IAVA co-founder, Phil Carter, hit by Gitmo bus

| November 25, 2009

Some of you who were around TAH last year, might remember that TSO tore up the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America “scorecard” of the Senate which was created and manipulated to make us believe that Barack Obama was better for veterans than John McCain. Then TSO found that one of the co-founders of IAVA, Phil Carter, was the Obama campaign’s veteran advisor, and I busted the IAVA trying to cover up that fact when TSO exposed them.

Oh, yeah, Phil Carter was also the guy who came out to meet Matthis Chiroux Liam Madden when Chiroux Madden delivered IVAW’s list of demands to the Democratic National Convention in Denver last year. In addition to the “scorecard” scam and stroking the IVAW, Carter was working for the Obama Campaign while he wrote a regular column at the Washington Post’s Intel Dump. Phil Carter parlayed those little stunts in service to Obama into a job position at the Pentagon, the Deputy Assistant secretary of Defense for Detainee Affairs.

Well, according to the New York Times, Phil Carter is the latest casualty of the Guantanamo bus;

Phillip Carter, who was named deputy assistant secretary of defense for detainee policy in April, resigned last Friday because of “personal issues,” a Pentagon official said. Mr. Carter could not be reached for comment and no other reasons were given for his departure.

Mr. Carter, 34, a lawyer and an Army adviser to the Iraqi police in Baquba in 2005 and 2006, was in charge of veterans outreach in President Obama’s 2008 campaign.

Mr. Carter’s departure comes as the administration has acknowledged that it will not be able to close the prison by Jan. 22, the self-imposed deadline Mr. Obama announced immediately after taking office.

Mr. Carter has also left in the middle of the administration’s efforts to prosecute some of the Guantánamo detainees and find a location in the United States to house perhaps 50 to 100 terrorism suspects indefinitely. The Cuba prison now has 215 detainees.

Noah Schachtman writes;

I just got off the phone with Carter. “I know this is a Washington cliche, but sometimes the cliches are true,” he tells me. “I made this tough decision for personal reasons, even though I loved the job and the work we were doing. Hopefully I’ll have the chance to serve again.”

Yeah, Phil, everyone else lies about “personal issues” but in your case it’s true – just you. This on the heels of Greg Craig’s personal issues. I hope Carter feels that all of his underhanded misuse of his veteran status was worth it. I’ll be watching to see what job he scores in the 2012 campaign.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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thump thump.

AW1 Tim

Another whore gets kicked to the curb.

Idiot thought it was love, that’s all… 🙂

A Heros Friend

You know that life has got to suck when your only claim to fame is being a speedbump on this interstate of life…


The wheels on the bus go round and round – and then thump.

Army Sergeant

He came out to meet Liam Madden, not Matthis Chiroux.


Hopefully, they backed up and ran him over again for good measure. “Lay with dogs, get up with fleas.”

Brown Neck Gaitor

“I’ll be watching to see what job he scores in the 2012 campaign.”

I hear there might be a new prison opening in Ohio and they need some guards, just sayin….

B Woodman

From reading the headline, I thought that he actually went down to Gitmo, and got hit with a real bus.
The real thing is not quite as satisfying, but still good.


Another lying POS jumps off the train…


Big surprise. TAH attacks another veterans group they disagree with. I guess you’re only a “real veteran” if you’re rooting for Palin to be president, or claiming that Obama wasn’t born in America. If you have a different point of view then TAH considers you just another Soros cocksucker and your service ain’t worth shit. Lilyea, why don’t you just take a trip out to Arlington National Cemetary and tell any of the Democrat wives and mothers what a sorry piece of shit you think their son/father/husband was?


So, if I disagree with your point of view I should just shut the fuck up? That’s what I expected.


The vet groups you mentioned are mostly a bunch of partisan politic idiots that try to make being a vet equal to being a victim. Also being a vet doen’t mean you can’t still be a worthless human being. Oswald and Dahmer were vets too. Most democrat politicians today are leftists calling themselves democrats just to be elected. That doesn’t mean there aren’t some idiot republican politicians. Just look at Ron Paul or Arlen Specter (well used to be republican.)

amazing stuff here


You just beat Jonn down and he had no response for you. I love it.

Shoot, I bet Jonn actually requests FOIA on dead soldiers and goes over to Arlington and labels their grave “Phony Soldier” when he finds out that their spouse of parent is a registered democrat.


When they are phony they are phony. I love how you guys think we only go after Dems. Also, for the record, none of those “veterans groups” mentioned here are actually veterans groups. There is a certain tax status for veterans groups (C 19) and none of the groups you are mentioning here are those.

And, when you take money from Soros, why is it wrong to point that out?

Your arguments should at least try to make sense JAV and ASH.



“The vet groups you mentioned are mostly a bunch of partisan politic idiots”

You just described TAH perfectly.

IAVA and VoteVets have done a lot to promote legislation that greatly benefits veterans. Yes, they do have a political agenda, but who doesn’t these days? What has TAH done except constantly attack anyone and everyone except for the extreme far right?


When did TAH become a “veterans group”? This is a blog shitdick, we discuss our opinions on things. We have regular jobs where we do work, this wasn’t meant for any purpose than to give voice to our opinions, if you don’t like them, why do you persist in coming back?

And please name one piece of legislation that VoteVets has got through. I will grant IAVA, so kindly tell me one bill that VoteVets has worked on that passed. And don’t tell me the GI Bill because they did nothing on it. I testified before Congress on that bill two more times than VoteVets.


IAVA and VoteVets have done a lot to promote legislation that greatly benefits veterans.

My response would be, cough “Bullshit” cough. As far as TAH, the only political agenda I’ve ever observed was support for the military both active and veteran. That and winning the war instead of trying to pretend that we can go back to September 10th, 2001.



For one, yes they did promote the GI BIll, and it did pass. They also promoted Dwell time. Also, the Heroes Earnings Assistance And Relief Tax Act of 2008. How is that, shitdick? As far as why I keep coming back, don’t worry – it won’t last long. I know there are several here who love to troll at other sites just to stir shit up. But I don’t wanna be where I’m not wanted. Besides, if I piss off TSO enough, he’ll post all my personal info publicly and offer to email it to Major Hasan’s friends like he offered for Matthew Alexander. I hope and pray that no one connected to Al Qaeda has access to an AKO account.


If you have never seen a political agenda at TAH, I hope to God you never served as a Forward Observer. You can’t see shit.


Hey dumbass, that wasn’t me that posted the Mathew Alexander shit. And a DD214 is not “Personal Info” it is public info, which is how we get them via a freedom of information act request to the federal government.

Your debating skill is honestly astounding.

How is that dwell time bill working out?


Oh, and see you later, Keep it Necro!!


Don’t worry, I’ve never been an FO. As a twice retired Amtrac Gunny, I know shit when I see it, smell it and hear it. Semper Gumby!


I have to defend IAVA a bit here. Lumping us in with the shitbirds at VetsVote is bullshit. Yes some of the higher ups may lean left, but most of the members are pretty right wing. Paul Reichoff was even given shit for appearing on Bill Maher’s show. Of course just like any group there are the crazies, but at least on the Community of Veterans site they are spotted pretty quick. So far I haven’t seen the IAVA endorse any candidates or agendas except veteran related. I will be sure to keep my eyes open.


That is why I excluded you guys Jason. And I agree almost completely with your assessment. I think IAVA was dishonest last year with the votecard thing, but I will certainly acknowledge that they do work very hard on legislation.

My only current problem with Paul and IAVA is that during the last electin cycle IAVA joined in a law suit with the Dem party of Ohio to count absentee ballots. And yet in Virginia IAVA did not so so, despite that that law suit was exclusively for military voters. Perhaps there is some other reason for not joining the suit, but the issues involved were the same, the only difference is which party was filing suit.


My typing skills blow today, but hopefully you can figure out what I meant above.


It is supposed to be a “nonpartisan” group and for the most part it is. I think that a lot of the members of the group are pretty good at keeping the organization honest. I will definately keep my eyes open for stuff like the lawsuits. Once we start becoming an less of an organization about veteran issues and more about politics we will lose credibility like VetsVote and the “ivaw”.

I should have directed my post more towards JustSomeVet.


“That doesn’t mean there aren’t some stealth libertarians in the republican party. Just look at Ron Paul.”
Fixed it for ya!
And just mebbe if more politiclowns, republicrat and demican alike would drop the Keynesian B.S. and go for Austrian economics the U.S. economy wouldn’t be going down the toilet!

amazing stuff here

“I think IAVA was dishonest last year with the votecard thing”

Why haven’t you gone after the DAV since that is where IAVA got there information from?


IAVA’s scorecard is based on votes, which you would know if you took the time to read what I wrote on the previous post. However, since you aren’t bright enough to read it and comprehend, why don’t you give me your source for the statement that Iava got all their [you spelled it wrong] information from.

amazing stuff here

personal attack don’t really work on me Mark.

And that’s right, IAVA’s scoreboard was based on votes and it’s very obvious they used the DAV website to build their (did I spell it right for you?) scorecard since the DAV uses the same votes to build their (I did it again) website. Here’s Senator John McCain’s key votes from the DAV Website. Just click votes once you get to the link.


amazing stuff here

Now Mark, it’s time you go beat up the Disabled American Veterans.

amazing stuff here

waiting on the moderator….gee I wonder if Carl Webb gets sensored???


[…] last year’s Presidential election claiming Obama was better for veterans than McCain.  What they failed to disclose was that IAVA’s co-founder Phil Carter was the Barack Obama campaign veterans advisor.  […]