Joe Biden signs $95 billion military aid package

| April 26, 2024 | 27 Comments

Congress came up with the votes needed to pass a foreign aid military package and send it to Joe Biden’s desk. This foreign aid package benefits Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. Biden declared his intent to make this aid available within hours. He also reiterated his strong support for Israel, describing it as “ironclad.” He also expressed the need for Israel to get the humanitarian aid to Gaza.

From NPR:

Military analysts are not predicting major changes on the frontlines in eastern Ukraine. Despite ongoing fighting, both sides are dug in and the lines have moved little in the past 18 months.

Ukraine’s main goal will likely be to stabilize conditions in this region.

The weapons being supplied by the U.S., and also by European countries, could improve Ukraine’s prospects in the south, particularly the Crimean Peninsula and the Black Sea, according to Herbst.

“Putin has a real vulnerability in Crimea and southern Ukraine,” he said. “He needs to keep his troops supplied there. Ukraine can make that supply route much less efficient and thereby hinder Russian military operations.”

Ukraine launched a major offensive in eastern and southern Ukraine last summer to much fanfare, but managed only modest gains, far short of expectations.

Herbst said the inflow of U.S. weapons now is not likely to determine the outcome of the war. He sees no realistic prospect of a resolution — on the battlefield or through negotiations — in the near term.

But he said the U.S. support sends a strong signal and will give Ukraine the resources to keep fighting this year and beyond.

NPR provides additional information here.

Category: International Affairs, Israel, Russia, Ukraine

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And ZERO to secure the southern border.


Depending on what happens at the Supreme Court, I am salivating thinking of Obama and Holder standing tall for the death of Brian Terry and arming drug cartels. It wont happen but there is hope.


That was W’s fault, remember?


W’s started it but Berry and Holder with Rahm and others added the Fast and Deadly part.


W’s guys saw that it was doomed from the start and immediately stopped. Obama and Holder said “It’ll work this time, we’ll do it right”. We’ve all heard that before.


W’s operation didn’t lose track of the limited number they allowed to cross.


Yes, that was their lie, but the rifle used to shoot Terry was sold during Obama, and it crossed the border pursuant to Holder’s ATF operation to permit guns sold to straw purchases to be smuggled to Mexico to the cartels.


Orange Man, too.


Senile old sonofabitch is really going to force us to take matters into our own hands.


What’s your take on why the bipartisan bill wasn’t good? It seems like everything else in that bill has now gone ahead (Ukraine, Israel, etc):


My take is that it was sold to the American public as a bill to secure the border, when the actual bill gave crumbs to border security and billions everywhere else. In other words, it was a blatant lie. This bill, blocked by democrats, is actually relevant to border security and does not use it as legislative camouflage.


Also, the original bill authorized restricting the illegal crossings only when they exceeded 5000 per day at the southern border.


WTF is this “bipartisan” bullshit?
There is only one party.


Millions for defense but not one cent for…you know..the thing.


The MIC…grins.


Until we disentangle ourselves from all the reliance on foreign nations, yeah, propping up these countries as bulwarks against enemies we are to weak to fight ourselves is necessary.
If we can give Ukraine a few billion here and there to kill Russians, I’m ok with that. Drains resources from Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran.

Israel killing Hamas? Yeah, ok, I’ll help out there. More drain on Iran.

Money spent on Taiwan to poke China in the eye? Yep. I’m always willing to make China’s life harder.

Now, Mr Congressman, how much are you going to spend to stop the infiltration of the Southern border? No other business should be done until that’s fixed. Government shutdown? Ok. I’ve survived 100% of those in my lifetime. Have at it.


Remember when Trump said he was going to punch China in the mouth? The only people he hurt with that statement was the Chinese obviously, but also the bought and paid for by China, politicians. They have since done everything in their power to put the screws to “We the people ” since the doddering old fool was installed. They are bound and determined to show us they don’t give the first, or any, shit about us.


I’ll just stick this right here…

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Does he even know what he’s signing, or is he doing a trick for an ice cream cone or a milk shake. Like a treat one gives a puppy for doing its business outside and not on the carpet.


This just in… Chicoms after your know-how for their benefit without telling you:

AW1 Rod

When I did my taxes, I should’ve just written a fucking check to Volodymyr Zelensky.


We are even paying the pensions of their retirees.


Zelensky says he is negotiating a ten-year agreement with the Biden regime for continued support. So you may be paying increased taxes for the next ten years if the D-rats have their way. When the Trump tax cuts expire, everyone making more than $75K a year will have a substantial increase in their income tax bill. The 0bamunists also want to substantially scale down those generous standard deductions. If you are married, filing jointly, without other dependents, you may have to say goodbye to that $30K plus standard deduction.

Amateur Historian

Ukraine? No.

Military aid to Israel and Taiwan, I believe, is aligned with US interests. But considering our CinC is a potato, the Hamas war will just be prolonged with no effort made into ending it, especially since we’re providing aid to both sides. And Taiwan? Military aid is nice, but I do not think it’ll deter the chicoms. Leadership is the thing that is needed most and it is in critically short supply. Throwing money at the problem and hoping for the best is not a solution.

But what do I know, right?

Last edited 10 days ago by Amateur Historian

Not that Ukraine likes to make sizeable political contributions through folk like Sam Bankman-Fried out of gratitude for the aid or anything like that.
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Last edited 9 days ago by Anonymous
Skivvy Stacker

$95 Billion….with a fuckin’ B.

How much did they say was far too much to spend on the “Racist” wall on the southern border? $5 Billion? Something like that?
And what are they spending to find, arrest, and deport all of these dirt wads who are currently on our college campuses around the country who are openly TELLING US, directly, in plain English, and in no uncertain terms; “We ARE Hamas!”???
What is this government doing to quell this anti-Jewish slime that I have NEVER seen in my life, hoped I would never see in my life, and thought had been ended with the utter destruction of Nazi Germany?
What am I to think of my service during the Cold War that was meant to make sure this kind of idiocy would never raise it’s ugly, empty, moronic head once again?


It really blows that whole ‘ Shadowy Zionist Overlords ‘ myth out of the water.
Since…if elected officials can act in such a disgusting manner, they obviously aren’t ‘ puppets ‘