Daily FGS

| June 14, 2024

Bowie Knife

Sheriff: 1 dead, 1 injured when man fires gun while being assaulted at Pontiac store
Bullet reportedly traveled through assailant and into his girlfriend
patrol vehicle

A shooting at a convenience store in Pontiac on Tuesday night left a man dead and his girlfriend seriously injured, officials said.

According to the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office, the two were shot after they assaulted a man at the counter of the store. The alleged shooter then waited for sheriff’s deputies to arrive.

The dead man is identified as Darien Louis Bragg, 23, of Pontiac, who suffered a single gunshot wound to the chest. The bullet traveled through Bragg’s body and struck his 23-year-old girlfriend in the abdomen, the sheriff’s office said. As of Wednesday morning, she was hospitalized in serious condition.

The alleged shooter, a 21-year-old Pontiac man, is the former boyfriend of the injured woman and was detained at the scene, the sheriff’s office said.
The sheriff’s office said witnesses reported the 21-year-old man was at the store counter to purchase items when he was assaulted from behind by Bragg and his girlfriend.

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The Oakland Press

Thanks, Gun Bunny.

Oakland homeowner arrested after fatally shooting burglary suspect

By Henry Lee
OAKLAND, Calif. – A homeowner in Oakland was arrested after shooting and killing a robbery suspect.

The 77-year-old homeowner was arrested on suspicion of murder. He remained behind bars on Tuesday while the district attorney considered whether to file charges.

It’s unclear if the man, whom KTVU is not naming, will be formally charged or if the killing was justified on the grounds of self-defense.

The incident happened just before 6 p.m. on Monday at 98th Avenue and Burr Street in East Oakland.

Authorities said two men and a woman pulled up to a residence in the area in a stolen Infiniti Q40.

A witness told police the three went onto the property and one of the men had a crowbar. The witness then heard a gunshot.

According to court documents, police arrived at the scene and found the homeowner pointing a stolen Colt Python revolver at the female suspect.

That woman told police the homeowner had shot her friend. Oakland firefighters and paramedics tried to save the suspect, but he died at the scene. He has not been identified.

Police said the third suspect was found at the scene with a replica gun and arrested on suspicion of burglary.

No charges have been filed against the homeowner, although he was arrested. The case is under review by the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office.

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Nothing to see here Citizen. Move along.

If we lower our standards, we lower the flag.
President Ronald Reagan

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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If I’m going to be in a gunfight, I would much further have a stolen Colt Python that a replica of anything. The 357 is going to be much more effective than anything a replica could do.


Probably NSFW, depending upon where you work.


Speaking of wieners or compensating.
I can honestly say that I’m only slightly above average. 😂


In Oakland County Michigan, we now have a reverse case of the “not into you, but his bullet is” – ex-girlfriend was mad cause she wasn’t getting any of ex-boyfriend’s joy any more, and got another poor sap thinking with the wrong head to intervene.
Sounds like ex-boyfriend was using some FMJ ammo for it to get him a two-fer.

In Oakland California, however, the baboons are running the madhouse.

Now, that is a knife!


Ms Thang and her new beau epitomized that whole “FAFO” thing. “…single gunshot wound to the chest.” And that’s the way it’s done, girls and boys.

Taking a “replica” gun AND a crowbar to a gunfight? Tox, I think we’ve had those singularly before, but I don’t think we’ve had both together. I guess having a stolen weapon is better than having no weapon.

I’ll try to keep a weather eye out for some follow ups here to see if the citizens that were defending themselves are persecuted for doing just that. Sadly it doesn’t look good for them, after all…we’re talking Commiefornia and Michistan.

Why is it that burning The American Flag is “Free Speech”, but burning a “pride flag” is “Hate Speech”?

Our Beloved AW1Ed is deliberately posting linkys that he knows will send his Gun Bunny down a bunch of rabbit holes. Well played, Good Sir…Well played. There may and/or may not be an assortment of “Bowie Type” knives scattered about Fire Base Magnolia, up to and including “D” Guards and boot versions. I admit nothing…call my lawer.

Old tanker

I’ve got a question. Is the “stolen python” in the dead guys possession at the start, or is the shooter the one who had possession of it all the time? Could throw a monkey wrench in the defense of the shooting there.


Also, did the defender know it was stolen, or did he purchase it in good faith from someone, say a pawn shop?

Just because the Python was stolen does not imply that the possessor was the thief in question.