Stupid people of the week

| April 28, 2024

Tourist Falls into Active Indonesian Volcano While Posing for Photo

A Chinese tourist died after tumbling into an active volcano in Indonesia while trying to get a photo of the crater’s mouth.

Huang Lihong, 31, was sightseeing with her husband in Banyuwangi at the Ijen Crater, known for its stunning “blue fire,” on Saturday when the tragic accident occurred, the Straits Times reported.

The couple’s tour guide said he warned them about keeping a safe distance from the volcano’s opening, which Huang listened to at first.

However, the woman began inching closer to the edge in order to capture “a more beautiful backdrop,” according to the South Asian news outlet.

As she walked backward, Huang appeared to trip on her long clothing before plunging nearly 250 feet over the side of the cliff and into the crater.

Local police confirmed the death on Sunday and classified it as an accident.

It took more than two hours for Huang’s body to be retrieved, with photos obtained by the Daily Mail showing rescuers lifting her lifeless remains out on a stretcher.

The active volcano, one of more than 100 that exist across Indonesia, is a popular tourist destination as well as a mining site for yellow sulfur.

While the crate is active and “regularly” expels gasses and flames, the site is open to the public and frequently has guided tours and hikes.

Source; Breitbart

‘Improperly handled’ | Law enforcement officials question local police chief’s handling of rape case against deputy

Two separate law enforcement officials are sounding the alarm when it comes to the Fordoche Police Chief and his ability to investigate. This follows a deputy’s call for the chief’s resignation after being wrongfully arrested and charged with first-degree rape.

Chief Jaroed “Tait” Slocum is accused of “multiple missteps” in the rape and voyeurism case against Mason Troth, a deputy with the East Feliciana Sheriff’s Office.

Troth’s name and mugshot were plastered on the majority of news networks after he was labeled a rapist in December 2023. He was accused of first-degree rape of a woman he met on a website. The two had been talking for nearly three months before they decided to meet to have sex. However, days after the alleged consensual hookup, the woman reported that she had been raped by Troth.

Chief Slocum was in charge of the investigation that led to Troth’s arrest. However, a grand jury chose to drop the charges saying the evidence did not amount to a rape charge or video voyeurism.

Now Slocum’s investigative methods are being questioned by two high-ranking law enforcement officials and district attorney Tony Clayton.

Captain Cedrick Epps, who investigated the case while at the Pointe Coupee Parish Sheriff’s Office, wrote that he “observed multiple issues” with how Chief Jaroed “Tait” Slocum handled the investigation, according to a February 2024 letter to law enforcement officials obtained by UWK. The core issues were that Slocum allegedly:

  • Mishandled evidence including a rape kit and a cell phone with key evidence on it.
  • Gave “false information” to the DA’s office.
  • Did not take meaningful steps to investigate the alleged crime before arresting Troth.

“(Slocum) had the evidence there, and he should have reviewed it,” Clayton told UWK. “Ultimately, the actions of Sheriff Jeff Travis and Major Bill Cox, and because of what our investigation revealed, justice was served. Sometimes, the wheel of justice turns slowly, but in this case, justice was served because the deputy was cleared. This was a clear indication in my mind that the deputy should not have been charged with what he was charged.”

UWK asked Clayton if he had concerns when it comes to the Fordoche police chief.

“Any case that comes to me, I thoroughly review it to see if the charges are legitimate. I reviewed this case from the Fordoche police chief, and I didn’t think the charges withstood constitutional muster,” said Clayton. “It’s unfortunate that the deputy had to go through this, but we were able to catch it when it got to us, and corrective actions were put into place.”

Slocum did not answer any questions with much detail when contacted by UWK.

“I’m not commenting on anything in reference to this case,” Slocum said on a call with UWK Wednesday.

In light of these experiences, Troth has called for Chief Slocum’s resignation. However, Chief Slocum declined to comment on that question as well.

More at the source; Unfiltered with Kiran

1 killed, 13 hurt after driver rams truck into Tex. state agency, officials say

One person was killed and 13 others injured Friday after a man crashed a stolen 18-wheeler truck into a Department of Public Safety office in Brenham, Tex., one day after he was denied a commercial driver’s license in the same building, officials said.

The driver, identified by authorities as Clenard Parker, 42, was being pursued by police when he slammed the semitrailer into the exterior wall of the government building about 75 miles northwest of Houston, Sgt. Justin Ruiz with the Texas Department of Public Safety said during a news conference Friday afternoon.

Parker, who was not hurt, was later taken into custody, he said. Public safety staff had told Parker on Thursday that “he was not eligible to renew his commercial driver’s license,” Ruiz said.
The truck hit the building around 10:30 a.m., ramming the area where the driver’s license office and waiting area are located, officials said. Fourteen people, including DPS workers and civilians, were inside.

Six people were airlifted or driven to hospitals and eight others had injuries treated at the scene, Ruiz said. One of those hurt in the crash died after being transported, he said. The victim’s identity has not been released.

It’s not immediately clear how many of the victims were civilians or DPS staffers.

Texas state Sen. Lois Kolkhorst (R), whose hometown is Brenham, said the incident is a reminder of workplace dangers those in public service can face.

“That office right there is something known to … everyone in Brenham,” Kolkhorst said. “We’ve taken our children to get their driver’s license there. I’ve gotten my driver’s license there. It’s a place of public service.”

“What we’ve seen today was an act of violence,” she added.

The Texas Department of Public Safety is a sprawling state agency tasked with addressing a wide scope of issues, including threats to schools, mass attacks in public places, sex trafficking and security operations along the U.S.-Mexico border, according to its website. It also has offices across the state that issue driver’s licenses.

The day after he was denied a license renewal, Parker got into a semitrailer that had been reported stolen, fled police along the highway and ultimately took a “hard right turn” into the DPS building, Ruiz said. He is facing multiple felony offenses, Ruiz added.

The incident remains under investigation, which is being led by the Texas Rangers.

“We will prosecute this person to the full extent of the law,” Kolkhorst said. “Because this will not be tolerated.”

Source; MSN

New York D.A. Fails to Stop for Speeding Ticket, Swears at Police Officer: ‘I Understand the Law Better Than You’

A New York district attorney was caught speeding and subsequently failed to stop for authorities before having a heated interaction with the officer who attempted to pull her over.

Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley returned home on April 22 following the attempted traffic stop in Webster, N.Y., and then repeatedly refused to comply with the officer’s commands when he arrived at her house, bodycam footage of the exchange showed.

In the footage, which the Webster Police Department provided to local outlet WHAM-TV, she mentioned her position as district attorney several times, swore at the officer and called Webster Police Chief Dennis Kohlmeier on her cellphone, telling him: “Can you please tell him [the officer at her home] to leave me alone?”

After arriving at her home and exiting her car, Doorley, who could be seen standing inside of her garage, told the officer, “I’m sorry. I’m the D.A. I was going 55 coming from work.”

Pointing out the reason for the traffic stop, the officer, who was standing outside of the garage, told Doorley, “55 in a 35,” and she responded, “I don’t really care.”

The officer then asked her to “come over here,” telling her, “This is on a traffic stop, ma’am.”

Visibly irritated, Doorley refused to comply, instead telling the officer to call Chief Kohlmeier “right now.”

“I’m telling you why I stopped you. You didn’t stop at all. Did you not hear my lights or sirens or anything?” the officer asked, and Doorley claimed she did not.

She then seemingly reached Chief Kohlmeier on her phone, asking him to tell the officer to “leave me alone,” and continued to refuse the officer’s requests to comply with procedure, including providing her identification.

Elsewhere in the tense exchange, Doorley also called the officer an “a——” and told him, “I understand the law better than you,” and “Get out of my f—— house.”

Later, after more officers arrived on the scene, she apologized for her behavior, telling them, “I’ve had a really bad day.”

More at the source; People Magazine

Georgia State Patrol knows how to deal with stupid people

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Crime, Police, Stupid Criminals

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I believe this is a live action video of the Chinese tourist falling into the volcano.

Last edited 4 months ago by 5JC

Points for the video. What was even better was the ad for a “cold, refreshing drink” before the video started.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

There’s one tourist who won’t repeat their faux paux again.


She backed up to get wider view.


Nice to see that Georgia isn’t molly coddling those dirt bags like so many others.


I saw that the other day and it still makes my belly rumble every time.


In a .gif:
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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

This warms the cockles of my black flabby heart.
Don’t want to be treated like a child throwing a tantrum? Then don’t behave like a child throwing a tantrum.

It did remind me of the time that I had to get my overstimulated, over tired 4-year-old out of Chuck E Cheese. He’s an engineer now but I’ll remember that day until I die.


Does he remember the incident, or do you remind him whenever possible. Maybe you can reminisce when he has kids and is faced with the same situation.


No kids yet, but but when it happens going to whip it right out at the appropriate moment.

Last edited 4 months ago by 5JC
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Spoken like a true (grand)dad


Came across an AP news article this morning and it seems those being arrested want their arrest record of these protests erased from their records so that it won’t hurt future job searches. Can’t find it at the moment, but will keep looking.

Their entitled ( in their own minds) whiney asses sure want a lot.
Student loan debt cancellation
Protest arrest records wiped clean
The supposed adults to break any/all business dealings with Israel

According to the article, some were made homeless when they were booted from their dorm room. Sucks to be them, but oh well.


Yeah, the Congress fraud woman who wants to give all of our money to Africa, her daughter got booted out and now she says she’s homeless.


Boo frikken hoo.

Or should I say… bwahhahaha.

So many descriptive terms to use…
The list goes on and on.

Some of these kids are our future leaders, God help us all (those that are left).


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A Proud Infidel®™

I noticed that Trooper quickly took an “I’m NOT playing pattycake with you!” attitude with the snowflake and rightfully so, I wonder if he bawled like that while he asked his Mommy and Daddy for bail money?


He showed them on the doll where the bad man hurt him.

Amateur Historian

Alec Baldwin’s Crackhead? 🤨

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Well, then, let’s place you in a cage and ship you back to your homeland. Africa, I presume? Which part?

Amateur Historian



Person dies in vehicle fire, crash in Hebron (Link)
That straight and level-ish road is marked 35. That ain’t no thirty-five. (see image)

There is a real good possibility that I might known who this is, and if correct, not shocked at all.


“I fought the Laws of Physics, and the Laws won…”


Ah, the Bernath Elegy!🤣


I am going to go out on a limb and say the reason for the crash here wasn’t an empty fuel tank.


A Berkley Free Speech Movement guy slams the current crop of Leftist protestors for being ignorant, supporting tyranny and generally full of crap:

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

I guess he forgot that the studies showed that 80% of those there for the Free speech Movement had no idea what was going on and were there for the party.


True– most went to meet girls– but, even so, the f*cktards today are worse.
comment image


Notice Georgia ‘tourist’ was hollering he was being hurt. Video I saw (here?) of protestor holding what looked like rebar inside a price of pvc pipe also loudly claimed he was being hurt. Per training?


Has said protester actually experienced pain (except for that time his parents forgot to stock up on hot pockets)?


I think this whole campus situation can be remedied with some judicious applications of hickory shampoo.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Or, if you don’t want to get that close, a paintball gun with teargas pellets.


There’s just something satisfying when you feel that solid contact…kind of like when you get a hold of a hanger when you’re in the batter’s box. *CRACK*

“You can put it on the board…YES” – Ken “Hawk” Harrelson

Commissioner Wretched

Absolute kudos for the Hawk Harrelson quote! I grew up on the north side of Chicago and am a lifelong Cubs fan, but I did enjoy the Hawk calling a Sox game.


Firehouse, on sprinkle, with attached applicator of strong soap. Most of those stinkers will fade away.

When the hardcore stinkers don’t leave, adjust the nozzle to “oh yeah?”

Sort of a game of Hydraulic Nazi Bocce.

Or, water cannons? Set on very high pressure. Give the turds a shower and remove their tents at the same time.


Don’t forget the enema nozzle on the water cannon.


Add a little bleach.


Meanwhile off in the havens of liberalism the chickens are roosting just like they were trained. I fail to see the problem here.

California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt issued a statement Sunday, condemning the “lawless behavior” of anti-Israel protesters who have taken over two academic buildings, and rebranded them “Intifada Hall.”

The university said its issue was not with the protest itself, but with the “ongoing unlawful occupation of campus buildings by students and non-students.”

The protesters’ objectionable actions, the university said, include such “criminal acts” as “vandalism, theft, destruction of state property and intimidation of University employees,” actions that have created “safety hazards for those who have barricaded themselves inside, blocking exits to the building.”

“This has nothing to do with free speech or freedom of inquiry,” the university said. “ It is lawless behavior that has harmed the vast majority of our students whose education has been interrupted, damaged the reputation of our school, and drained resources from the accomplishment of our core educational purpose.”

That’s just crazy talk. Next they will be saying that burning Minneapolis to the ground and looting all the stores had nothing to with racism. Of maybe it’s just a NIMBY thing? After all how can they be the burning light of liberalism and acceptance when the Nazi are taking over study hall.


Anyone wants to know the story behind the photo of the Tomcat RIO at the start of this post, here it is