Friday miscellany – cop shooting, Poland, FBI, Newsom

| June 7, 2024 | 9 Comments

Bernardo Raul Castro-Mata, a 19-year-old from Venezuela, opened fire on two officers after they tried to stop him for riding a scooter in the wrong direction in Queens, police said. The officers were treated and released from the hospital later the same day.

Castro-Mata entered the US illegally through Eagle Pass, Texas, last July, a spokesperson for ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations in New York confirmed to CNN. He was released and ordered to report to immigration court where his case was subsequently dismissed. CNN

Article says he was released on his own recognizance pending removal operations with the Border Patrol, but a DOJ dismissed removal proceedings May 6. Bet some NYPD folks would love to chat with that judge.

Poland is having border issues too. One of their troops on border duty was stabbed and died this week. Poland says they are getting thousands of immigrants, most with Russian visas, attempting to cross the Belorus-Poland border barriers.

Latest figures from the Polish Border Guard say there have been some 17,000 attempts at illegally crossing the border this year.

Poland and the EU say many of the migrants are organized and aided by Russia and its ally Belarus to destabilize Europe. According to Polish officials, about 90% of the migrants at Poland’s border have Russian visas, which points to Russia’s role.AP

I know 17,000 this year is not much to us, but we are talking a proportionately far smaller border and region.

Government officials on Thursday demanded explanations after it emerged that three soldiers were handcuffed and detained by Polish military police in March for having fired warning shots when faced with an advancing group of migrants on the border with Belarus.

The soldiers had allegedly fired warning shots first into the air and then into the ground as they tried to stop an advancing migrant group on Polish territory. No one was injured.

Many in the Polish government are outraged that their own troops were detained for trying to stop invaders. We feel your pain, guys.

Marcus Allen of the FBI had his security clearance suspended in 2022 after the January 6,  uh, whatever it was…putsch?  when he did not toe the party line. He was not in the mob…but worse, disagreed  with the bosses.

Allen testified during last year’s congressional hearing that he “played no part in the events of Jan. 6,” but alleged that he was retaliated against “because I forwarded information to my superiors and others that questioned the official narrative of the events of Jan. 6.”

When explaining its initial decision to revoke Allen’s security clearance to Congress, the FBI wrote that its investigation showed Allen had “questionable judgment, unreliability, and unwillingness to comply with rules and regulations,” indicating that he could not properly safeguard classified or sensitive information.

The bureau reinstated Allen’s security clearance on May 31 after reaching a settlement agreement, Allen’s lawyer, Tristan Leavitt, told CNN. Allen then resigned from the bureau on Monday. CNN II

hotel california.jpg

Good news for fans of California. Apparently their budget is good, the crime rate is down, no new cops are needed, and they can get rid of thousands of prison beds. That’s the view from Governor Newsom, who wants to cut law enforcement and prison budgets ‘cuz, well, everything is hunky-dorey out west..

The California Democrat’s proposed budget, released in May, notes that “difficult decisions” are necessary to address the estimated $27.6 billion deficit, which is projected to continue for years to come. It includes a $97 million cut to trial court operations, $10 million to the Department of Justice’s Division of Law Enforcement and more than $80 million to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Fox

In the real world, businesses are fleeing crime ridden cities, cops are overworked and disrespected, and there’s that almost $28 mill hole in the ground. Oh, and if you don’t think Newsom doesn’t want Biden’s job – you aren’t paying attention. He’s a more likely candidate than Harris, Saunders, or anyone else.

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Crime, Government Incompetence, Illegal Immigrants

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I hope Cali isn’t as bad a dystopian hellscape its appears. My son is going to stationed there this summer. San Diego was a good duty station in the 80’s when I was there.

As far SA Allen is concerned, you don’t in trouble for lying. You get in YUGE trouble when you tell the truth. The Emperors don’t want to hear they are aren’t wearing any clothes.


HT3, sorry bro but Cali has turned from a beautiful State to a never ending shit filled, no jail, syringe filled, crack vile littered shithole…sad as shit I need to carry to buy groceries….good luck to your boy…

Army-Air Force Guy

Sounds like portland. We are one of the top 5 places to find good food in the USA, if you don’t mind somebody OD’ing on Fentanyl on the sidewalk where you’re eating.


I agree Army-Air Force Guy. Used to stop by Eidelweiss Sausage Company and Delicatessen in Portland to fill a cooler every chance we got on our way home from a visit with my wife’s relative in Dallas,Oregon. We discovered them via Guy Fieri’s “Diners, Drive In’s and Dives” show on the Food Channel and were hooked on our first visit.

They had 8 butchers working behind the counter and you had better take a number as soon as you walked in the door before exploring the aisles of their tasty imported snacks.

Then the sidewalk zombies took over a lot of the city. Now we bypass Portland completely.


If you are talking about California HSR, that is billions, not millions. Lesser states think wasting money is like checkers, Cali plays 3D chess. And it’s only $100B more away from completion. Or as the Cali Senate minority leader says; “It will never be finished and it will always be $100 Billion away”.


The Federal grubermint has failed miserably in its primary job of “…to provide for the common defense…”…or is aiding and abetting a calculated plan to “…fundamentally change the face of America…” Imma gonna go with the latter. Prepare

“Warning shots”??? Go for a head shot…that way his friends are warned. Count Casimir Pulaski approves this message.

The feebees have been corrupt since their inception.



So far as the FEEBs go if you aren’t willing to frame people for crimes they didn’t commit you are in the wrong place.

Hack Stone

Don’t forget California’s High Speed Rail Line. Last time Hack checked, it was ten years behind on the original completion date and California needs another $100 Billion on top of the $30 Billion plus they have already spent. Can’t they just get more tax revenue from that fast food workers now earning $20 an hour?


But Commissar swears that dear old California is simply the envy of the modern world.

Fucking. Shithole.