Soros and Hamas

| April 30, 2024


Lately the news has been jammed with articles about student demonstrations on college campuses in support of Hamas, and demanding divestiture of anything which helps Israel. I’ve been following the reports, and despite the leftist pearl-clutching over “jack-booted Nazi brownshirts attacking defenseless flower children” or whatever, seems like three things are obvious:

The police are being very restrained. Hell, compared to the tear gas and beatings of a ’60s student riot, you just KNOW this is a different group of protesters and cops. Zip ties instead of head-busting. Too, the majority of the protesters seem to be relatively peaceful; probably why they are getting arrested for things like trespassing or refusing to lawfully vacate university property, although there have been arrests for resisting arrest or to vacate.

No matter which report, the police involved are reporting that many, if not most of the protesters are non-students.  Examples

Northeastern University said in a statement on social media that it decided to call in police as “what began as a student demonstration two days ago was infiltrated by professional organizers with no affiliation to Northeastern.”

At Arizona State University, campus police arrested 69 protesters early Saturday, the school said in a statement. The university said “a group of people – most of whom were not ASU students, faculty or staff – created an encampment and demonstration” and were arrested and charged with criminal trespass after refusing to disperse.Reuters

A university spokesperson told NPR in a statement that “several dozen protesters trespassed” onto campus and set up tents on the quad, describing them as “not members of our community” but “activists attempting to disrupt our university as our students finish classes and prepare for finals.”

A statement from the Atlanta Police Department said officers were “met with violence” while trying to secure the campus. NPR

Would not shock me that some would protest that the universities and cops might be stretching things a bit…but note that these reports are coming from sources like Reuters and NPR. I’d say the jury’s out.*

*( Interesting side note – lead story on Yahoo at 8:30 Monday was how many facilities are reporting roughly a quarter of arrests are non-students. By 9:30 the story was unavailable. )

Last, who who is directing and funding this “from the river to the sea” kill Israel movement? Well, at the risk of repeating myself – yep, George Soros and company.

…National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP), a national organization affiliated with around 200 independent chapters, has had a vocal presence at Columbia University in recent days.  NSJP operates under Westchester Peace Action Committee Foundation (WESPAC), a fiscal sponsor, whom Fox News Digital previously reported received a six-figure donation from a nonprofit bankrolled by the George Soros network. WESPAC, whose funding is largely unknown, has espoused anti-israel rhetoric for years, including accusing the government of “apartheid,” “ethnic cleansing,” “collective punishment” and “war crimes,” according to NGO Monitor.

“Since October 7th, SJP has been extremely aggressive on far too many campuses in threatening ways, including the use of violent, genocidal rally calls which include ‘from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,’ ‘Globalize the Intifada,’ and ‘there is only one solution, Intifada revolution,'” StandWithUs CEO Roz Rothstein told Fox News Digital about the group last year after it was suspended by Rutgers University for anti-Israel provocations.

NSJP’s founder, Hatem Bazian,… who has donated thousands of dollars to Reps. Summer Lee, D-Pa.; Barbara Lee, D-Calif.; and Ilhan Omar, D-Minn. — is currently listed as a lecturer at UC Berkeley’s Department of Ethnic Studies.

He also has ties to “Squad” Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., who was the “guest of honor” at AMP’s annual convention in December 2019 and months earlier in July delivered a briefing organized by AMP to over 70 people.

In addition to Columbia, NSJP has been protesting and setting up encampments at other universities across the country, including UCLA and USC in California and at the University of Texas in Austin, where over 50 people were arrested this week.

Another group active at Columbia, Jewish Voice for Peace, has brought in at least $650,000 from Soros-linked groups since 2016.

Another Soros-backed group, U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, has paid what it calls “fellows” to organize and attend anti-Israel protests across the country, New York Post reported.  Fox

Old Nazis seem neither to die nor go away…but apparently they still fund Nazi-leaning organizations.

Category: Liberals suck, None, Politics

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Marxist leftists eating their own.

Who is on top of the diversity victim pyramid this week?


Build a fence around the schools and let them burn to the ground. Problem solved. Done and done.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

No food, water or electricity, let them eat each other.


I agree! Hope for hail, fire and brimstone!


For the recent Marxoid-led Krystalnacht-lite:

“Honkies for Hamazis”




Just ask Hamas:
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They’re just waving hello 😏


They were looking for Kyle
” Seen Kyle? About this tall. Seen Kyle?!”


I’m sure it’s just a coincidence how much that looks like a Nazi salute..


Is there an organization called ‘Cowards Wearing Masks’?


Yep, more commonly known as “the democrat party”


Oh, totally coincidental. /sarc
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Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

UC Berkeley. Of course that shithole would have someone attached to this clusterfuck as a lecturer.

Real solid education there, folks.


They taught commissary how to Marxist. He is probably over there right now sitting on his ass talking about how great Hamas is, encouraging the next generation to waste their lives on some bullshit.


He has claimed that he gets on their shitlist, too.

Communists generally do not want to be told they are doing Communism wrong.


Most -especially- from Bourgeois Posers.


With that glowing personality I don’t see how that could be.


Whose daddies are funding the little monsters?


The next gen


Mini Me (right)


Palestine is just camouflage like BLM, like LGBA to Z…
The Agents of Chaos take an unrelated cause to rally the gullible students in this case to their “cause du jour”. They are Marxist/Communist/Fascist entities who’s only goal is mayhem.
Is there anything funnier then Queers for Palestine?
Is there anything funnier then college students yelling “Kill the Jews” while calling someone else a Nazi? They sat in their lecture halls scoffing at the German populace for being so dumb to believe in Hitler’s ideals while they go goosestepping through The Quad holding a ‘Final Solution’ sign and burn the Israeli flag. Apparently, they were absent the day Irony was discussed in English 101. Heydrich would be so proud of them…


Heydrich would strafe their asses once their usefulness ended.


Take their little ashes to the showers.


And now they’re “occupying” buildings on campus and barricading themselves in calling it a “student intifada” while wearing Hamas headbands…

Oh, how ashamed of themselves they’re going to be in a few short years.


Sadly, I doubt they will be.. They are completely lacking in self awareness, as well as the slightest sign of intelligence


Adam Calhoun had their number:


That was so awesome….putz couldn’t even put the magazine in the AK! Wish these Hamas fascists would come here to Kingman, AZ….we sent bus loads of ANTIFA and BLM wimps packing during the summer of love. They tried to bus them in from Vegas and Phoenix, and a couple hundred of us met them armed to the teeth! Try that in a small town!

RGR 4-78

The first job interview, when the discussion about their background check results starts.


What makes the students such easy targets? Is it the respective naïveté that comes with being coddled as child?

Are they a well-meaning community, desperate to learn, becoming easy prey for wolves hiding behind sheepskins? Is it due to the simple fact that 18-22-year olds tend to think they know everything but are only just educated enough to realize that their parents’ generation doesn’t?

Whatever the reason(s), how can a society address it?


They have been taught this since kindergarten. this comes from the leftist teachers coming out of the colleges as they have been for over 30 years.


Fair enough. How do we address it?


dismantle the Department of Education would be a start..


Time to start yanking some serious knots in some asses. Student? You have 30 minutes to vacate campus, we will pack your stuff up and you can get later. Also, banned from any university property or event. No refund on what’s left of your student loan for the school year.
Not a student? Trespassing at the very least, and Jack the fine up high enough to make their eyes water and their breath get short. No release from jail until fine is paid. Too much of a fine? You can appeal, but your ass is staying in jail until you get a different ruling.

Also, any participants who engage in these ” protests” who want their student loans “forgiven” will be SOL period.


And NO degree.

Hack Stone

A few of the conservative talking heads are asking how all of these “spontaneous demonstrations” magically amassed thousands of identical tents and delivered to dozens of “mostly peaceful” demonstrations throughout the country. And O’Connor and Company (WMAL Washington DC) asked why are there no pro Hamas demonstrations in the Middle East. Maybe they know more than the enlightened students in American colleges.

USMC Steve

With dozens of identical tents set up in reasonably decent cover and alignment…


But, of course…
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Imagine that, the jewish Nazi is behind this, just like most recent attempts to destroy this nation…

Why are he and his devil spawn son still stealing oxygen???

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I once asked my Land ladies next door Jewish cousin who at the time was 12 years old worked in the Peenemunde Poland V-2 rocket plant where she carried explosives with the other prisoners why her own people were ratting out her own kind to the Nazis, and she said that was done to survive the war.


I can understand self preservation, and I can’t say for sure what I’d do were I in that position.. but it seems like condemning others to death in the hopes of saving your own skin is somewhat lacking in honor…


Didn’t stop him any.

Hack Stone

Collaborating with those wanting to eradicate your family may spare you temporarily, but your name will be forever cursed. Something about dying on your feet then living on your knees.


Such compromises are made by honorable people, every day. Honorable action without reasoned inhibition leads to death atop some very peculiar hills.

Usually, hindsight is required to see the right molehill to claim as your mountain. In one light, if we’re honest with ourselves, we’re all cowards more often than we care to admit; from another perspective, those who already know the cost yet help the enemy exact it for small personal favor – that is an entirely other degree of craven.


Bull crap!


The perfect Halloween mask.


His mentor…

jeff LPH 3 63-66

His mentor ended up getting killed by the resistence but the whole towns population was wiped out after him going to hell.


His favorite role models as a kid:
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Sure, he looked better played by Kenneth Branaugh in Conspiracy… but he was a weasel in more ways than one:


Yesssssss…. Excellent!


What! No hot tubs nor bubble baths? Protest!

Hack Stone

Fall of 1990 at the port in Saudi Arabia, some Colonel wanted all of the cinderblocks holding down the tent lines aligned. Master Guns just rolled his eyes at the idiocy. Greatest Master Guns Hack ever worked for.


It might have something to do with the Palestinians trying to take over every single country that they get allowed in to.


All ya have to do is read the book that the peodphile they worship “wrote”.. it says clearly that they’re supposed to do this… as someone much smarter once said…
“when they tell you who they are, believe them!”



Army-Air Force Guy

Old Georgie, he’s part of the “good” 1%.


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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Too bad two people with balls and spine isn’t willing to walk by the tents…the first one sprays lighter fluid on the tents; the second one flicks a lit match on same tents. Both continue walking. Hilarity ensues.


I just had my septic tank pumped.
The truck needs to dispose of it somewhere.
It will make the grass grow where the tents used to be.


Poo makes the grass grow! Spray!Spray!Spray!

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Notice that in certain places, the tents were the same kind in design and color which were trucked in by the Herr soros Nazis. A self hating Jew like Herr soros gives my religion a bad name. I lived through this shit while growing up in the 1950’s, While a Buff in 1960 at FDNY
L 158, While working at Brink’s starting in 1970 and as a Volly in 1977 in E Rockaway Long Island NY.


Somebody spent a shitload of money for Kelty tents. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that they’re all the same design, mostly in the same color.


It’s a wonder some vendor hasn’t noticed an uptick in camping tents lately. What with computerized inventory and all that to track merchandise. Paging Walmart, Dicks Sporting goods, Jeff Bezos…. phone call, line 1


I wonder if it’s the same supplier of all the camo clothing the “entrants” in this area are often caught wearing.


Keffiyeh manufacturers are having an economic fiesta as well.


Just like those pallets of bricks tgat got delivered before BLM riots… er, “mostly peaceful” demonstrations



S2 Underground is reporting some nefarious shit at UCLA (vid).

I’m looking for Scrotum Eyes here to take as many people with him as possible.

Nazis do what nazis do.



Wait a second, you’re not saying that China, North Korea, Russia, or any of our other adversaries, not to mention Ham-Ass would take advantage of the knowledge gained from the covid bioweapon and our response to it, and utilize these “useful” idiots to further their cause by releasing another bioweapon are you??


Nah, don’t be silly ( insert /snark thing here).


I’d never think of insinuating anything like that.

Btws, today is the 79th anniversary of Soros’ Fuhrer’s death.

Let’s see what else the vile lizards have in store for us.
I’m waiting, assholes!

Hack Stone

Ironic that more people mourned the death of Adolph Hitler than Daniel Bernath. Of course, Don Shipley never had to get a restraining order against Adolph Hitler.


Yeah, including Eamon de Valera, who personally called on the German embassy in Dublin to give his condolences on the death of Herr Hitler, justifying it as a courtesy from one head of state to another.


Bad people do bad things? Surely, you jest! /sarc

Prior Service

On the other hand, I attended my daughter’s graduation from a master’s program last week. No sign of a protest anywhere and the single longest set of applause at the commencement ceremony was for the 9 army and 14 USAF ROTC graduates (even longer than when the university president promised to forgive alumni parking tickets).


I send your daughter my sincere congratulations on her scholastic accomplishments! My thanks to the proud parents, too. There IS hope for the future!

Green Thumb

Meet my axe handle.


Pick handles swing better and give a much better sound on impact. Something about the resonant frequencies of the skull harmonizing with the heavier pick handle. It may take repeated experimentation.


I’m a traditionalist.


Drill it out and fill the hole with lead.
Now that’s traditional.


Yep…I inherited my Father-in-law’s attitude adjuster…a pick handle he reamed one end in a bell shape, and filled it with lead, the bell shape locks the lead in. He took a wood burner and put “attitude adjuster” on the side. I keep it by my bedside, alond with a shotgun, 38 revolver, and a 9mm carbine!

Last edited 5 months ago by Gunsrfun

Green Thumb,
Tire checker.
Sold at truck stops everywhere.
Simple like this, on the cheap.
Or more elaborate, carved, engraved, and more.


I’ve got a few of those laying around from my driving days. Have never thrown them out for whatever reason as I don’t drive for a living any longer. Kept them around for just in case. Seems my semi- hoarding skills may finally pay dividends.


To paraphrase Bart Simpson, “we need another Vietnam to think out their ranks”.

Hack Stone

So, we’re not doing the “Hate speech = violence” thing anymore? Hack Stone is old enough to remember when misgendering someone was enough to get you banished. Apparently calling for the eradication of Jews is now not is condemned, it is mandated.


Okay when Leftists do it, once again.


Check out the leader of the bunch at Columbia University. She is whining about food, water and basic medical care,, and how they’re entitled to. The jokes just write themselves. Piss poor planning on the organizers part, which now looks like it was planned on a cocktail napkin.

Shut off all utilities and food service, station cops and national guard at the doors and windows, fire tear gas as needed, and pepper spray any who try to escape/ get by. Max charges to be filed.

Read the article and see what she is majoring in. It’s pretty much indoctrination. She should not only be charged, she should be fired as well, if the University says she doesn’t speak for us.


Just turn off the power. No Iphones no posting. Done in 12 hours.

A Proud Infidel®™

Cut their WiFi off and really hear them screech!


The ONLY reason universities are cracking down is because the big money donors ( probably Jewish to boot), are pulling, or threatening to pull, their donations. Can’t have an ivy league school if you have no more money than the local community College or trade school.


Soros is the equivalent of a 21st century Sonderkommando


I found this last night and it’s interesting to see who controls dark money, how it’s passed around and who benefits. About 18 minutes long.


Theses facist Hamas aholes all need their asses kicked. Come to Kingman, AZ and see what happens. The facists pretending to be Anti-fascist A.K.A ANTIFA, and their fag brother BLM tried to bus a bunch of people in here from Las Vegas and Phoenix back in the “summer of love”, and we met them with a few hundred armed men and women armed to the teeth…the quickly learned we don’t put up with crap like that here…we sent their punk ass right back where they came from….Feeling your oats Hamas punks…come give it a try in and get your stinking NAZI butts whipped….try it in a small town…we protect our own.