Fed Prosecutors: Woman Defrauded Military Charities

| May 3, 2024

Add to another Stolen Valor and veteran charity fraud… but once again, Stolen Valor only gets lumped in due to financial fraud.

Newburgh Woman Stole Veteran-Earmarked Donations: Feds
Prosecutors said the woman also falsely claimed she was injured during her military service and was a Purple Heart recipient.

NEWBURGH, NY — A Hudson Valley resident was accused of stealing from military charities and misrepresenting herself as a Purple Heart recipient.

Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, said Wednesday that Sharon Toney-Finch, 43, of Newburgh, was charged with wire fraud, theft of government funds, stolen valor and altering military discharge paperwork.

Prosecutors said that, between July 2019 and September 2023, Toney-Finch engaged in a scheme to defraud donors to her charitable organization by falsely claiming that donations would be spent solely to support homeless military veterans, when she actually spent the funds on personal expenses.

She also falsely claimed that she survived and was injured in a terrorist attack to a vehicle convoy in Iraq in March 2020 and that she is a Purple Heart recipient.

Category: Purple Heart, Stolen Valor, Stolen Valor Act

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Old tanker

Looks like she is a hardened Veteran of assaulting the buffet line at all of the “all you can eat” establishments too.


PTS of D made her go back for thirds. /sarc

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous
jeff LPH 3 63-66

Looking at her, I can see that when the Master at arms yells move it up asshole to belly button on the chow line, the line will be out the door to the curb.


She has the ‘Thousand Yard Stare.”

No buffet is safe once she locks in.


What a giant, and I emphasize giant, piece of shit.

Be confident, this turd with a face doesn’t represent the people of Newburgh, there were/are heroes in their midst:

City dedicates SSG Santiago Frias Way (link)

On Saturday, April 15th, the Newburgh City Council joined with friends and family of SSG Santiago Frias, hero, and beloved City resident, to dedicate the southeast intersection of Plank Road and Robinson Avenue as “SSG Santiago Frias Way” in recognition of his steadfast service to the City of Newburgh community. SSG Frias was posthumously awarded the ceremonial “Key to the City” at the November 14, 2022 meeting of the City Council.

Frias moved to the City of Newburgh in 2005, after returning from his service during Operation Iraqi Freedom, for which he was awarded the Purple Heart due to injuries sustained during an ambush. SSG Frias embraced the City of Newburgh community. He graduated from Mount Saint Mary College with a bachelor’s degree in social work. He used that degree and his experiences to help adults get back on their feet, and taught Taekwondo at the Newburgh Armory Unity Center to instill discipline and confidence in schoolchildren. 

“SSG Santiago Frias exemplified the best of our City – he saw a need, rolled up his sleeves, and got to work helping our young people succeed. The City Council is immensely grateful for SSG Frias’ service to our community, and to our country,” said Mayor Torrance Harvey. “ The dedication of ‘SSG Santiago Frias Way’ will ensure his contributions are never forgotten.”

Rest Easy, my friend. We’ll keep watch…


A veteran of the Battle of the Golden Corral.


A woman like Damian has got a great big hole, right in the middle of her. She can never eat enough to ever fill it

Hack Stone

Damian Williams is the US Attorney. Our lying dogfaced phony soldier is Sharon Toney-Finch.


And no pic of the diversity in the article…

Wonder why?


Let’s be real for a minute. A black female, brought up on charges of theft by a possible white DA, can the race card be far behind?

Prior Service

No doubt the plan for the deployment of The Card was being drawn up while you wrote the comment.


If it hasn’t already been thrown.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure that she has already thrown her ACME® Race Card™, her breed will do it every time.


Am I the only one who believes a “betrayal of public trust” enhancement should double the sentence?

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Meal Team Six
She ate the SEALs.

Kentucky Fried Commando

A Proud Infidel®™

A MEAL Team Six Buffet Assault Commando, I wonder what other con games she plays, but hasn’t been charged with yet?


Is the dude dressed up as an officer an accomplice?


He appears to be an infantry colonel.

Old Colonel

Where’d you come up with that? In other pictures on the net he’s wearing Civil Affairs lapel insignia and is identified as Colonel Mark Baaden.

Last edited 4 months ago by Old Colonel
Green Thumb

Yeah. I wondered the same thing.

He appears to be pinning an award on her.


A face that not even Ed Gein could love