Happy Thanksgiving

| November 26, 2009

We’re thankful that our family keeps growing every year and that we raised a son who fearlessly does his duty. We miss him and keep him in every waking thought and we’re grateful that he’ll be home next month.

We’re thankful that you, our readers, and your families continue to make sacrifices for this nation when we can’t.

From my family to yours, we hope you have a happy and safe Thanksgiving.


Dad is thankful that you got that box of La Gloria Cubana Torpedo #2s.

Category: Holidays

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Damn. Goosebumps. For the kid AND the cubans!! Jealousy is an ugly thing. 🙂

Happy Thanksgiving!


Thankful to be with family and friends. Not to mention back in one piece.


Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Jonn, and to all your readers.

Brown Neck Gaitor

Happy Thanksgiving to the entire TAH family. Get home safe Jr.


I’m thankful you posted that HOT picture. (Yeah, I know, shocking).

Love ya buddy and Happy Thanksgiving!

AW1 Tim

Happy Thanksgiving indeed! We’ve set an extra place at the table today for our son, and infantryman with the 173rd Airborne who is in Afghanistan. We’ve also put up the Blue Star flag.

We’ve many things to be thankful for, regardless of the stuff going on in the world.

God Bless all of our military and veterans, their families, and this nation!


Happy Thanksgiving to all–now if we can just survive our wives/girlfriends dragging us out on Black Friday.

Casey J Porter

Happy Thanksgiving, you right-wing nut-jobs! lol That was a joke by the way. 🙂

Mmmm, Cubans. Hope he comes home safe!


[…] Priestap, Jonn Lilyea and Michelle Moore are thankful for […]

A Heros Friend

A very Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and your families and to all who serve…God bless you and protect you all…and yeah, even you Joe…


Happy Thanksgiving, to all of you, and to the troops, wherever they may be. And thanks that our son got home from Afghanistan last month.

The Sniper

Happy Thanksgiving. And remember, TSO rapes goats.


Happy Thanksgiving to all, and to those who are away from Home, serving to keep us safe, God bless you and watch over you until you are back with your loved ones.

Debbie Clark

Happy Thanksgiving to all, friends and adversaries alike, on This Ain’t Hell. Had a great thanksgiving dinner here today in the cradle of naval aviation; tomorrow, work 4, get 4, while all the military are off for free…heh…(such is the life of a DOD civilian…)