A CNN analyst is worried that Donald Trump may be acquitted

| May 29, 2024

Many media outlets are predicting that the case against Donald Trump in New York is falling apart. Sara Murray, of CNN, describes a Donald Trump acquittal as a “worst-case scenario” for the Democrats. She pointed out that this may be the only trial against Donald Trump before the November 2024 elections.

From the Daily Fetched:

“I think that it’s very likely this is the only trial that we are going to get before Election Day,” CNN political correspondent Sara Murray said.

“And this case is not a slam dunk, which means that Donald Trump may very well not be convicted. Acquitted is the worst-case scenario for Democrats.”

Fox News noted: The jury will hear closing arguments on Tuesday in the criminal trial where Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg charged Trump with 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree.

“Donald Trump gets to go out there and say, ‘Joe Biden’s prosecutors,’ which, again, not true, ‘came after me, his Department of Justice came after me, and they still didn’t convict me. I’m still innocent,'” Murray continued.

“I also think you could end up somewhere in this sort of muddy middle where you end up with a hung jury, a jury that cannot reach a verdict.”

“And then this truly does just get kicked to the voters to decide.”

Additional Reading:

Walsh, J. (2024, May 28). CNN analyst visibly shaken by potential Trump acquittal in New York trial: ‘Worst case scenario’ – Watch. The Daily Fetched. Link.

Category: 2024 Election, Donald Trump, Joe BIden

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Ooh, noes! /sarc


The fact that the O-bomba/Biden Crime Family had a spokesman at the DeNiro press conference reinforces the political nature of the prosecution despite the lies the Regime was peddling. Bobby D getting lit-up & flustered by random New Yorkers was funniest thing he’s been associated with ever.


Plus, they had a couple of the District of Criminals cops. One of whom is proven to have given testimony that is contradicted by video of his involvement in J6 fedsurrection.


A pure political “dirty tricks” hit job that is so blatantly obvious. I stole the below paragraph from TL Davis and think that he sums it up quite well…

I do want to ask some of the more sophisticated readers of this blog, how they can watch this travesty of justice, this blind hatred for a man so great that every civilized method of justice has been thrown to the winds and they can still believe that this is not a moment when American jurisprudence has been utterly deflated in the minds of the people. It is a crisis of the judicial system, a moment when the DOJ and the White House have taken part in the vilification of a political rival, who have orchestrated crimes against him in open court and without a single sense of modesty or restraint that the people would not see that as an assault against them personally? Because that’s exactly what has happened.”



CNN not hopeful:


Who is this “we” He is talking about? I am not aware of him being charged of any crime, or is he for the prosecution?


As Stalin’s hatchet man said:
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Trump. He is a criminal.

Indicted 80 times.

Plead the 5th Amendment under oath well over 450 times. 440+ times just about his using the Trump organization for criminal activity.

And the only reason he wasn’t charged when his CFO went to jail is because the CFO took a huge payout and refused to testify.., and committed perjury to protect him.

Hack Stone

So, if someone is indicted, they are guilty? Then why have a trial? And invoking one’s 5th Amendment is a bad thing? Maybe it should be repealed, along with the 1st and 2nd Amendments. All of those cumbersome civil rights are such a pain.


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There you are! And still an outstanding legal scholar, I see. A regular Dershowitz.


Even Dershowitz, a democrat, has called BS on the trial. Off with his head.


Dershowitz and Turley both. Neither are exactly Trump fans (quite the opposite) but they’re regularly throwing bullshit flags and explaining exactly why this is bullshit. And Commissar thinks we only get our info from Fox. Putz.


Why do you hate TRUMP SO MUCH. is it because your life actually got better and you could not stand it. You must suffer in your misery and want to destroy America, because anything that makes it better must be destroyed Mr antifa.


He had more than 80 felony indictments.

What the hell do you mean he hasn’t been charged with a crime?

An indictment literally means he has been charged with a crime.


Felonies that were misdemeanors prior to him!!

Are you going to honestly hold to the belief that this isn’t a political witch hunt?

I think I remember you stating that you weren’t a Biden guy!

Well,, what’s up? You are, or not?

NM. I don’t trust you or your left wing propaganda!!

(In a whisper, like Biden,,, “yes,,,,propaganda!!!)


What is the crime in this trial, oh mighty law professor? Calling a business expense a business expense? What did Bill Clinton call the hush money paid to his bimbos, tuition?


Well, they know what a humidor is now 😏


Indictments v convictions. 2 separate things.

Skivvy Stacker

And there’s the saying about being able to “indict a ham sandwich”.

CHARGED WITH is the operative phrase.
Once charged a defendant is considered to be legally INNOCENT unless proven guilty in a court of law.
No person may be compelled to testify against themself in court; this is protected by the 5th Amendment, and we ALL have that right, not “guilty” people.
Charging someone with a crime is easy.
A friend of mine wrote a song with the following title some 30 years ago, and we wrote a free form show around the idea.
“Innocence Is Expensive, and Guilt Is For Free”.

Think it over. Tell me I’m wrong. You’d be wrong to do so.


If Trump is convicted and goes to prison the 2024 election
won’t matter. All hell will break loose as America sinks further
into Communism.


Oh, I imagine there will probably be a real revolution. I won’t be leaving the house. I will leave that for the kiddies. It is all being organized offline as we speak and not even mentioned in texts and phone calls or even rooms with a cell phone in them.


As I said before, for being so mortified of the supposed Jan 6th “insurrection,” these people are more than okay and obviously hoping for shit to go down on the grand scale.

Any excuse to seize power and clamp down on We the People.

Last edited 4 months ago by Deckie

“I will leave that for the kiddies.” “Teach your children well…”

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As they should. They get paid a shitload of money to plan for the worst-case scenario. If they wait until after a conviction, then it becomes an “Oh shit, what do we do now” moment.


What would Murphy’s Law have it be?

They probably did that.


That was likely because of worries he would violate the gag order again.

Trump is unlikely to get jail for these charges. However, i’d be surprised if it was just a fine.

Most likely he will get probation. 3-5 years probation. I could see him even skate with 18-24 months probation and a fine.

Though he will be processed for probation. Which involves jail staff and facilities.

Last edited 4 months ago by Commissar

And,, I wonder,,, what would YOUR reaction be to being told,,, “shut up”! “Sit back”!!! “Let it happen”!!!!

You’d be ok with it????

First Amendment be dammed,,,and all???

I haven’t accused you of being an actual fraud till now (I have called you into question before)but, now, if you’re ok with this! YOU are about to be a BIG part of the PROBLEM that is coming!!!!

Damn Boy!!! You are educated and made it all the way to MAJ.



Like Adolph got the iron cross, his superiors got tired of his ass and got rid of him when they could. No promoting a piece of shit going against Army values. Just go away.


what would YOUR reaction be to being told,,, “shut up”! “Sit back”!!! “Let it happen”!!!!”…

He probably hears that on a regular basis from his boyfriend…


The gag order is no more. Just like your gag reflex.


It’s not like they’re really trying to hide it anymore.


The “perception of impropriety” is only for Republicans, comrade!


You will be told what is and isn’t improper.

Forest Bondurant

Let the doxxing begin…


Do you think the ICC and democrats are in cahoots? If not, they at least condone it.



They demand a guilty verdict and nothing else. They need it, they crave it. They fear the opposite. If they don’t get it they will create such chaos at street level to find any old excuse to hammer down on us, the people he stands in the way of. Stevie Wonder sees it coming…

And yes, asshole, it is true. **Joe Biden’s prosecutors went after him, and his Department of Justice went after him.**

Old tanker

How terrible for the left. They are doing so much to “save democracy” and if Trump is acquitted they may be stuck with having to depend on … democracy.

Freaking hypocritical loons.

Last edited 4 months ago by Old tanker

They will save it at all cost, even if they have to establish a totalitarian state.


“We had to destroy the village in order to save it.”


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Major Tuddy

Quick question for the group:

Do you believe that Trump’s trial will be fair? Sure, the Democrats and RINOs will try to rig it; that’s a given. But will they be successful?

Personally, I hope that it will be fair, and Trump will be acquitted. He’s already been acquitted twice by the Senate. However, I’ve been wrong before.

One thing is for sure; a conviction guarantees Biden a second term.


“Do you believe that Trump’s trial will be fair?”

Dude, the trial is over. It’s gone to the jury for deliberation. And no, it was far from fair. A conviction doesn’t guarantee a second Biden term, I’d say it guarantees quite the opposite. We, the people, are waking up to the politically driven DOJ and their bullshit. The people say “No Mas”.


Well let’s see:

Out of a group of randomly selected judges, The same judge keeps getting picked for all of the trials associated with Trump. He, of course, donates to anti Trump causes.

The judge instructed the jury to ignore the fact that the prosecutor never established one of the elements of the crime. This is no bueno.

Prosecution, which was passed on by federal and state authorities as well as the current DA’s predecessor, Just happened to occur right in the middle of campaigning season, 9 years after the alleged crime occurred.

The prosecution star witness is a convicted perjurer, who confessed to the entire crime already, and stated that he had done it himself without the involvement of Trump. Who then later went on to say that he was looking for revenge, sought out the district attorney, and then reversed his entire story. You would have to be literally dumber than a bag of hammers to put that guy on the stand.

At the very least I would say we have malicious prosecution and a biased bench. So far as the rest of it goes I really can’t say, I don’t know enough about it. But if that’s our primer then I’m going to say no it wouldn’t be fair.

Last edited 4 months ago by 5JC
Hack Stone

File a charge for an alleged misdemeanor that is out of his jurisdiction and has passed the statute of limitations, and in a criminal trial no less that the Judge says does need a unanimous verdict to convict. Meanwhile, the same Prosecutor is dropping felony assault charges for every case filed in the city. No one is above the law, LOL.


It’s a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a
travesty of two mockerys of a sham.

Forest Bondurant

None of us were there to witness the proceedings, but the tea leaves suggest it wasn’t fair. It’s anyone’s guess if their efforts to tamper with the jury are successful, but I’m relatively certain he’ll get convicted. We’ve all observed that efforts to establish a two tiered justice system has already garnered some questionable sentences.


I’m on the other end of the spectrum, I don’t think he could be convicted based upon what presented in court. If I were on that jury there’s no way I would vote for guilty.

I think I made it clear over the years that I I am no fan of Trump. He is very flawed person and so far as presidents go he was about average. I really wish somebody else had been nominated.

However I’m a big fan of rule of law and the truth. All politicians are liars, but in the who is the bigger liar contest Joe Biden is the reigning and undefeated world champion. I don’t think anybody’s ever been able to produce a speech where he hasn’t at least told a few lies

Our justice system is broken. The laws of the country are only selectively and unfairly enforced. When I look around at who is doing it, it’s always the same people. I don’t want to live in that kind of country.


From the outside looking in, it seems that the prosecutor threw everything at the jury except any evidence of “improper business expenses”. We already knew Stormy was sleazy, Cohen was a bigger whore than her, that paying a “consideration” for an NDA is perfectly legal, and paying that consideration through lawyers is justified. Where’s the evidence of a crime? For that matter, where’s the crime? Paying a professional slut to keep quiet about an alleged sexual encounter may be immoral, improper, and a thousand other things, but it is NOT illegal.

Last edited 4 months ago by SFC D

Not last time, but this time. Unfortunately there weren’t a lot of good choices for the nomination.

Major Tuddy

A DeSantis/Haley ticket would be a slam-dunk victory against Joe Biden.

I’ll still vote for Trump, you understand. I just think that we’re about due for a Generation X President. But, as someone born in 1973, I’m obviously biased.

Maybe in 2028? 🤔


Veep will probably be Tim Scott.


I still want to live here, I just don’t want THEM to live here at the same time. When the pendulum starts swinging the other way, we will see who likes a bit of their own medicine.

Make them broke, homeless and destitute, and then arrest them for vagrancy and trespassing. I hear sheriff arpioes(?) tent city jail is empty.


“It wasn’t fair”–the “tea leaves” tell you that? You must have been in a coma for the past five weeks.


Don’t forget, that the government of New York had to write and pass a bill to get 1 person. And then, the governor herself had to publicly reassure investors that this bill would in no way impact them.

Yep. This all reeks of fairness.


I hope and pray that the jurors do their job correctly and restore my faith in the system. That being the PEOPLE, I have zero faith in the DA and the Judge. I hope to all those that have participated in this Law-Fare, brought to justice by the same system that they have attempted to abuse

I don’t see how a conviction guarantees a second term for the dumbass in chief.

Hack Stone

To all of those in the current administration who used the Judicial Branch and Intelligence Agencies to harass and arrest those who do not blindly obey your will, just remember, you won’t be in office forever. And when the opposing party gets into office, “you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price.” Hat tip to Chuck Schumer for that quote.


The fair, non hanging judge, has already stated he doesn’t need a unanimous decision from the jury to convict.


Of course he has! I figure it’s all part of the plan!


Well,, never mind!!! We’re Fd!


Here is some more answer to your question:


If that is all true then I’m going to say, no.


The dems might be looking for a conviction. As this would mean chaos all across America. Would give them the chance to institute massive police powers to quell the unrest and institute a final blow to the Republic. Notice I said Republic, that’s because we have a Constitution that protects us from the majority. (In a Democracy the majority rules, In a Republic you have a written Constitution that protects you from majority rule. So demoncrats want to change this. That’s why they want to change the electoral college to a majority rule.) It’s about power over the people, and an end to Government for the People. The end of America as we know it. So we need to be really careful when the verdict in Trump’s trial is read. As we know their end game. IMHO.


Martial law, gun confiscation…. it’s coming.


Why they let in all the illegals… anarchotyranny– allows ’em to “get” law-abing people who disagree with ’em.


It would certainly seem that way.


To fight whatever verdict is read. All when needs to do is vote for Trump, even if he is sitting in jail. Because we all know no crime has been committed.


I am voting for him, whether he is a free man or not. Screw them.


I listened to CNN on the drive home last night. A judge, I believe named Brasso(sp?) was doing mental gymnastics trying to legally rationalize conflating a misdemeanor charge on which the statue of limitations has run out, and a Federal charge make a felony. He said, among other things, “this has never been done before because no one has abused these laws like this before”. He ended by justifying it all with, “we all know something is rotten in Denmark”.

Earlier, I watched an actor whom I previously admired, flanked by two DC cops who lied, get introduced by Biden’s campaign for a press conference at the courthouse claim the world is going to end if Trump gets re-elected.

His personal animus towards Trump made him seem unhinged. Did Trump not bow down to the great actor in the past? Not give him a free penthouse? Dismiss him as merely an actor, not the demigod he seems to believe he is?

I’m also dumbstruck that Biden is going to make a statement, from the White House grounds on the verdict, once it’s read. From the White House. So it doesn’t appear political.

What is he going to say? Something about the guilty verdict closing the chapter on the horrible insurrection that didn’t happen?

I believe the jury will convict Trump of…something. It will all depend on the jury instructions what, exactly, the crime committed is. I am sick over this abuse of the justice system and the blatant election interference.

Every single pundit on the left I’ve heard is talking about how any conviction will be overturned on appeal. But they all seem okay with that, as long as there is a conviction.

If, as I predict, there will be guilty verdicts on some minor misdemeanors, none that can justify jail time, maybe, just maybe the insurrection they are desperately trying to foment won’t happen.

These people are truly evil. There is no good that will come from this, and they are just fine with that. I weep for the America that once was.


I think you were talking about George Grasso. His retired from the New York district bench but he was actually a decent judge.


Accent on “was”, perhaps. What I heard was the gleeful ramblings of a political hack.


Funny how members of the 0bama-Brandon crime family decided to visit the scene of their latest crime.


Just a drive by to check out their handiwork. Seems criminals can’t avoid doing that.

Hack Stone

“And then this truly does just kicked to the voters to decide.”

That’s all you need to read. The “Enlightened Ones” are worried that Americans will decide who should be President. We cannot have voters deciding that, it is a threat to Democracy.


Not just the voters but also the virtual voters there’s no reason why they shouldn’t have a say in things too.


Don’t overlook the deceased voters and the elderly dementia patients in the nursing homes. Plus, we now have millions of illegal aliens who were registered to vote under the motor/voter laws.


Don’t worry don’t They will make sure Joe Biden votes. I don’t know if he’s dead or if he has dementia but either way he will vote.


Also we forgot felons. They really need to have a say. Republicans typically don’t court this voting block. Democrats are all about career advancement and promotion here.


Hack Stone

5JC obviously missed the memo. “Felon” is no longer an acceptable word. In Washington DC, they are “Returning Citizens”. Other locations prefer “Justice Involved Individuals”. And 2+2=5.


The left has been wearing out the words “convicted felon” all day and into the night. Shame on those two faced bastards.

Hack Stone

“And then this truly just get kicked to the voters to decide.”

Hack Stone Publishing really needs to proofread prior to hitting submit.

Hack Stone

Two no shit stories. About ten years and some change ago, Hack Stone had a side gig working as a contractor down on Quantico, because the proud but humble woman owned business was having some cash flow problems. Reviewing some invoices for software purchases, and whose name do you think was on one of the sales contracts? If you said Paul of The Ballsack, you move on to the Showcase Showdown.

And another instance about 3 years ago, Hack had another gig in Crystal City working for a company. He put out a bid request for some software on NASA SEWP, and would you like to guess what company submitted a proposal? Be sure to respond in the form of a question. “What the fuck is All Points Logistics?

Can’t make this shit up.


If you haven’t noticed yet, the gag order has expired with the end of the trial. And wow, lol.


Fire in the hole!


I’m sure the media will cherry pick and take out of context whatever they want to take. He made it an easy day for them.


I do hope Donald calls a press conference. Prime time, 530p national news slot. After that, it would be time to appear on the Sunday morning news. Keep his comments to this just wrapped up case, not the others in progress.


“And then this truly does just get kicked to the voters to decide.”

Nothing scares a libtard more than voters who think for themselves.


Hope y’all stocked up on ammo, canned food, water, cigarettes and some booze.


Shouldn’t need any ammo but I intend to spend all of 2025 sloshed.


Beefwroni and corned beef hash…

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m hoping for a Not Guilty Verdict, and I’m certain that Soros’s herders and handlers have their angry Rent-A-Mobs ready to be bused in to riot as soon as that happens.


They probably walked across the border, and are dispersed around the country. Why should NYC have all the fun.

Hack Stone

If Donald Trump is the bastard child of Satan and Hitler like the Democrats and Robert De Niro say that he is, let him run. Then Joe Biden can run on his accomplishments since taking office in January 2021, and Americans will make the proper choice.

Anyone besides Hack Stone notice that during the Republican primaries in the 2016 election, the mainstream media and the Democrat were doing all they could to tarnish the reputation of the traditional Republican candidates to include the number of traffic tickets one candidate and his wife accrued over ten years. It’s not as if he drove an Oldsmobile off of a bridge and left a young woman to die. Anyway, once they did their deed and Donald Trump was the last man standing, surely no intelligent American voter would vote for a reality star over the much more qualified Hillary Clinton, who as Senator managed to get a name attached to a Post Office, and as Secretary of State managed to fundamentally transform Libya. And this week, she is blaming women for her loss. It has absolutely nothing to do with her being universally hated.


The editor at CNN confessed years ago that he lavished attention on Trump during the primary because he believed he had zero chance of winning the general election. It also boosted their ratings.

As soon as the nomination was a lock for Trump he did an about face and began attacking Trump. However; things were too far gone by then and the network looks contradictory thereby hurting their ratings.


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Regardless of the outcome, there will be prearranged chaos. Maybe I’m just reliving my ’90s paranoia, or maybe it’s simply a reality that agitators seem to conveniently stir the pot increasingly during election years or when they need to push an agenda.

I was busy in 2016, but I had plenty of time to watch the events of 2020 unfold. We started with Soleimani and murder hornets, but both were rapidly overshadowed by the pandemic. After being adequately scared into submission by that, we found our cities and police besieged by ” peaceful protesters” in the name of a drugged-up felon. It all culminated in the events of January 6th, where “insurrectionists” are still being arrested and given stiff sentences for what amounts at most to simple trespassing.

If Trump walks, the agitators will ensure that the wider “No Justice, No Peace” crowd rises up against the system. Trump has been found Guilty in the court of public opinion since before he took office. The TDS has only grown since Hillary’s upset way back when, and any possibility of him reclaiming the presidency is unfathomable to many. Where 2020 saw the police bear the brunt of the hatred, I can see the entire justice system being attacked for their failure to lock Trump away forever.

If Trump is incarcerated, and especially if he loses the election, the events of January 6th will pale in comparison to what the agitators will ensure takes place. All it takes is a few insiders to stir the pot. There are plenty of people stupid enough to act out or attempt to do so. We see it time and again with everything from militias to hate groups like the Klan to Islamic terrorists. Funny how uniform a lot of the “Far-Right Extremist” groups look, isn’t it? The memes write themselves.


Somewhere in Berkeley, in a dark, sparsley furnished room… a shadowy figure waits, lurking in patient anticipation of the moment when he can pounce on the unsuspecting cult-like Trump supporters who are happily ensconced in their echo-chamber, unaware of the nearby danger. They mill about like gazelles at a watering hole, safe and happy in their ignorance… meanwhile, the predator watches.




I read that in David Attenborough’s voice, thank you.


The only sound heard from the dark, sparsley furnished room is “Fap-fap-fap-fap”.


There is literally zero possibility he will be acquitted.

Two members of the jury are lawyers and the evidence of most of the crimes is overwhelming and well documented. Literally physically documented.

Trump’s only chance is a hung jury because of one or two MAGA holdouts that won’t acknowledge the evidence.

Trump will still call it an acquittal and an exoneration.

He will be lying if he says that. As usual.

Also, Trump never took the stand. Which is because he would have had to plead the 5th or lie under oath.

He preferred to lie to the press and the American people everyday while making a whiny spectacle our the courthouse.

Last time Trump testified under oath the pled the 5th more than 440 times.

What did he say about pleading the 5th while he was running for president?

He said “only criminals plead the 5th.”


“ and the evidence of most of the crimes is overwhelming and well documented. Literally physically documented.”


They were still MISDEMEANORS!!! Twit!!!

Trump, as a DEFENDANT, didn’t have to take the stand, and MOST defense attorneys will tell them not to!!!

Damn Boy!!!! Do better!!!!!


They were felonies if they were done in furtherance of a felony.

34 felony convictions.

The world would make more sense if you took your head out your ass and stopped mindlessly accepting every stupid lie Trump and right wing propagandists say.

The PUBLICLY available indictment, that you could read yourself, made it clear these were felony charges you dumb fuck.


Lookin’ good, dude.


What did Charlie Brown ever do to you to deserve such disrespect?


Why don’t you kiss my ass right next to where you think my head is stuck you Marxist POS! It’s ironic that you say that I “ mindlessly accept every stupid lie Trump and the right wing propagandists say”. Coming from a left wing lunatic! A couple of things, and I’ve said them here several times. 1. I never liked Trump until AFTER he became president and I saw that his policies were actually good for the country, the people and my family and household! 2. I have said many times, right here that I have no faith, no trust and don’t like most of the politicians sitting in our government, both Rs and Ds. They’re all the same and work for EACH OTHER, not for US. I ABSOLUTELY don’t mindlessly follow any politician and neither of the 2 main political parties. I even vote for a couple of local democrats! You don’t know me! They weren’t FELONIES until Alvin Bragg changed them from misdemeanors YOU DUMB FUCK! Get off of The View and MSNBC a little bit and start thinking for yourself. I have never called you names and have always been very careful with my language when corresponding with you! Till now. You are GD disgrace! You taint the uniform that you wore as well as the badge that you claim to have wore. You, just like every Leftist POS out there and in our government point and blame EVERYONE else for doing exactly what they are doing. You SHOULD be ashamed, but like every other shithead commie out there, you have no shame. I now accept that there is no hope fore you, you stupid fuck! To everyone, especially the ladies, I apologize for my terrible language above and below! To Recap: 1. You’re stupid 2. You always will be 3. I don’t trust, like or have faith in politicians 4. You don’t know me 5. Think for yourself and stop spouting leftist talking points 6. You’re a disgrace 7. I apologize to the good people out there that don’t deserve the language that I used, that… Read more »


BTW, Fuck you one more time!!!


And everyone said Amen.


Except your whole argument fails because there was no underlying felony.


Welcome back admin sock puppet. Get that rage going for the comments section.

Last edited 4 months ago by W2

Ah, excellent. So since the underlying crime was an element of the crime, what was the underlying crime? The lawyers should know that.


The defense and non prosecutor lawyers never knew what was the underlying crime until the closing argument of the prosecutor. They claim the underlying crime was either conspiracy to unlawfully interfere in the 2016 election, to avoid taxes, and something else. The judge instructed the jurors they don’t all have to agree on what was the crime to convict. That is reversible error in the opinions of numerous law professors and criminal defense attorneys.


Good thing it’s reversible error, I’m sure they’ll have it cleared up in December on the appeal.


Yep, after the election, of course. (Is whole plan, comrade!)

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

Stop just regulating dumb shit Trump says and read the damn indictment yourself.


Fake concocted indictment used for a political witch hunt. It was written by leftist PsOS is the only reason you read it, or claim to have and the only reason you believe it.

You’re a joke! Just not funny!


Wow, pages of bullshit but when it comes to actual facts you fall silent. There was no underlying felony and you know it. That is why the whole trial was bullshit and you know that too.


Go fuck your blow up girlfriend, you cannot get a real one and your Marxist rulers cannot find one that would do you. There are dead veterans families you can fuck with, that seems to be what brings joy to your life.


Isn’t commisar an officer in our once proud military? Is he going to be one of those the (p)resident can count on to round up those who think differently, or who won’t toe the line, by not obeying demokrat orders?


He was or is a reserve officer in a reserve Civil Affairs unit.


Then a disgraced cop, now a jobless hack unless an ANTIFA riot pops up that he can be an agitator… I mean… medic at. 🤣


I was not a disgraced cop.

You assholes just make shit up.


You’re a disgrace! Cop or otherwise! Solder, cop, man, human being, American! Whatever!


“Failed cop”.


Civil Affairs= Meddling and up to no good.


I too was with Ca for a while, but I never thought that I (we) are SF “light”.

He probably fit right in with the rest of the dumb shits that were educated beyond their intelligence!


No, he’s a sock puppet that magically appears in threads like this. Got to throw some red meat to the dogs every now and again.

Last edited 4 months ago by W2
Major Tuddy

Oh, he can get girlfriends. They all have penises, though…but, then again, I imagine the Commissar likes that.


He’s probably one of those people that would say “it’s just a little penis”!


Dude.. a MISDEMEANOR elevated to a FELONY by a DA who reduced FELONIES to MISDEMEANORS for everybody else.

He very well may be convicted, but there’s no way they will be upheld.

Seriously — get that fucking degree refunded and find your Charlie Brown lookin ass a job, you fucking leech.




Chew on this, Commissar. You’re still laboring under the illusion that this is about justice.



He won’t read it. He ignores anything inconsistent with his firmly held Marxist beliefs and his incurable TDS.


Well, the cuttlefish is creaming his jeans. Trump convicted by the Kangaroo jury on all 34 counts.


Let’s see what’s next: sentencing, appeals, etc. Things are about to get very interesting.


I’d assume that given all the illegal goings on by the judge and prosecutor that his lawyers already had the appeal written, and were just waiting to submit it.
And yeah, interesting is an understatement. All the soros mobs that were on standby in case he was acquitted will have to find something to do…

A Proud Infidel®™

That whorehouse of a Court and its minions just handed the election to DJT IMO. I’m still certain that the Herders and handlers employed by Soros have been told to hold until the Verdict is overturned, then they’ll herd their useful idiots into another frenzy of riots. I find it interesting that they only herd their mobs of maggots into action in deep blue locales, remember when they fooled around in an Idaho town where everyone, their Grandma and Grandpa, the Mayor and the Dog Catcher ALL showed up locked and loaded?


If our justice system worked he would have been charged and convicted for his career of crimes decades ago.

He pled the fifth amendment more than 440 times under oath about his actions for a reason. And the Trump organization was convicted and the CFO went to jail after lying to protect him.

What did he say about those that plead the 5th? Only criminals plead the 5th.

Trump is a career criminal.

Justice is long overdue.


Interesting that you don’t feel the same about clinton, biden, and other democrats…

As others have said before FRAUD….


“If our justice system worked he would have been charged and convicted for his career of crimes decades ago”.

Negative, oh wise one. If our justice system worked, this case would’ve never been brought forward. You still think this case is about justice. It is not and never was. It is blatant political retribution and election interference. Legal scholars far beyond your indoctrinated wisdom agree. And they don’t even like Trump. True Justice would have Hillary and Joe facing charges of egregious national security violations. Joe would be facing charges of accepting bribes / influence peddling and his family charged with money laundering. You say you seek justice? You won’t find it in this case. What you’ll find is increased popularity for Trump.

Now you have yourself a fine evening.

Hack Stone

Hack asked you this question yesterday, which he has not seen a response. But is it your belief that someone cannot or should not invoke their right to remain silent? It’s right there, Number 5 on Casey Kasem’s American Top 40 Amendments. Should we do away with all of the rights that Americans have enjoyed for almost 250 years?


Biden and his son aren’t in your eyes though!


Run back to MSNBC and figure out what to say next, you little commie POS.

GD disgraceful.

You should be ashamed, but are to Fn stupid to be!

A Proud Infidel®™

HEY Major Moonbat McShit-for-brains, how about the barge loads of crimes the media as well as your herders and handlers have let the Clintons, 0bamas and Bidens skate on as well as your Idol Bernie?

You lose yet again.


Some rando fuck on Twitter?

Read the damn indictments, and the court transcripts…the exhibits.

The verdict was not a surprise.


No other verdict could be reached, given the manipulation of the court by a biased judge. Now, dig deep into your beautiful legal mind and tell me how that “rando fuck” is wrong. Tell me how Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley are wrong. Show me how you have a far superior knowledge of all things legal than those two men. Two men who do not like Trump yet still stood up for him in this scripted drama. Take your time, I’ll wait. You owe me a shitload of stuff, I’m quite used to waiting for you.


Again with you believing anything that some left wing POS came up with.

I hope that you stay on the left coast. They deserve you


Not since the judge ordering the jury to find Susan B. Anthony guilty and over-ruling their non-guilty verdict when they gave it anyway has a verdict been so suspect.

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

The bit about allowing the jury to not reach a unanimous verdict is wrong, though often repeated it seems, as is the ‘unnamed crime’ bit. I can’t speak to all the others.

The judge explicitly stated that any verdict has to be unanimous, and that to convict, they had to agree that Trump falsified his records with the intent of committing another crime, which in this case was the state election law.

The jurors didn’t have to agree on which way an election law was violated, just that it was violated.

At the end of the day, not a single person among twelve felt there was reasonable doubt about his guilt. So which is more likely now – that all twelve are in on some ‘fix’, or that the evidence was compelling? The jury returned the verdict, not the judge.

I’m surprised, since getting 12 people to agree seems tough, but yeah, I’m glad. It’s a modicum of justice for now.


In on some fix, or scared of the imminent doxxing that would occur should they disagree.. there’s no question the left would go that route


And as for justice, there is none until both biden and hillary are behind bars for their multitude of crimes… and soros as well while we’re at it.


I’m all for justice irrespective of political party. I don’t yet see evidence that Biden, who is both portrayed as a criminal mastermind and an incredible idiot by the right, is actually a criminal.

I also lean far more towards him being an idiot.


10% for the big guy…


Mastermind? No. He was a commodity, bought and sold by his family.


I’d say he’s an idiot because he doesn’t even try to hide it. My personal feeling is that most politicians are crooks, but they do try to hide it. He does and laughs in our face about it. He gets away with it, because the Ds won’t do anything about it and Rs will help them to keep their place at the table.

They all suck. Democrats and Republicans! Neither of them work for us! Look at Chicago, New York and LA.


If Want the evidence on Biden join the FBI and suck your way up the ladder


Correct. They were mostly Trump deranged and terrified of what the effing Progs would do or say about them. The law firms of the two lawers are big on DEI. This entire thing was planned an orchestrated at the White House and Main Justice.

Maybe after Brandon starts WWIII, our enemies will nuke DC and Gotham.


Ah, yes. I see you have dossiers on every juror. Of course you do. You know all about their biases and backgrounds. Shame on me for forgetting about your omniscience.

I guess it’s that same omniscience that somehow connects a DEI policy with this result? If only my tiny brain could keep up.


No, you moron. It means they did not want to put up with their proggy coworkers and firm management if they were connected with any verdict other than guilty.


It’s easy to see the demons on the other side; do you think the right is somehow so much more well-behaved? They’d never stoop so low? If so, I want some of what you’re drinking.

I feel for the jurors. I’ve been on a jury for a pretty rough case – by and large, we all thought the defendant did it, but people took their jobs seriously and it wasn’t proven beyond reasonable doubt. That’s an intentionally high bar.

The fact they did feel that was met, on 34 counts no less, is interesting. I honestly didn’t expect it.


I don’t recall seeing the right burning down cities, or plotting to kill Supreme Court justices,( or even protesting illegally outside their houses), or shooting at congressional baseball games, etc. etc. etc….

Sorry LC, it seems you’re the one who’s been drinking if you think there’s even the slightest comparison.


Not to mention that it’s highly unlikely that there will be “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests tonight, as there have been after EVERY major verdict that the left didn’t like..


If you look at three high profile cases where the FBi committed perjury and prosecutor misconduct to falsely convict or force a resignation of high ranking Republicans (Stevens, McDonell and Grietens) You can see why my faith in the legal system is not what it once was. So in the parlance, Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.


They didn’t even have to agree on which laws were violated. They all could’ve picked one. Not exactly a unanimous verdict.


Got a copy of the jury instructions? Cuz I’m going to say that isn’t true. The part about election law violations.


{mic opening noise}

Attention in the TOC, A-tension-in-tha-talk!


{heavy breathing}

That is all.

{mic cuts}


Democrats have lost legitimacy. Just savin’.
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Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous