostly because he dared to be black and successful, what we have seen the last 33 years has been his response to that.

I hope he lives forever and never leaves the bench.

Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC

I’m un-surprised now by these socialist/commie hit pieces.

There is no depth too low for those scumbags.


Here’s an idea I stole from somebody’s comment on another site, but when Trump gets reelected, Trump should make Clarence Thomas his AG, which would free up another spot on the Supreme Court for another conservative justice. Pick Clarence’s brain on his recommendation.

Once again, will look for it.


I’d take Roberts off the court first. It’s a huge demotion and Roberts could be up there a while. If Thomas actually wanted to be AG that could be a thing but I doubt he does.

In any case either Alito and/or Thomas will likely retire in the next four years. Or they could pull a Stevens and serve another 25 years.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

If Judge Thomas was a DemoRat, we wouldn’t be commenting on him this Sunday morning. Speaking of Sunday, Sunday is the lead in to ” Every Day Of The Week”
By the Students 1958 on the Note label.


It will be fun to watch the Sunday talk shows with their wailing, gnashing of teeth, hand wringing and a good case of the vapors for added measure.

All these years, they have been telling us Biden was good to go, there has been nobody else like him. Currently, and after Thursday night debate, they finally got their story straight and told the truth.

Tune in to watch the next installment of “how do we save face” and the never ending series of “its Trumps fault”.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

SUNDAY MORNING, did I say SUNDAY MORNING, It’s Saturday, I thought that today was Sunday, holy molly, hope I ain’t losing it.


“It’s more important to be morally right than factually correct.”