New Gaza Support Group

| June 17, 2024


As I have mentioned before, some of these columns just write themselves. Ain’t easy on my nausea levels, but what can you do.

The Telegraph comments that one of the larger segments of Western society has finally taken a side on the horrible, interminable, etc. conflict in the Middle East. Yes, it has come to the attention of one of the largest groups around – maybe adding our voices to the chorus of opinion, we can put some real pressure on all those fanatical Jooz and Raghedz to  stop mucking about. I refer, or course, to the fat.

This is the brainchild of Hannah Moushabeck (see above – ed.)  a Palestinian American author and activist, in collaboration with designer Phoebe Wahl and a lifestyle blog called Fat Girl Flow. Essentially, it looks like a t-shirt design with pretensions to being a political movement.

For $39 you can get your hands on a standard or a cropped tee, emblazoned with “Fatties for a Free Palestine’, surrounded by flowers, watermelons and cutesy cartoon figures. If you’re on the larger side of plus-size, you might want to hurry, though. The 4X, 5X and 6X cropped versions are already sold out.

Please, PLEASE, dear God use the brain bleach – get the image of a 6X CROP TOP (purportedly posted with pro-palestinian propaganda) out of my my mind. 6X? Gawd, rolls and flabby rolls, with a detailed contour map of the Negev Desert writ large in stretch marks…

Alongside raising funds for Gaza, Moushabeck says she also wants to tackle “a lack of protest garments for those in larger bodies”. Sure, you can go on the marches and chant all the questionable slogans, but if you can’t flaunt your views in an IG snap, are you really pro-Palestine? Woke politics and fashion are now indistinguishable.

The narcissism doesn’t end there. The desperation of Western activists to make every cause about their own identity has provided some grim comic relief during this war. Who could forget the rise of Queers for Palestine, or Chickens for KFC as critics have dubbed it – given the murderous homophobia of Hamas-run Gaza?

Chickens for KFC…love it. Larger bodies? As in “field dressed to 20 stone” larger? I am guessing she and her ilk don’t need aid shipments.

Now the fat activists – yes, this is apparently a thing – are getting in on the act. Fat activism is a subculture of wokedom that sees fat people as both an oppressed group in their own right and as a blast against supposedly “white”, Western ideals of beauty. Essentially, being overweight and having the right opinions is radical now – particularly if you are wearing one of those t-shirts.

To everyone else, of course, all of this looks patently ridiculous – as ridiculous as Gingers for Palestine or IBS Sufferers for Palestine would be. Identity politics has taken the most superficial, unimportant things about us and turned them into opportunities to attention-seek.

But given this is about Gaza and Israel, Fatties for a Free Palestine isn’t just a joke. You don’t have to go far down its dedicated Instagram page before you encounter bilious anti-Semitism, including an activist waving a placard railing against “Zio scum” – an anti-Semitic slur.    The Telegraph

You get better alliteration with Porkers for Palestine, by the way.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Israel

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A Proud Infidel®™

I couldn’t come up with shit like that if I tried!


No wonder there is a shortage of GP Medium tents these days. All of the material and production facilities are going into making these shirts.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

This seems right…


$39 for a tent is not that bad.


Omar the tent maker approves.


 “I am guessing she and her ilk don’t need aid shipments.”

They ARE the aid shipments…


Buy stock in flour, and hope for the best.


Hamas or other jihadists be like:
comment image

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous

so pigs can fly


Glide ratio ain’t so good though.

Skivvy Stacker

“Hmmmm…..results of experiment 1,000; fat female faggots can’t fly. Bring up the next one Jamal!”


Still can’t get that Boomers sunday image outta my head and
this article ain’t helping.


We damn sure can’t send “Fatties for a Free Palestine” to Gaza via Joe’s pier. It’ll capsize faster than Guam.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Suuuuure…..go on over to Palestine. I guar-an-damn-tee that all the fat you’re carrying will melt off you within a month, almost as fast as baking bacon in an oven.
(I’d LOVE to see “before” and “after” pics….that is, if they even have the courage of their convictions and go over there at all. Which I doubt)


Wow… get a load of that fork and knife operator…

If she sacrificed one snack a day there’d be no starving folks in Gaza. Or probably anywhere.

RGR 4-78

Now, now, Hannah Moosebutt is just trying to make a living.


Looks like she isn’t hurting for money.

Chinese all you can eat restaurant owners quake in fear as they see their profits go up in smoke.

Forest Bondurant

Well, verse 7:31 of the Quran states “…eat and drink and do not commit excesses; indeed He does not love those who are excessive.”

Fasting is an obligatory practice to those of the Islamic faith (2:183), but she’s likely not practicing because it interferes with her numerous trips to the trough throughout the day.


The cropped tee would just show more of the chin chin chest belly belly body.


They won’t live long enough to be historically relevant.