Wednesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| May 8, 2024 | 24 Comments

About time! Too many girls in girls sports


Are French and Italians not white now?

“Is it George Washington next week?” – Trump 2017. Yes, Mr. President, it is

These people lecture us on the environment

The very First Amendment to the Constitution would disagree

Texas is just as repressive as Hamas

You know you’re on the right side when a country like North Korea is with you

Mao, hero to the young western tech worker

So go and check it out, if Palestinians “Do now know hate”

I saw Kurt Russell escape from this shithole once

I miss the suit and tie days

Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok

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Green Thumb

And here I was thinking it was the hangover making me puke.

Thanks, TAH!


The nonbinary queer “person”(?).

First of all, I don’t study this nonsense so not much of it makes sense to me, but how can you be nonbinary and queer?

Secondly, it believes the nice comments equal love and the bad comments equal hate

Don’t study history too much does she? “Muslims don’t know hate but Zionist do”

I throw a few bucks in to help her make the trip


She would shit itself if somebody were to present to her a one way ticket to Palestine, or any Muslim country for that matter, a video camera and a live stream source to document its stay from arrival to departure (of the world as she knows it). Make it a pay per view event to raise traveling money for the next person who would like to go there and refute her findings.

Rinse, lather, repeat until her theory has been proven.


Maybe we should just let the barbarians into the country and let them rape their supporters to death and then have the Patriots take care of the barbarians? Oh…wait…the barbarians are already in the country and their supporters will not realize the error of their ways until they are being raped to death…or thrown off the nearest building…or being lined up in front of the mass grave…or…



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Israel does recognize same sex unions even if they don’t allow them under Judaic law. If that crazy thing were to show up in Gaza it would be dead in a week.


Crazy,, right????


Ha, now I’m not white. Give me my reparations bitches. My last name ends in a vowel. Honkey mfers.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

A furry on campus?
Who has their big cat/large game hunting license?

Illinois allows nuisance permits for deer, I’m sure feral large cats would be no trouble.

His fellow cats may be a problem.
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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Let’s re-frame the question.
Would you, as a white, working, hetero, conservative, Christian male; rather be with a similar (no color specified), conservative, Christian female, OR a white, Libtard, 3rd Gen feminist, DildoCrat, upright bipedal hominid that may or may not be a female?

Green Thumb


I fucking love it.

“The enemy tried to unalive me!”


And so far, has been unsuccessful.

Green Thumb


Mother fuckers tyrying to unalive me.

Dennis - not chevy

I went to a conservative rally at the state capitol; the highway patrol put up barriers to separate us from the liberals. After the rally someone posted attractive young women at the exits to remind us to pick up our trash and restore the grounds to appear as they did when we started. It really wasn’t necessary, no one littered, no one graffitied, no fights broke out.

A few days later, the liberals had a rally. The next day the capitol grounds were still trashed.

What happened 20 years ago still happens today, only worse.


I’ve never been “trapped” in a forest but that bitch can go right ahead and eat me. No need to wait.


Yeah. No, I don’t think so — those fangs look pretty sharp.


Gross, not that kind of eat me!


When she was done, she would show you an end you’ve never seen before.

Prior Service

What is the fascination these people feel for speaking angrily into their phones? As for “trapped with a white man” I find her the most anger-provoking one of the entire bunch of clowns and miscreants. So much ignorance trapped in one person it is incredible. As for the non-binary creature, I have to admit I spent a year in Israel training Palestinian security forces and I did find them far more courteous than I did the Israeli citizenry but I was always aware there was also a certain segment that harbored absolutely violent tendencies.


“white men are the most dangerous species in the entire world”

Oh sweetheart, do you have a carbon monoxide detector? Because something is causing brain cell death up-in dat place right’dare.

Also, ask; Dresden, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, and (what’s left of) the jungles of Vietnam, etc. about us.

Forest Bondurant

I’m going to set up a Go-Fund-Me page called “Relocate Me for Palestine”.

It will sponsor all these socialists who hate the country and get them where they want to be… for “the cause.”.

Any donations will be used to help finance one way airfare to Gaza for these morons.



Meanwhile, at the day job:
