Semi Bird, gubernatorial candidate, previously reprimanded for false military claims

| May 31, 2024

Semi Bird, Republican candidate for the Washington gubernatorial race, was reprimanded while he was in the Army. The reprimand accused Bird of perpetuating fraud against the U.S. government. The U.S. Special Forces accused Bird of stolen valor. They accused him of misrepresenting his actions during Operation Iraqi Freedom.  Bird was also accused of wearing awards and badges that he didn’t earn, of falsifying documents, and of seeking career advancement via deception.

From 770 KTTH Conservative Talk Radio:

As outlined in the reprimand letter, Pagan told Bird the investigation found he “wore awards and badges that you had not earned.” Additionally, Pagan said Bird knowingly “submitted false documents for the sole purpose of gaining an unfair advantage against other individuals” seeking entry into the Warrant Officer Corps. Entry into this program would have afforded Bird a significant increase in pay and responsibilities.

Pagan also discovered Bird “manipulate(d) the system for your personal gain by aiding in the drafting of NCOERs (non-commissioned officer evaluation reports) which you knew to be false” and “enlisted the help of senior NCOs and Officers to perpetuate this fraud against the government.” He said Bird was seeking “personal gain” at the expense of the “good order and discipline of the armed forces.”

“The submission of false information to gain a promotion amounts to fraud against the United States Government,” Pagan wrote.

Pagan began investigating after members of the Special Forces community raised questions about the veracity of many of Bird’s claims. Some heard him claim he was from a unit they knew he was never with. Others said he attended schools that they had been to, but Bird was never able to confirm his attendance.

“Your actions represent a serious departure from the high standards of integrity and professionalism expected of a Special Forces Solider in this Command. Your conduct in this matter causes me to seriously consider your suitability for continued service as a Solider in the United States Army,” Pagan added.

Additional reading, including copy of reprimand letter:

Rantz, J. (2024, May 28). Rantz exclusive: Semi Bird reprimanded for fraud against US Army, after ‘stolen valor’ claims. 770 KTTH Conservative Talk Radio. Link.


Category: Stolen Valor, Veterans in politics, Veterans in the news

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Isn’t that photo the same guy selling chefs knives on tv?


That isn’t our guy.

One of these pictures doesn’t look like the other.

I guess he forgot how to swim?

Last edited 4 months ago by 5JC

For an 18F, he doesn’t seem all that…..intelligent …..
I’ll show myself out.

Skivvy Stacker

So….he was in the Marine Corps, AND the Army?
He’s got a number of Marine Corps awards in his Chest Candy Collection…

Nancy Dailey Slotnick

He was – with about an 18 year break in between. He was court martialed in the USMC in Hawaii around 1981….got out after his enlistment as a Marine PFC. Then went back into the ARNG in early 2000 (he has said that he volunteered after 9/11 – but his DD214 shows an entry date of 2000/01/10, so….)


“Semi” Bird? I think they misspelled “Shit” Bird.

Green Thumb

Shit Bird.


jeff LPH 3 63-66

I thought that this post was for the birds untill I read it and after reading the post, I’ll flip the bird on my right finger to stolen valor Bird who now has nothing to crow about his B.S.


When you flip that bird, let us know in case we have to crane our necks around for a better look (ducks).

jeff LPH 3 63-66

RIM shot for Eggs, keep em coming


Semi-bird.. he looks like at least a full bird, maybe a bird and a half to me..


I think they misspelled his name. It’s really Turd Bird. He should be a Yard Bird at Leavenworth for claiming all that. What an asshole.


Bird is the word….


He’s got issues… “Last September, when Bird denied to the Observer that he had been court-martialed, he was running on his military record in a contested race for the school board – a race he eventually won by a slim margin, with 52.89 percent of the vote.
In contrast, Bird posted his Facebook explanation earlier this month at a time when it was clear that questions about the 1984 court-martial article would not go away.”


“The man who wants to be Washington’s first Republican governor in 40 years was once so careless with his law enforcement-issued revolver that it wasn’t returned until after he was arrested for felony gun theft.
Misipati “Semi” Bird, who had previously served seven years as a U.S. Marine, misplaced the gun twice during the few months in the 1990s when he worked as a reserve deputy for the Yakima County Sheriff’s Office.
The first time, the loaded .357 Smith and Wesson along with some sheriff’s office keys were left inside his personal car when it was repossessed in Sunnyside.
The second time, Bird didn’t return the county’s gun and two uniforms after he left the department. It took more than 17 months for sheriff’s officials to track him down and to get the revolver back, show police and court records obtained by the Tri-City Herald under Washington’s Public Records Act.  Continue reading
Bird says it was all a misunderstanding.”


Looks legit to me……for a NorK General

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

He looks like a fully decked out Nork General. And just as well fed as NDtBF L’il Kim.

Prior Service (Ret)

Bird Sees Trump’s “conviction” and rolls up his sleeves. “I got this!” **Lays out record of actual stupidity and fraud**

Nancy Slotnick

Don’t give that air…as soon as Trump was convicted, he was trying to draw parallels and claiming that they were both being wrongly attacked.

Green Thumb

I am sure All-Points Logistics and their CEO “Phony” Phil Monkress (have contributed heavily towards this turd’s campaign.

Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) is probably salivating to open a branch on the upper West Coast.

Many more taxpayers to steal from based on his highly questionable and potentially felonious Native American, Law Enforcement and Navy SEAL claims.