Boomer’s Sunday

| May 19, 2024

Any resemblance real persons or events depicted in these memes is purely intentional.

Category: Guest Post, Humor, Schadenfreude

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The last meme:

It’s the armed citizenry that government fears the most. Government forces must adhere to a facade of caring for the people. Despite their F15s and nukes (touted by a sitting “executive”, nonetheless), it’s bad business for a Western nation (or any nation, really) to use military force against their own citizens.

Here in the US, the military is comprised of the People. Law enforcement is as well, and many Sheriffs have demonstrated time and again that they stand with the People over the political status quo (with some exceptions, of course). Sheriffs are usually elected, so it depends on their political alignment, but they are the masters in and of themselves. Police Chiefs are a bit more ambiguous, as they are often appointed by politicians and at the mercy of their masters who can suspend or fire them on a whim.

In a worst-case scenario, many governors have activated their National Guard and State Guard units to defend the People against federal tyranny. Many Active-Duty troops have decided whether to serve their tyrannical leaders or uphold the Oaths they took to defend against “all enemies, foreign and domestic”. A lot of law enforcement have decided whether their responsibility lies with their local or state jurisdictions or with federal law or decree criminalizing their neighbors overnight.

It would/will be very messy, but Armed Patriots easily outnumber the masses of uniformed personnel who are brainwashed enough to take action against fellow Americans.


“Here in the US, the military is comprised of the People”

You spelt compromised wrong.


Well, true. If I’m picking up what you’re putting down, modern recruiting practices are trying to increase the numbers of government-dependent and anti-American values enlistees and (especially) officers.

As usual, I’m typing out of my 4th point of contact, but whereas even a decade ago, we’d have droves of veterans and those currently serving making a stand against government overreach, nowadays it seems that many Service Members are more than happy to embrace “their” reality and play “Follow the Leader” to oblivion.

On the flip side, yes, our military is compromised by its very structure. A centralized government that is reliant on military power for control needs that military to adhere to governmental control over every facet of its being. Here in the US, having the People represent the vast majority of the military at all levels compromises the ability of those in power to weaponize the military against those it was sworn to protect.


Yes, lower recruitment standards as well as the
enlistees reasons to join. O types included.
It is the “of the people” in the top ranks where I am
more concerened. Especially in todays political war.
All I can do is vote.


Just a reminder of that….

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We had help not just from France, but also from the Netherlands and from Spain. In fact, the Spaniards fought the British along the Mississippi, along the Gulf Coast, as well as in Florida. American merchant ships sailed to Spanish and French colonies in the Caribbean, raised the Spanish flag, then sailed under the Spanish flag up the Mississippi, circumventing the British blockade in the Atlantic. The Patriots even took territory in the frontiers connecting them to Spanish territory.

The American Revolution quickly became a world war. British military assets were spread across the world. Even the Scandinavian nations and Russia got into the act, coming up with a treaty that demilitarized their shared seas. Russia and the Scandinavian nations were supplying the American Patriots under the cloak of neutrality, they prevented the British from doing interdiction in their shared waters. Once their ships sailed past the Scandanavian countries, interdiction became harder.

The reality is that we came close to losing the American Revolution. We even have British military blunders to credit for contributing to our independence. 


Good times


All good stuff to start the day with.


It has always been like this…

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Major Tuddy

This one has been making the rounds on the anti-pedo groups in the Book of the Face.


I like it…


The hydraulic crane model may be needed, depending on locale.


Morbark does have some interesting products:
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Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

Them’s some nice pop-guns ya got there KoB….


I wonder if they’re 1/2 ton towable 🤔


Nothing like being able to shore up that North Wall…from another zip code area…


I tried sharing the Jeffrey meme on FB, and it was taken down faster than it loaded. When I protested, I went to FB jail for a month.


Maybe they would prefer this one instead

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“Trump won 2020 so ineligible in 2024”



Set to graduate with Honors. Has requested her Duty Station @ The North Wall…

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Somebody’s got a couple cool grandpa’s with fun toys.