Dazhon Darien framed principal with deep fake video

| April 28, 2024

Dazhon Darien, 31, created a deep fake video framing the principal as racist. Principal Eric Eiswert, Pikesville High School’s principal, launched an investigation into Darien’s alleged misuse of school funds. Darien was the athletic director for the school; he created and released the deep fake audio to retaliate against Eiswert’s action. The principal even suspected Darien as being behind the deep fake.

From the New York Post:

In the clip, the mimicked voice of Eiswert said African American students were unable to “test their way out of a paper bag” and that there were two Jewish teachers who “should never have been hired at the school,” according to charging documents obtained by 2 WMAR.

As punishment, Eiswert was temporarily removed from the school — but he declared his innocence and told police he believed the audio clip was falsified using AI.

He even pointed to Darien as the culprit, telling officials he was “technologically savvy.”

Even more damning, there were conversations about not renewing Darien’s contract for the following semester following multiple work-related issues since beginning his role as athletic director in July 2023, including firing a long-standing coach at the school without approval and paying his roommate as an assistant coach despite not working for any teams.

“Through their investigation, detectives alleged Mr. Darien who was the athletic director at the high school made the recording to retaliate against the principal who had launched an investigation into the potential mishandling of school funds,” Chief of Police Robert McCollough said.

The FBI and an expert from the University of California, Berkley ultimately tied Darien to the simulated audio to an email account under the alias TJ Foust, which he allegedly used to send the phony recording to his own work email and other teachers at the school.

The New York Post has the balance of this article.

Category: "Teh Stoopid"

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Too bad Dazhon didn’t use his tech savvyness to get into a good college instead.


I’m not surprised you picked this up. This is down the street from my house and my neighbor used to work as a teacher at the school before he moved up to the Baltimore county Education administration.
Yeah, this is so new (AI) and this is so fucked up that they don’t even have a law to charge the dude with the impersonation/fraud whatever.
I’m just thankful that they had enough Capability and thought to actually correctly investigate this situation.
I also am glad that the guy was not technologically smart enough to do a serious well edited deep fake, Because you know that kind of thing is gonna come sooner than later. 😬


It may not be a crime but you can sue for slander in Maryland. I would take it into the seven figure range, damage is to the professional and personal reputation.

Ironically, since he did it at school with school computers on school time, the school board might actually be held liable as well. It’s a pretty big might, but it’s not out of the realm of possibility.


Sue them all, and set precedent.


Shake that tree baby shake that tree!!!!!🌲💰 🌳 💵


Hey! Money doesn’t grow on trees!🤣


I does when it’s attached to a pension. Let him keep working (elsewhere), and attach his wages, and future earnings.

If he gets a raise, the principal gets a raise. Fashion it after child/spousal support.


When I lived in Baltimore a few years ago, I would occasionally run into someone that would bring up “racism” and “white supremacy” effecting the city, and the need for change.

This line of thinking is so rampant amongst so many in the community that if one can’t find the boogeyman, they’ll do what it takes to invent him.

Green Thumb

Dazhon Darien = extra turd.


Somewhat off-topic, but… Brits get that Israel not the bad guys:

NR Pax

So basically, it’s Jussie Smollett with technical skills.


MARGINAL technical skills. If he was any good, his plan would’ve worked.


Well… It’s just a theory, but…


Honky? Here you go:


A little blues ditty by Hank Jr.!

A Proud Infidel®™

Dazhon Darien, I wonder what the score the Whiz Wheel® would get on that name? So has he played his ACME® Race Card™ yet?


Went looking for a middle name (he has at least 10 or 12 pages of entries on every search engine) and came up with some extra information that will add to the overall Whiz Wheel®™ score.

His nickname is “DJ” and he holds a Master of Education Certificate from Southern New Hampshire University (cue the TV ads). To answer the ACME® Race Card question, he played that one in an eviction case against him while still living in Califruity land before moving to Maryland.

Anyway, here’s the spin/score:

Dazhon Leslie Darien-Spaulding (FRPR*) 45 x 8 = 360

* Full Retard Past Rutabaga (H/T to API®™)


Y’all are not going to believe this but, he’s also a big fat liar who’s been fired from every job he’s ever had.


I was personally shocked. Not because of this I ran into some static electricity when I was wearing my slippers this morning.


No! He struck me as a capable and reliable fellow. 🤣


Pretty good follow up to the initial story here:


More than anything else that gets me, is all of this is done in a way that is meant to influence the kids.

Last edited 4 months ago by QMC